
2 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

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tent scraps

wip details

Their function(speciality) is to put details and parts together into a unified whole. Specifically knowledge, but also materials, especially metals.  System of thought construction, connections between ideas, etc.

Within their Abstraction they transmute energy, turning it into different types of materials and shaping and turning it into works of art. They build structures, then demolish them only to reuse the materials, building them anew to be reunified in different forms. One of their favorite pastimes is to make exact replicas of living creatures using these materials, then placing them into different environments that correspond to their appearance.

structures that are usually made out of several different parts, seamlessly put together into one piece. intricate replicas of organic beings, made up of inorganic parts, down to the tiniest piece of matter- the wing of a dragonfly, say. they appear to be unmoving to the casual observer- but are they really?

Their Abstraction can be described as a "gray" area, as the ground and sky are both gray. The ground is metallic and the sky ranges from a light fog-colored gray to a dark smoky gray, depending on their mood. It is filled with their projects in both an unfinished and finished state. They store their favorite creations in a centrally-located building that is a combination of a museum and library.

they are calm and logical, able to look at a problem or question and devise a solution. their mind is taken up with their work, and they are always thinking of new projects or ways to improve upon old ones.

Edifice is a calm, logical Edeia. They are formal and somewhat stiff, though polite, when interacting with others.