Certain Doom Side RPs

2 years, 2 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
44 168666

Chapter 30
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence

A collection of side RPs taking place between DnD sessions

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Author's Notes

Alastor, Dante, and Cereza have a chat around the fire about what they saw in the woods.

Night in the Woods

Having just finished a hunt with Alastor, Cereza sat by the campfire while holding her dagger. There was no way in fuck she was going back down to the lake after what had happened to her, so instead the woman pulled out her water skin and poured a small amount onto her knife to clean the blood of the metal. Once it was clean enough, she would wipe it off on her pants again and put it away... man she was hungry...

Alastor just sits down and keeps to himself, he was glad to be out of the city. But being out here... didn't feel great either. He should be happy with as much money as he had now, enough to live his life in peace. Or well... enough for one lifetime. But now that stuff didn't matter did it? He already died. And this was all... what happened after. His mind was clouded with heavy thoughts.

Dante was flipping through his tome by the fire and looked up as Alastor and Cereza returned, his eyes widening at the sight of the deer.

"Woah, uh... nice... catch?" he said, glancing to them both, slightly alarmed to see Alastor keeping to himself. He thought the other would be in a better mood after getting paid and getting out of the city. Had something happened in the woods?

"Uh... how are you feeling, y'know, after that thing in the water?" he asked Cereza. He glanced to Alastor as well, taking out his quill writing in his book.

{You okay?} he asked, opting to use a method of asking that Al could respond to if he wanted.

"My lungs are sore...." Cereza admitted as she leaned back on the grass. "I don't go in deep water enough to begin with... now I really don't feel the itch to go in it again..." Rolling her head, she cracked her neck. "The shock hurt a less then the inhaling of the water..."

"Well uh... glad you're okay," Dante said, looking elsewhere and trying not to think about the whole conversation about boobs from earlier. Maybe in light of the eel attack nobody would remember it.

The woman gave him a soft smile. It was... odd thinking that someone cared about her well being.

"Yeah I'm fine Dante", Alastor says as he leans back with his hands behind his head. He just looks at the dark sky. But, he also didn't want Dante to worry about him. "Who knew swimming open in a lake you don't know has monsters in it."

Dante's looked away awkwardly, not expecting Alastor to announce aloud what he had asked privately. But at least he was doing okay.

"They weren't all that strong..." Dante said to no one in particular, glancing to Cereza. "I'm uh... kind of surprised they went after you at all. I would think something that frail would be more uh... y'know skittish. Maybe people don't come this way that often."

"Well.... she said it shocked her so maybe they are use to drowning people. You'd think the locals would put up a warning sign", Al sighs

"Oh. Yeah, maybe. Probably easier to pick people off if... they're alone," Dante said, becoming distracted by the thought momentarily. He turned back to Cereza.

"Do you uh... have any magic to help with that kind of thing? Something that hurts whatever's around you?"

Cereza tuned out till she heard Dante ask her a question. "I have a psychic blade sort of thing where I can summon blades... but I just wasn't prepared for it..." she admitted as she looked over to the two men

Dante nodded, his eyes falling away as he thought to himself. "Well uh... as long as you have something. In case, y'know, something happens."

"I didn't expect to get molested by an eel... that was... something new."

"Don't be so dramatic", Alastor rolls his eyes

"Hey. I've never had that happen. It was odd."

Dante cringed at the choice of words. "Well uh... no more swimming then, I guess," he said awkwardly, at a loss for what else to say. Not that he minded much. Sitting around the campfire was definitely less embarrassing.

"I definitely am gonna stick next to someone... but uh... thanks for the save. And thanks for grabbing me out big guy."

"Well I couldn't just let you drown." Bixio said, as if it was a simple choice for anyone in the face of danger.

At the mention of sticking together, Dante looked between Alastor and Cereza. "Did uh... you guys run into any trouble in the woods?" Was it farfetched to think that one of those night deceivers may have left the city to hunt elsewhere?

"The woods? Naw. Just a herd of deer. But... when we left something caught my attention... i wanna go back in the morning to check it out." Cereza spoke as she shifted a little closer to the fire

"What kind of something?" he asked, clearly interested as he was looking at her intently, but his eyebrows tightened apprehensively.

"Im... not quiet sure.. I can't see in the dark so I only saw a little bit of glow. It was in the trees and vanished in the wind... but it was small. I don't want to go on some clueless adventure, but at dawn I will return to see if I see it again." She told Dante as she held her hands up to the fire. "The forest is my nature. So it wouldnt take me long"

Dante's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're not planning to go alone, right?" he asked.

Cereza shrugged. "I mean, I don't mind. I'm use to being alone. But if someone would like to join I won't object. I don't want to force anyone."

"Well uh... like you said, probably best we stick together out here," he said. "I can go, but I'm uh... not really all that good at sneaking around in the woods."

“I didn’t see whatever she’s talking about”, Alastor says with a shrug. “But, it might be nocturnal so tracking it in the daylight might be hard. Or maybe it’s another creature gone from myth to real..”

"Oh. Yeah that could be. Plus if it's a uh... glowing... thing, might even be harder to find during the day," Dante added.

"I'm not sure... but at dawn I plan to go check."

"Okay, well I uh... don't mind going," Dante offered.

Cereza smiled as she turned her gaze to Dante. There were many things she wanted to say to tease him... but with Alastor sitting near by and how he reacted the previous times... she decided not to. {You know... You are something else~} The woman spoke into his head with a grin.

Dante twitched slightly, clearly not anticipating the mental message. He glanced to Cereza, his eyebrows raised. {Huh?}

{Well, If i said what I really wanted to I feel like Alastor would jump me... or you would get all cute and red in the face~} she teased a little. {But really, Risking your life for someone you dont know in a forest you don't know after some creature that is unknown? Its... It shows a lot about your character. Even back at the lake. Helping out when in reality you all could have just let me be taken.}

Dante's eyes narrowed slightly, his lower lip sticking out in an embarrassed pout as a light blush tinted his cheeks in spite of Cereza's mercy. Had he made the wrong decision volunteering? He had his guesses what kind of stuff she wanted to say, and he worried what might come out if they were alone in the woods with no one to deter her comments.

{I'm not just going to let someone fucking die right in front of me if I can--} he started to say, but his eyes fell away with a pained expression. He took a moment before glancing back to Cereza and reestablishing the connection. {I just... wouldn't be able to live with myself.}

Listening to his response, the women could tell that something had happened in the past, however she was not going to ask. This was something she would ask when they got closer. {Let me explain myself. I come from a place where... you die and no one would give two shits.} Closing her eyes and kept her smile. {So its... its very odd that I have met a group that seems to care. The only other person that I know is the father of my son... So this is.. a little new.} Opening her blue eyes, Cereza turned back to Dante. {This is why I... kinda tease you... I don't know how to... interact with people like you few...} The woman was keeping this between them because she did not want the others to know

Dante looked at her for a moment without saying anything. Was she being serious? Or was this just some roundabout way of making fun of him? As far as he could tell she seemed to get along with the others well enough.

{It's uh... it's fine. I'm not really all that good at uh... talking to people either. So I get it. And I know I'm... just... yeah, I get it,} he said, his eyes falling away again.

The woman chuckled softly before shaking her head. {You are cute when you blush~} she closed her eyes for a moment before laying down on the grass beneath her.

"Fuck off," Dante muttered to himself under his breath. She didn't really mean that, she was just messing with him again. Still, his cheeks darkened a bit more regardless.

Alastor looked at Dante, noticing the shifting hue, he raises a brow. He knew something was up since Dante was more of a reactionary sort of person. So something was making him blush. Alastor wasn't sure what but, he did know about the mental games so he assumed it was some sort of conversation he was not privy too. Great, more people being intrusive with their secret little message game. Cowards.

Alastor shifted his gaze into the darkness of the forest, at least at night he didn't have to be wrapped up from head to toe.

The sudden movement from Alastor came from the corner of her eye caught her attention. It had seemed that he had noticed the two of them perhaps, and judging by the past events and wel... every past even where the two spoke via mind, the twin was not pleased. Not shocking to her however, there were things she didnt want Alastor to know. When it came to the womans... weaknesses, Dante was the more gentler of the two twins, and being torn into constantly was growing thin. Cereza dropped her smile to a more neutral look and drew her book and pen from her bag before flipping to a blank page.