Taming a nightmare

2 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

This has been done through an rp, so what I am mostly pasting the rp. I will be posting the post as me: and twin: for each turn. So don't exactly expect some good literature, it's rp xD I will possibly one day rewrite this to make it more like an actual story as I'm tempted to practice writing a little bit.

The story is about Mikala acquiring Nightmare Corpse and finding out about why he became so cranky.

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Was written by me

Was written by VibingVampire

 It had been a while since Mikala had gotten his first Familiar, Yufae who was a little water dragon. Of course, originally he was aiming for a strong familiar, but he had found her in a bad shape and couldn't let her like that, thus taking care of her and making her his familiar. In a way, it wasn't a bad thing considering she did give him a very useful ability that was technically good for his defense. Well, of course, his defense stayed the same, but his capacity to heal from a wound was what made it useful for him.

    But now was the time to get his second familiar, this time truly aiming for a strong one. He already knew which one he wanted to get, one most people would believe he wouldn't come back alive and a few tried to discourage him from going by the fear of him dieing. But his decision was made, he wanted Nightmare Corpse. If he was gonna die from it, well too bad. He was atleast gonna make sure Yufae has the possibility to escape considering she would stand no chance in a fight against him. But he felt rather confident that he'd survive. Well, naturally he did feel a bit nervous, but confident on most part. The other reason was also that he did cause a lot of damage and death. If he managed to capture him, the village wouldn't have to fear him anymore and killing him would be a waste. He also had one thing he wanted to prove, and he was gonna prove it.

    He finally arrived at the demon mountain, that one place where people said the Dragon/Demon taboo was located. That one place so many tamers died, speaking of which, he noticed a few skeletons lieing here and there, seeming rather unfazed. He expected the view, he knew how dangerous would be and he was ready, mallet in mind, extra armor, a shield and a pouch to hide Yufae since she was small enough. Speaking of which, a feminine voice echoed as the little blue dragon spoke ''Mikala, I don't like this...'' she muttered, seeming more scared than her master. He let out a deep sigh ''You'll be fine, Yufae. I'll make sure of it. And I'll make sure to come back alive.'' She had tried so many time to reason him but to no success, so in the end, she knew their wasn't much she could do. But she'd do her best to protect him if needed.


    The villagers were right to fear for the tamers life- Nightmare was no walk in the park. Many had tried to tame him, many had tried to kill him, but he always came out on top. Nightmare showed no signs of knowing or caring about what he was doing. Even some of the cruelest of demon familiars had the slightest hints of sympathy for other living creatures. Nightmare just seamed to be a beast on the lose.... As Mikala was entering the demon pass that marked where the dark territory began, other familiars could be spotted.... Watching. Most were dragons that had heard stories about Mikala and his familiar.

    "How long do you think this one will last?" One asked. "Not long." One replied. They'd watched tamers of all ages enter and never return.

    Nightmare could already feel another tamer coming. He looked annoyed. Just another soul to consume, just another day. He lifted his spiny head and turned his long snout. "The dragon who waits always has breakfast in bed...." He said smirking, as he looked up at the sky. "Late brunch, same difference." He added, waving his paws. Nightmare was a little bored though. He always waited for them to come to him. This time he got up and made his way into the dead undergrowth of what were once plants to go find his visitors.

    He could hear various whispers through the woods, several dragons talking to eachother with low faith about his survival. In all honesty, they didn't even believe he held a single chance. He was just another stupid and naive tamer playing with fire. At least, that's what they seemed to think and that just irritated him a slight bit. In all honesty, he had no idea if he'd survive or die, but he had prepared himself for so long, just for this moment.

    The little blue dragon curled up, not feeling good about all this. She could hear the voice of her master as he spoke ''If ever something happens, just go away when you get the occasion. I'm the one putting my life on stake, you don't have to do the same if you don't want to.'' he whispered softly, hearing a hiss coming from her ''No way, you made a promise and you better darn keep it!'' she replied. What she said did give him a slight smirk, glad she at least did have a little bit of hope in him as he let out a sigh ''You're right, I did promise.'' he replied.

    As he ventured further, looking around in case he'd come up to them by surprise and staying on his guards, he began smelling a nauseating stench. A putrid scent that he could very well guess came from his target. He had heard that this Taboo had a horrible foul smell. He coughed slightly as he commented ''God, they weren't kidding when they said he smells like putrid shit!'' he bluntly said as Yufae squeaked ''Careful with what you say!'' which got a chuckle from him ''Seriously, you think this kind of familiar will give two shits about what I just said? I'm a happy meal for him at this very moment, I doubt he's gonna start crying in his pillow for what I just said.'' he mumbled. So much for trying to comfort Yufae, he didn't always chose the best words.

    He could finally see him, that beast he had been after, and even though he smelt horrible, his looks we're truly impressive! He was creepy in every way of saying it, imposing and intimidating. Strangely, instead of scaring him, he felt more excited just by the site. Well of course he was nervous, but he did like that sensation. Knowing that he could die actually made things even more exciting, and if he survived against him, he would have accomplished something many had failed. ''So that's him.'' he said, a grin showing up on his face. Surprise attacks we're out of the way considering the beast already knew about his presence and he guessed he'd probably hurry up to attack him, so he didn't say any useless words and just waited for him to come at him, keeping an eye on his movements.

   Nightmare corpse could see Mikala now. This child was different, he was very calm.... Well the calmest Nightmare had seen. Most tamers would shake in their boots just from seeing him, and would give their best attempt not to look like a pansy. The taboo familiar pressed his long claws to the ground and sent his basic lightning curse at Mikala.

    "Should have turned around and gone the other way tamer!" Nightmare's voice rasped roughly. "Tamers that wander into the demon mountains never leave." He added in. Looking up he could see the dragons that were watching run from the scene. Mostly demons stayed to watch, and surprisingly, they had their bets on Mikala. They wanted their territory back from Nightmare Corpse. "The boy and his familiar are small... But this one has a more honest bravery... We shall see how this goes." One demon said to another.

As soon as Nightmare came in scene, he already cursed the boy with his lightning, feeling an electrical shock that made him scream in pain. Yufae did not fear much considering he already knew he was electric type, her master had used a rubber pouch so she wouldn't get electrified. As long as she shut her mouth now. The pain was so big he felt an intense fear and the survival part of his brain screaming run. He even pee'd his pants a little bit. Apart from that sorta embarrassing bit, that intense fear feeling excited him. It gave him adrenaline and made him even more hyper for this. Once the electrocution stopped, he couldn't help but laugh ''IMPRESSIVE!'' he grinned like a mad man ''Where would be the fun if I didn't come? I mean, maybe I'll die, but maybe I'll survive! And I've never felt so alive than just now! The fact none others ever left is what excites me! I go for danger, not for easy targets! That's what makes me feel alive!''

He replied to him as he charged toward him with his mallet, watching out for the demon dragon's move. He still felt the pain of the electrocution, but for the moment it stopped. He didn't know how exactly his curse worked, yet. Which none would know since none survived from it. All people knew was he could use electricity. But he let himself be reckless considering his fast healing ability. He just had to think time to time considering each time he'd get electrified, it would slow him down by a lot and give openings to the target. At this very moment, one could realize why the villagers consider him insane in his head. Constantly going after danger like that. Probably very stupid, as well.

    Nightmare would have thought this tamer to be a noob fresh out of the training camp with no familiar to help him. He did after all look to be alone. However when he noticed Mikala healing faster than usual an snorted. "A healing familiar.... So you have some experience then. You must be a dragon or demon tamer at least. Where is it lurking I might wonder?" He noted as he moved away so he wouldn't get hit in the face. He wasn't willing to use his best spell on this human, not yet. If he could heal then it would be a waist. He had to take out that familiar first.

    This tamer's strategy was so stupid it was brilliant. Nightmare took his human form and used his long tail to lash at Mikala from a safe distance. He wasn't scared but the sealing mallets would leave power wards every time a good hit was landed. He'd be drained and too weak to use his magic if that happened. "Tamers never come here to have fun, they come here to try and get rid of me! Or kill me." Nightmare said, hissing.

And of course, he wasn't exactly a noob. He had also taken a good while to train before going toward Nightmare. Course he knew he could still die and didn't seem to care much in a way, but that did not stop him from getting prepared to make sure he could actually beat him. Their was so many reasons why he wanted that Taboo and he wasn't just gonna give up like that. He smirked as the familiar guessed he already had one and replied ''Somewhere. Not sure myself where she is and it's for the best.'' which wasn't exactly true. He knew where she was, but it could give a little bit more difficulties for Nightmare to find her since he could possibly not think she's closer than he'd think. He now guessed Nightmare's first target would be Yufae, so he had to make sure to keep her protected.

He stared as Nightmare turned into his human form, finding him so freaky that it just interested him even more. As he went to lash his tail, Mikala hurried to dodge as best as he could and used his shield to protect himself, quickly aiming toward the tail with his mallet, after all he had to leave good hits on Nightmare. So he'd hit anywhere he can as long as it sent magic wards. He just grinned ''Oh I won't get rid of you nor kill you. No no. That would be such a waste!'' he replied to him as a twisted grin showed on his face ''I'll make you my familiar! It'll prevent you from killing more people without necessairely having to kill you! Don't worry I'll be nice, I'll give you biscuits!'' he added in a mocking tone.

    Nightmare seamed like he didn't know how to feel about what Mikala said. Did he look unnerved? Probably. He growled and flexed his claws. "I'll watch this island burn before I allow myself to be tamed ever again!" He roared out in anger as he lashed his tail at the tamer, trying to knock his shield and mallet away. His eyes darted around and would turn to lash his tail into undergrowth here and there trying to catch wherever Mikala's familiar was hiding. "I'll find that familiar, and when I do, I will make sure to end you both!" 

    So angry...

    "So spicy!" He whispered to himself. Well then, apparently he had really pissed him off which he hadn't expected, at least not for the taming reason. And the way he spoke made him feel like he was with a horrible tamer, before. ''Well it's that or killing you, and sincerily I prefer giving the chance to live! It's that, or you keep killing people out of fun!'' he replied in a more serious tone, smirking as he kept searching for his familiar ''Good luck finding her. You won't.'' he replied as he went after the Taboo familiar and reaching to hit him with the mallet another time. If he did get abused, he was decided to show him a better living and be a better tamer. At least, if he ended up calming down some day.

    Nightmare snarled and hissed. He hadn't been this frustrated before. He turned and came at Mikala. His hands were fanned open, swiping and clawing at the tamer. His claws leaving marks over the armor and shield. "Oh how noble of you, fighting to save other people. Ever think that those tamers may not even WANT me there! They didn't then, why would they now?" He hissed angrily. Nightmare Corpse lashed his tail again, trying to hit his side.

    He had been hit with the mallet once or twice already, and he could feel his energy lowering.... He wouldn't be able to use his powerful curse at this point. Now he needed to consider options... Get violent, and shred the tamer, or run away to try and regain his energy.

    He noticed how annoyed his opponent was getting, now charging toward him and striking claw shots at him. Some would be stopped by his shield, some would hit his armor and he was attacking with such violence that the boy would start backing up, now feeling like this was actual battle considering how he stopped avoiding him and search for his familiar. ''If they don't want you, I won't give two shits. Anyways I don't have many friends, so I might just leave this stupid place.'' he grinned ''I don't feel attached to many people, to them I'm just the idiot of the town. And most don't like me either, I had yet never done anything to them. But their was a few little people I had respect for. Yes, theirs a lot of assholes on this islands, but theirs also kind hearted people. And theirs no way I'd let them die.'' he replied, attacking him with his mallet several times again ''I don't know what the hell happened to you before to get you to this point, but I'll show you that some people aren't as bad as you think! Starting by me!''

    It almost made him think of when he first met his dragoness, Yufae, who had been attacked mercilessly by some other tamers who in the end, abandoned her cause she was weak. In general, he wouldn't have gone for her at all, but the way she was threaten had angered him so much. Just to see the state they left her, he couldn't help but take care of her and she then became his familiar. In the end, she became more useful than he imagined. But even if she wasn't that useful, he would have kept her no matter what.

    Why... Why did he have to be like this. It was like meeting Shaw all over again. Being different, being neglected or unwanted. Nightmare snarled and stuck his tongue out. The eyeball on it wiggled furiously around. He wasn't too fond of those mallet strikes. Each hit draining more energy. His attacks were becoming predictable. He suddenly pushed himself, as though he was going to use that electric curse again, but this time it didn't work, he didn't have the juice to even use that. "Damn, no!" He hissed under his breath. Nightmare wasn't very good at managing his energy.

    "I'll peal your skin from your body and filet you like a damn FISH!" So violent. It was a sign though that he was planning on booking it out of there. This was the farthest a tamer has gotten in a fight with him. He had to had it to the kid, he'd never been beaten before, so this was pretty shocking to him. He lashed his tail, trying to knock Mikala off his feet so he could lash him a few more times an high tail it out of there.

    Well now, his upcoming familiar seemed to be rather pissed. Not only, but Mikala couldn't help but grin when he noticed he couldn't use his magic anymore. It ment that he was getting close to actually winning, and at this point... Even if he died, he'd feel proud to have lasted that long. He was sure none had never lasted to that point! ''Well you can try! But I'll heal up and still make you my familiar! And I won't abandon you!'' he replied, his determination now growing.

    He noticed his tail moving, dodging as quick as he could to avoid falling as he knew it would give him a high advantage. Of course he could heal quickly, but bigger the wound was, harder it was. And of course, Yufae being close to him, she could use her magic on him and make the healing process quicker. But if ever this familiar managed to hit him in a vital spot, their was nothing left to heal. He'd be dead. He hurried to hit him toward the chest, keeping his shield up for defense. It was rather damaged, but still resistant and still useful ''I WILL get you!'' he screamed in determination.

    Nightmare tried to book it and run but got hit pretty hard before he could get out of the way. He got a direct hit that would deplete what was left of his energy, causing the dragon familiar mark to appear on his chest. The dragons head rang from the lacking of energy as he backed himself away. Gotta get back. Gotta get away! He wasn't suffering or in pain, but he was dazed. This was a normal thing with taming familiars. His tail lashed randomly. He couldn't quite tell were Mikala was.

    He knew just what was happening, as he had felt it once before, and he wan'ted to get away as soon as he could!

    "Take him!" A demon familiar yelled from a rock where it was watching. "Come on tamer, he's beat! Tame him so we can have our homes back!" It hissed. The local demons weren't big fans of Nightmare Corpse.

A sudden pride grew in his chest as he realized what was going on, as Nightmare was struggling to get away. He was winning! That strong familiar everyone told him he'd never achieve, that demon so many had died in the past trying to kill or get rid of, he was about to tame him! That familiar who could have killed him, and he would have probably succeeded if he did not have Yufae. ''Yufae, I... Actually did it!'' he commented, hurrying to seal this as the other demons spoke ''You're now my familiar! And I will take good care of you!'' he said, now taming him to become his.

Yufae had several mix's of emotion. Relief, joy and pride. She was most of all happy he kept his promise and survived, god knows how sad she'd be if ever Mikala died. She still didn't move, though, not until Mikala told her she could get out. Mikala muttered ''You won't suffer anymore, I can promise you this! As long as you give me the chance to prove it to you!'' He grabbed out a jar in which was a containment for him. Colorful markings matching Nightmare appeared on the jar "By the by, just so you know." he grinned mischievously at the green Taboo familiar. He opened the pouch on his waist, where the small head of a blue dragon popped out "That's where she was." he grinned before sending him in the jar, opening the lid and the spirit energy of the dragon being absorbed by it.

    As the final seal was put in place, Mikala's second familiar jar would fill with energy, causing black markings to appear on it with green speckles. When it did so, Nightmare energy returned to him. He shook his head and looked around before glaring back at Mikala. "How dare you, you little-" He began, about to attack the tamer but was stopped by his tamers mark. Can't hurt your tamer, Nightmare, sorry! "I can't believe this! There's no way! YOU cheated!" Nightmare spat, trying his best to come up with a reason that made since to him how Mikala did it. Nightmare kicked a rock and sent it to the sky.

    At this point, Mikala could head home now to show they village his accomplishments. They were probably getting a search party together right now to look for him. 

   The final seal was finally set and Mikala stayed there, processing the information. He had survived a familiar many people had died trying to kill! He even saw all the skeletons of dead people, some we're from not that long ago so he could see their decomposing bodies. Which wasn't the best view. ''I did it!'' he muttered to himself ''Yufae, I did it!'' he grinned, noticing Nightmare trying to attack him but unable too. Now that everything seemed to be safe, he unzipped his pouch and muttered ''It's now safe to come out.'' he muttered as a little blue dragon slithered out of the pouch, clinging to the shoulder of her master. She had been hiding right next to Mikala since the very beginning.
    He stared at him and muttered ''I didn't cheat, I got prepared since the very beginning. Theirs no cheating in capturing a familiar, anyways.'' he muttered as he turned around ''And now you're coming with me. I can also promise you I'll take good care of you, I won't abuse you or anything. Might take some time, but you'll see I'll earn your trust some day. Now come.'' he said as he began walking toward the village to show he survived.

   The taboo familiar snorted. "Why would I follow you anywhere..." He hissed, even though he had already started fallowing Mikala. Damn tamers impulse. Most new familiars would feel that pull, a some what impulse to obey. As time goes buy, Nightmare will feel his own desires to follow and listen to Mikala.

    As they walked, they'd spot a group heading to look for them, they hadn't noticed Nightmare yet, only that the special village member had wet himself. "Hah, what did you take one look of the place, wet your pants and then run away?" One said. "Bet he didn't even see Nightmare at all!" Said another. They were quickly silenced when Nightmare had appeared behind Mikala, glaring at the.

    "Shut, up...." Nightmare said simply to them. He remembered how the others would treat Shaw.... He was almost irritated that he was comparing Mika and Shaw at all...

He did not reply to what the Taboo said as he knew he'd follow him anyways, it was natural. Which was a good thing because he knew making him follow him would have been a bitch without that.

Yufae stared at the familiar for a few seconds, still feeling a little bit scared by him but curiosity peeking her as well. She still stayed rather silent for the moment and looked back at the front, ears perked up as she heard the foot steps of people coming. A few villagers had came and they seemed to mock him about wetting himself. He looked down before replying ''Ahh yeah, forgot about that.'' he muttered, guessing the fight made him forget.

He did pull a grin though, staring at them as they could finally see his new familiar who shut them up. ''Maybe I wet myself, I won't lie and say I wasn't scared. Fear is natural, it's a survival instinct. But unlike most of you would have probably done, I did NOT run away and I did not try to kill him.'' he grinned ''So now, like he said, shut your mouths.'' and kept on walking, paying no more attention to them as he head toward the village where he could announce his victory. A small part of him also felt glad and surprised Nightmare actually defended him. He looked at his new friend, cause yes, he considered his familiars as friends and muttered ''Thank you.'' with a smile, his hope to calm Nightmare growing up. To earn his trust. He'd also have to change his pants...

    As Nightmare passed the few that had come to look for Mikala, he hissed sharply, causing them to jump and back off. He snorted a little. "I didn't do it for you..." He growled. "They just reminded me of the way tamers would treat mine...." He added in as he followed his tamer into the village.

    When they arrived, the village leader was waiting for Mikala. He looked relieved to see him, and even proud. "I see you're little walk in the demon mountains was eventful, and you may have gotten a little wet!" The large muscly man said as he grinned and laughed. "Go on ahead and get yourself cleaned up boy, supper will be ready soon. I'd like to hear all about today, and get the chance to speak with Nightmare..." The man said as he motioned to the bath houses and started to make his way back to where he and the other orphaned children lived.

    Nightmare watched him go slowly. The leader looked a lot like Shaw. Many villagers were watching, surprised, and scared to see Nightmare. Some of the children that more looked up to Mika were excited about his new familiar.

    Man he had never felt as prideful than the moment where he saw the expressions on the face of these assholes. He never really liked them. He listened to him, now curious to know a bit more about his past tamer. But he guessed he'd question him another time, right now didn't seem to be the right time. ''I see.'' was his simple response.

    A smile grew on his face as he noticed the village leader come a, running toward him excitedly. Yufae got off her tamer's shoulder and started flying toward the leader ''Shaaay!'' she spoke up as she flew around him before Mikala got back and caught her back, chuckling a bit. Tho the last part of Shay's sentence did make him feel rather embarrassed. He coughed slightly and muttered ''At least I did it!'' he commented.

    Past his embarrassment, he was glad to see that man who had raised him till now. He could feel his stomach growl as he heard about supper, giving a wide grin ''Sir, yes sir!!'' he replied, saluting him before heading to get himself changed, eager to tell him everything. But he had to get himself cleaned up and Nightmare too actually. He didn't even know if the familiar ever cleaned himself, but man did he smell horrible! One thing was sure he'd need a lot of clean up!

    Shay would smile at Yufae as she came to say hello. He pat the young tamer on the head has he headed off, and went to go finish making supper. Nightmare followed Mikala. He had in fact not been near water in a long time.

    "So Shay took the title of leader after Shaw died..." The taboo said quietly as he looked around the village. He was receiving looks took. Some hatred, some fear, a few that were curious, but he wasn't very popular with the masses. He huffed with annoyance. "Keep looking at me and see what happens, tamers." He snarled threateningly. Boy he sure was grumpy. At least they stopped staring at him and went about their own busyness. 

Yufae got out of his arms as she followed him, floating right behind him while he walked to go get changed at least. She also chose to take her human form and walk right behind him, holding her hands behind her back. He didn't hear the first thing Nightmare said considering he spoke in a low voice, but he did hear the second part where he threatened the tamers. He looked at him and moved his hand, motioning to calm down with his words ''Calm down, don't pay attention to them.'' he said, at least they did stop looking at him.

He first went to his room and told his familiars to wait two seconds as he got himself changed before coming back out and muttered ''Alright, we're gonna have to get you clean.'' he said, no more wearing any armor. Just a pair of shorts. It was constantly hot around, so he rarely wore any shirts. He felt better like that. ''Come with me.'' he said in a gentle voice as he went to the bathroom where he could get his familiar cleaned. Mostly that the stench would probably disgust others from eating.

     The taboo watched Yufae and Mika. He never had to share a tamer before, it kind of irked him. But that was mostly his demon side making him annoyed. Looking around he could smell the food the villagers were cooking for them selves. It smelled good. Nightmare could pick out smells he knew. Roasted corn, Pulled chicken, eggs, mass amounts of rice and spices. Though he more had an appetite for souls, he wont admit how badly he wants to dig into that hot food. "What?" He said, blinking

He could also smell what was being prepared and muttered ''Oh man!'' As he couldn't wait to get to eat a little bit. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't starving at all. He stared at Yufae who he know was as eager as he was. For a few seconds, he had thought of sending Yufae ahead so she could warn Shay he might take a little while, but a thought passed his mind as he would need her a little bit and guessed he'd send her later once he was done with her.

He looked at his other familiar who seemed confused at what he just told him and repeated ''You're getting a bath, man. You need it.'' he said with a smirk ''It'll feel good after that! Especially with that nasty scar on your chest, I'm sure it must be badly infected. We'll take care in uninfecting it and healing it, I'm sure if you still feel pain because of it right now, it'll feel a lot better once we're done! When we're all done, you'll get to eat aswell!'' he added with a grin.

    Nightmare Corpse made a face. "It doesn't hurt..." He grumbled a little and covered up the scar with a hand. He was lying of cores. This child irked him just a little. "Whatever, lets get it over with." He mumbled as his tail flicked.

He shook his head as he muttered "Don't lie to me, I'm pretty sure it must be infected just by the looks of it." He said as he walked toward the bathrooms. Their was so many things to do with him, and the bath and healing was his priority on the current moment. He entered the room and locked the door as soon as his familiars we're in, turning out a larger bath tub that would be useful to clean large familiars. "While I take care of that, sit down and relax. Yufae will take care of your wound since she can heal others." He said, letting a bucket of water Yufae could use. She seemed a little bit nervous as this familiar still scared her, but she knew Mikala would keep an eye.

    Well now he looked annoyed. Once they were in the bath house he looked around and watched the tub fill. Smirking he shifted to his normal form and jumped into the water, causing it to splash everywhere. 'Haha take that tamer!' He thought. When he grinned in dragon form it always looked so snarky and funny. Sense of humor? Yes. 

As he was getting the soap and a rag ready, he suddenly got splashed, soak head to toe as Nightmare splashed him which had surprised him at first "AGH!" Before he'd soon hear Yufae holding her giggles, but failing at it and muttered "DARN IT, YOU!" he said as he splashed him with water aswell. In a way, it did make him feel a little playful. Though he'd have to dry himself after that.

    Nightmare grunted when he was splashed back, and shook himself. Yellow blood leaked down his shoulders and into the water. He still smelled but at least it had reopened so it could be cleaned. His scars always reopened from moving around, but he never cleaned them out. At least he was sitting in warm clean water.

    He did jerk a little from water touching the scars. It did sting a little. Nightmare wasn't very good at hiding that it hurt because his face had this really annoyed and agitated look on it. 

As Nightmare's scar reopened, Mikala took the opportunity to clean his wounds. Noticing his agitated look, he muttered "Calm down, friend. It's gonna be alright. It'll sting a little bit more but you'll be clean and uninfected." He mumbled, taking care of taking off all of the dirt off him and turned his gaze toward his other Familiar "And you'll help me with the healing." As she nodded and came toward him, turning back to her dragon form and clinging to his shoulder while he cleaned him.

He made sure he wouldn't move too much or at least avoiding getting scratched or anything, noticing the yellow liquid coming out "Man... It was time to get you cleaned!" He said.

    The cobra hood that lined Nightmares neck had been puffed and flared out for a while before it would lay flat. Nightmare had stiffened slightly from having the scars touched, but at least he wasn't looking like he'd attack. Though he couldn't even if he wanted to. His eyes moved to Yufea and stared at her. She was such a tiny dragon. He couldn't understand why she was so small. 

The man wasn't scared of Nightmare specifically for that reason, he couldn't attack him. He was more cautious incase he flinched, his reflex, cause that was a movement one couldn't control. After a while, he took out the water because it got dirty, using the shower handle instead. It would be useless cleaning him in dirty water. When he was done in a certain zone, Yufae would go fly there, land on the Taboo and place her paw over his wound which would be sourrounded by water and would immidiately start healing him.

Both continued with that for a good while until he was completely clean, he even used scented soap to take the stench off of him. It was worst than the stench of a skunk. When he was finally done, he stopped the water and let it fall down the bath drain. "There we go! Your clean and you smell good! And it must feel way better now we took care of those horrible wounds!" He smiled, taking out a large towel so he could lay on it and avoid putting water everywhere "Just lay there while I dry you!" He smiled, taking out another towel. "You're gonna have to dry yourself too!" Commented Yufae "I think I noticed, thank you very much." He replied as she let out a soft giggle and just began flying around to occupy herself.

   After his wounds were cleaned and he now smelled less like a pile of rotting bodies, and more like a skunk that was sprayed down with a gallon of air freshener. He crawled out of the tub and shook the water off himself and sat on the towel. If he was furry, he'd probably looked like a drowned mop!

    "After the problems I've caused, the countless lives I've taken out of spite. You know if it wasn't for the tamer's compelling mark, I would have turned you inside out and left you in pieces.... I'm not the first person that would be named that deserves this treatment...." Nightmare grumbled quietly. "You're stubborn, and stupid." He added in with a dragony huff.

    He began drying him as he spoke up, smirking and rolling his eyes. ''I know, I'm stupid but not that stupid.'' he grinned ''I know you would have shredded me at the very instance. And even with my fast healing, if you had me on a vital spot, I'd be dead right away. Nothing can heal a heart that stopped beating. I was already ready to die if you won, I even told Yufae that if you had me, to get away. Because I know I'm pretty reckless, but I don't want others to pay the price of my decisions.''

    He hesitated more on his words, trying to find the reason why he so wanted him. Sure he wanted him to prove he's strong and to have a strong familiar. Also because he'd have a better capacity to protect the others with a strong one. He finished drying him and took an other towel for himself. ''Then, I know some humans are extremely horrible and mean. At first I only wanted strong familiars to prove I'm not just a stupid idiot who'll go nowhere. Then I got Yufae, and I'm glad I did. I found her because of some humans who did something horrible to her. I chose to take care of her and after a while, she became my familiar. Then, when you told me you'd never be tamed ever again, I have that feeling something horrible happened to you as well. Sure I carelessly search for strenght, I will not deny it. But I am not heartless either. Maybe a lot would agree with you, you don't deserve this. And I don't know what exactly happened. But I don't really give a shit, I follow my instinct. And I'd never feel proud owning familiars I don't even take care of. Sure, I can give you orders and you'll be forced to listen to me. But it doesn't mean I can let you like that and disrespect you. You'd have an extra reason to be angry after humans if every single one of them did that. And I consider familiars deserve respect.''

    He finished drying himself after his little speech, stretching up and sighing ''Gotta clean this place now...'' he muttered as he went to clean the bathtub, changing from one mood to another. He let out a sigh as he had to clean the bathtub. ''After that, we're all gonna go eat. Yufae, mind telling Shay I'll be there soon? I had to do some serious cleaning.'' she nodded and turned into her human form so she could open the door and leave the bathroom, switching back to her normal form and heading toward where they'd go eating.

    Nightmare simply sat quietly after being dried off. He didn't change position or move, just kinda sat there. "My first tamer, he wasn't bad.... He was, more like you..." He mumbled quietly. Nightmare had turned his head to look at Mika while he cleaned, just keeping an eye on him. He still wasn't fully sure what he thought of this kid, just knew he was really wired. He sat like that, waiting... Cause he wanted that food...

He listened to Nightmare, tilting his head slightly ''Oh?'' he replied, now a little bit curious to know more about this. As he finally finished cleaning everything, he brought all the rags used to clean Nightmare in a basket so he'd clean them later one considering how dirty they we're, even thinking about just throwing them away. He hung the towels since they had only been used to dry so he could use them again another time and went to cleaning his hands while looking at him ''Only if you don't mind answering that question, what happened to him?'' he asked, ready to accept if he preferred not telling in case it was some memories he didn't wanna share. This time, he didn't order him to answer, he only gave him the choice.

    "He's dead obviously..." Nightmare said simply. "I was released before if happened so his soul wasn't guided to the after life." He added in. "It's a long story, one better told by his brother, Shay..." The taboo added in, mentioning Shay, the tribe leader. Shay most likely planned on telling Mika about what happened in the past, and would probably ask Nightmare to forgive tamers from the past for what they did. He let his head rest normally while he waiting. Nightmare could even smell the finished food from inside the bathroom.

 He stopped for a split second, looking at him confusingly ''You we're Shay's brother familiar?'' he muttered, now surprised to hear that and only more curious ''And well... Sorry... About you know, your tamer...'' her muttered, feeling a bit sad to hear his tamer died. He got up and could feel even more hungry.

Being done with everything and having his hands clean, he was ready to go and ask Shay so many questions. ''Well, let's get going. You must be getting hungry!'' he said as he head toward the door and got out of the bathroom. As soon as he was at the dining room, he raised his hand and said ''Hey! Sorry for taking so long!'' he smiled a little bit, glad to see he still managed to be there on time. Yufae was already sitting on a chair in her human form, eager to get to eat a little as well. ''It smells so heavenly good!!'' he commented, waiting a little bit before questioning Shay about what he just learned. That would mean Shay knew about Nightmare.

    Nightmare nodded slowly and then followed Mikala, yea he was hungry, he was going to start chewing on his own legs. Not really, but you get the point. Once they were all there, Nightmare took his human form and sat in a chair as well. Shay was setting the tables up, setting out the large bowls for everyone to get servings from. Everyone there were other orphans, living with Shay. "I can't believe you did it Mikala!" One of the young ones said. "When I get big enough to have a familiar, I'm going to tame a strong one just like you!" Said another.

    "Now, now. Don't go bombarding the boy, and you're all still too young to be dreaming of taming those wraskles out there!" Shay said with a grin before sitting down and clapping his hands together. "Alright, dig in while its still hot." The leader said. He naturally sat at the table with Mikala so he could talk to him and his familiars. "I am glad you joined us Nightmare, I was sure you would have waited outside." Shay commented.

    Nightmare had filled his plate up with rice and chicken, a little corn, and some eggs. He glanced at the leader. "I only came for food..." He kind of lied. He did come for the food, but he also wanted to hear what Shay wanted to talk about.

He stared at all the food then suddenly, the kids that we're praising him. In a way, it did highly amuse him as they surrounded him, their eyes shining in excitement. They left him as Shay spoke up and he couldn't help but giggle lightly, ruffling their heads ''Start by living your childhoods!'' he replied before taking a seat near Yufae and Nightmare. Yufae had taken a few things, with her size she didn't eat a lot. But she did love eating. At least, not as much as her tamer who had so much trouble choosing and took himself a big plate of everything their was. If he represented a sin, it probably would be gluttony. But he did keep enough for the others of course, he just couldn't chose. He loved everything Shay made.

He smirked as he'd listened to them talk, swallowing what he had before looking at the leader. He was thinking of asking his question right away, but knowing he wanted to talk to Nightmare made him guess he might be wanting to talk for that particular reason. ''You seemed to have a lot to say.'' he simply said as he didn't exactly wanna rush his question.

    "I had been hoping one day Nightmare could be tamed, because I wished to apologies for everything that happened." Shay said as he took a bite of food. Nightmare tilted his head. "You had nothing to do with those tamers that tortured Shaw..." The taboo replied simply. "You and I both know that they did it because they didn't want Shaw to be the next leader, he was small a frail looking." He added in before stuffing his face.

    Shay gave a sympathetic look. "But he wasn't frail, or weak, he was the strongest dragon tamer, because he had you, and you had him." He said, smiling at Nightmare, who just gazed back at him before looking down at his plate. "The Witch brothers had no right to do what they did... They twisted you and they abused my brother to the point he didn't even know me anymore, but worst of all he didn't know you anymore." Shaw said.

    Nightmare just quietly stuffed his face again, looking down for a moment before asking. So... You didn't take the title of leader, to be a vulture, you took the responsibility so that it wouldn't go to them, that horrid family... Right?" 

    Shay nodded. "When he came crawling back to us, dying. I knew I couldn't let that family get away with it. We all knew it was the Witch Brothers, they were the only ones who would have done it. The other's elected me and i properly punished those involved." Shay said as he looked at Mikala. "When I heard you were still alive, I almost jumped at the chance to find you and help you Nightmare, but the damage done to your mind and body was too much... So when Mikala here came along and said he wanted to do what was right, I didn't dare stop the boy. He was just like Shaw, I could see that determination in his eyes you know. I knew that if anyone could save you it would be someone who struggled just like Shaw did." 

He listened to them talk while he stuffed his face in food, staying extremely silent. Not because his face was stuffed, but more like he felt Shay had a lot to say. When he mentioned about Shaw, he could guess that was his tamer. Shaw... Shay... Hell, that must've been hell for their parents not to mix their names once in a while. Either way, back to business. One thing that did get his attention was the mention of torturing his tamer, wondering even more what happened. He even stopped eating at some point, and that was an exploit!

So, from what he could understand. Two brothers decided to torture Nightmare's tamer and twisted them both, explaining why he was so cruel. He could now understand a bit why he became like that. It didn't only captivate his attention, but Yufae's too. She looked at them while Mika looked at his plate, feeling angry and in a way, protective towards Nightmare. As if he wished he could find back these witch and beat the shit out of them. But he was glad to know they got punished for what they did.

He returned his gaze when Shay looked at him. That last sentence he mentioned gave a warm feeling inside of him. The fact he mentioned he believed he'd be able to save Nightmare. He was shocked by everything he just learned, confused and had so many emotions at once. He looked at his plate, not even realizing small tears would form over his eyes. He'd probably deny it bad later on, but he just felt so happy to hear that last sentence for reasons he didn't even understand. Yufae looked at him, muttering ''I'm glad to know you're the village leader, I don't even wanna know what would happen if these two witch's became the leaders. While you had always lead the others wisely.'' she commented, changing from her usual hyper childish self from serious and calm.

    Nightmare looked up at Shay quietly, his eyes glanced at Mikala for a moment. "Would you mind.... Showing me where you berried him?" He asked softly. "Not right now of cores... But Later..." He added in. Shay nodded. "Of cores, I along with many others decided to put him at rest beneath your favorite tree where you two were always hanging out." Shay said.

    The taboo acted as though he was perfectly chill, but the look in his eyes showed he was moved. "Nightmare do you remember what was so special about Shaw? You've been quiet, and I always wanted to know what your perspective was." Shay said giving a soft smile and a nod.

    "What wasn't special about him?... He was so small, and skinny. But despite that, dragon familiars would flock to him when he would go to the forest to relax... He had so many familiars at his side back then, they'd just come to his aid with out even belonging to him, they just liked him. Some of the strongest of our kind adored him too but he never once tried to tame them. He didn't wan't to because they were perfect, he wanted them to have tamers just as perfect as they were...." Nightmare said. He paused before continuing.

    "Despite all of the choices he had... He picked me, the only lightning dragon who couldn't produce a single spark.... I was a runt. I was stupid too, I liked tamers too much, but no one wanted a useless dragon like me. I was just a glorified lizard..." The taboo added. He didn't show his emotions but they were there in his eyes. He shed no tears, probably couldn't even if he wanted to. "He told me that he chose me because we were both small misfits. We didn't quite fit in because of how weak we looked. Shaw was special because he chose a worthless little runt like me, and together we became one of the strongest teams on the island...." Nightmare mumbled

    "Aye, Nightmare, I'll never forget the day you learned to fly, it took us hours to settle you down, you were so happy." Shay smiled big. Nightmare just looked at him with a slightly annoyed glare. After the change, flying was not easy for Nightmare...

    He kept on listening them talk while not saying anything since he was a little bit not concerned by this conversation. Though, he'd lie if he said he wasn't curious about understanding what happened. He actually had a little bit more respect for Shaw as he listened to Nightmare describe Shaw, knowing how kind he was. As for Yufae, it did make her think a little bit of Mikala, seeing why the leader spoke about Mikala being like him. Of course, there was major differences, but the fact he decided to take her. Though, in Mikala's case, it had been an anger of seeing how she was treated. But in a way, if she had been a little like Nightmare, she was sure he would have chosen her for a similar reason after all the years she knew him.

    Mikala seemed a bit confused onto why Nightmare seemed annoyed, but just let the two talk while he went back on stuffing his face with food.

    Shay sort of waved his hand like 'Oh woops, I got it now.' "Right, sorry... I guess after you were changed that ability got harder to use?" He asked. Nightmare nodded slightly before finishing off his food and looked over to eye what was left in the chicken bowl. "Well you get to live new happy moments with Yufae and Mikala now. And I'm sure he may be thinking about going to the main lands one of these days." Shay said with a smile. The taboo looked back over to him, and then Mika.

     The young man nodded to what he said ''I mean, I like helping around, taking care of the orphans and all. But I'd like to one day travel around and discover. I don't even know what I'll end up doing, that's the fun of discovering.'' he replied. The only fact that did make him hesitate was that he would never get to come back. He'd never get to see the leader again, but he wanted to travel so bad and get out of this place.

    Nightmare listened to him speak. He honestly wanted off the island too. "Well I would be proud to see you spread your wings Mikala, there's many opportunities there. I will miss you dearly but I wan't what is best for everyone in the village." Shay said with a smile. "But he does not have wings. Do you mean for him to flap his arms around like a flightless bird?" Nightmare asked, not understanding the metaphor at all. This causes everyone sitting at the table to start giggling. He hadn't heard that one before it seamed.

    Mikala smiled as he'd listened to Shay as he nodded ''Thank you very much, Shay!'' he replied, happy to have been raised by that man. ''I'll miss you a lot as well! Everyone else too!'' he replied. He sure wished he could have the possibility to send them messages time to time, but he knew he couldn't and this was the hardest part. Suddenly, his thoughts we're changed by the answer Nightmare gave which made him laugh softly, not only because of what he said but he imagined a human trying to fly and failing. ''It's an expression, Nightmare. It's a way of saying that I'll start taking my own steps, living my life and leaving home.'' he replied ''Where I'll start taking my decisions.''

    Nightmare just stared blankly, not really sure if he got it or not. He just casually took the bowl that had the chicken in it and pulled it over to him. No one else was going for more, so he snatched it. He was a little bit of a glutton.

    "well, whenever you do go, make sure to send me a letter then. I want to hear all about what you three do out in that big wide world." Shay said as he smiled at Nightmare "Still a little piglet huh?" He asked. Nightmare simply huffed and continued eating.

    His smile grew as he said ''Oh, you can be sure I'll send you letters!'' he grinned ''I'll send you so much letters you're gonna drown in them!'' he replied, grinning and chuckled softly ''I feel like I'll have to stock a lot of food considering I also eat a lot, though.'' he added. He would have gone for that last chicken piece but he had not been fast enough, so he just let Nightmare have it. And in a way, it made him happy to see Nightmare seemed to have calmed down.

    As time passed, when they we're all done eating and ready to go, he decided to pay a little visit to Shaw's grave for Nightmare. He looked at him and muttered ''Nightmare, we're gonna be leaving this islands soon. I'll have to prepare many things, but before we go, wouldn't you wanna go see Shaw's grave?'' he asked, guessing it would do him good and maybe relieve him a bit.

    Nightmare had looked at Mika as he offered to see Shaw's grave. He'd never thought about visiting the dead before, but he felt like he needed to, if not for just a little bit. The visit was short, and Nightmare didn't talk to the grave but he just stared at it with a pained look. He finally looked like he could cry, but like before, tears never fell. It didn't last long before his face turned back to a cold observing look and he said he was ready to go.

    That morning, Shay had gone to the boat to wait for Mikala. He had a few parting gifts for the three. For Mika and Yufae, necklaces made from the sea shells that you couldn't find anywhere else but the island, and for Nightmare, a bracelet that once belonged to Shaw. He of cores accepted it, but no one knew he had it on in his human form it would only materialize in his human form.

    After giving them their gifts he wished them all good luck, and watched them bored the ship. It was once they were on the ship that Mikala and Yufae would discover that Nightmare had motion / sea sickness. "This is just mast up, I'm standing still, but I feel like I'm moving!" The taboo complained. He finally opted to not stand up on the ship and lay down with his head hanging over the edge, water splashing his nose time to time. This wasn't as stressful.

    Standing not far from where nightmare was was a short little figure, deflationary not a tamer. His hair was blood red, and he had cat ears. He had been spotted earlier speaking with Shay and exchanging goods when the boat had docked on the island. What was really strange was that Nightmare acted very strange around this guy. He could get right up in the familiars face and not even be noticed by him. However, Nightmare did seem to respond to some kind of scent, he'd sniff at this man but would ignore him complacently.

    Closing his book, Mr. Cat Man turned and made his way to one of the more inner parts of the boat so he could get out of the harsh unforgiving sun light. It was too damn HOT!

    Mikala had came along with him as they went to visit the grave, staying rather silent. Even Yufae wasn't all that chatty on the moment, knowing when was best to be silent. He felt like comforting him after seeing his eyes, but when his cold expression came back and he mentioned about being ready to go, the young man just nodded, not really knowing what to do as he began walking away. He'd head home to get some rest, setting a bed for his new familiar as well.

    As time passed, he had taken finally taken his decision. He was leaving this place. But first of all, he'd prepare a few stuff he'd have to bring with him such as his cloth's, bringing some cloth's for his familiars as well since they did have a human form. He wouldn't bring everything, but what was necessary. He knew he couldn't bring everything, their was so many stuff he would have kept and could only chose certain. One was a picture of everyone from the orphanage, a box filled with signed messages from the other kids who wanted to wish him good luck. This was definitely something he'd keep. The final thing he couldn't get separated of was his surf board. He knew he probably would not have nice beach's to surf, but he still wanted to bring it with him. Plus, if ever one day he went somewhere where they had big enough waves.

    Once everything was ready, he motioned to his familiars ''Let's get going, gotta catch that boat!'' he said as he began walking toward where they would take their boat, sad and yet curious. He had made sure to say his goodbye's to everyone before leaving. It was still a bit hard for him, feeling a bit sad to leave everyone and know he'd never get back.

    When he'd see Shay waiting for him, he was of course happy to see him, waving and running toward him. The conversation wasn't long, but the man offered them gifts which him and Yufae gladly accepted. He regretted not giving them anything though, he wasn't specifically good at finding something to give. But perhaps when he'd send them a letter, he'd send him something special he got from there. For the orphans too. He gave him a final hug, knowing he'd never see that man ever again, promising him once again to send him tons of letters before he'd leave.

    He left proudly, looking in front and not turning back. Mostly because in a way, he was actually sad to leave. Not that he didn't want to. He really wanted to fly of his own wings, but he knew he could never come back again and that was something hard to take. He didn't care about most citizens, but he did care for Shay and all the other orphans he took care of.

    He stared at the horizon when the ship started moving, then back behind and seeing some people he recognized waving him by. Some of the orphans. In that moment, he did his best to hold himself from crying, even showing a single tear. He just wanted to see him leave with a proud look as he waved them good bye, letting a final sigh as he'd see them walk away and watching the land slowly dissapear as the ship moved. He also discovered something on the ship, the fact his new familiar was sea sick. He did not have any problem with that considering he surfed a lot and loved water. Yufae neither had problem with that. But he did try his best to help his new friend. In the end, when he layed down and seemed better, he just sat near and kept an eye on him to make sure everything was fine.

    His attention turned as he noticed a man who looked nothing like one of his kind. First of all, everyone had purple hairs and silver eyes, the man did not. And he had strange interesting ears, almost wondering if it wasn't the form of a familiar, but he didn't look like one. He remembered seeing him talk to Shay and the strange actions the Taboo would have. He didn't know him since very long, but he knew it was definitely odd of him and felt his curiosity peeked by this man.

    After a little time passed, it wasn't so hot so the young man had come back out from cabin of the boat. He walked up to Nightmare pacifically and stared at the lump laying there. He gave the taboo's rump a good bump with his foot, causing him the jump and pull his head up. Nightmare turned his head around to look at the man, but he almost looked confused and looked around. Slightly unnerved he slinked over to where Mika and Yufar were to go lay there.

    The man watched this before looking out over the ocean. At least now the taboo familiar wasn't laying out where people could trip on him.

    Mikala was relaxing outside, sitting down and enjoying the sun. Of course, he was used to heat since he lived all his life on an island that was constantly hot. So hot days never bothered him. He'd still be sweating when it was really hot, he just had the habit of the temperature. He even enjoyed the sensation of the sun warming his skin. As for Yufae, she was exploring around and he didn't really bother about it. He knew she was smart enough to not go in places she shouldn't. She maybe acted like a child by times, she remained a grown adult who knew what not to do.

    He heard footsteps and a sudden movement, looking up as he noticed the man from earlier bump his foot against the Taboo, figuring quickly it was to make him move as he noticed Nightmare move a bit and the other guy continue his way. He was surprised that Nightmare only looked confused and unnerved, expecting more reactions than that and his curiosity peeked by this man. Wondering why at first, Nightmare did not seem to notice him.

    Even Yufae seemed to find it weird as she flew back toward her tamer. He finally got up and approached the man ''Hello!'' he first off said, letting him respond before going further more, adding a ''Name's Mikala.'' as he always did so when he first off went to talk to someone to try and not look rude or anything. It was his way of greeting as he raised his hand ''I've noticed you talk to Shay earlier. You know him?'' and again, it was simple curiosity and to try to bring up discussion without being too quick.

    The large red ears twitched and the man looked at Mikala and listened to him. "Hmm, Shay? Yes, I know him a little. My name is Micheal Alexander Bianchi, but everyone just calls me Mikey. I bring shipments to the tamer island every now and again, and I come to help pick up any unwanted trash that needs to be recycled, or deposed of." Mikey said simply. He was wearing a sleeveless gray turtleneck, and long black gloves that covered his forearms.

    "Shay asked that I provide the tamers who decided to leave today some help with homes and jobs, and providing you with information about how things work one the main lands... There were only two others besides you, and they've already spoken with me, so that just leaves you, Mikala. I take it from the looks of blue pixie here, and lumpy other there you tame dragon types?" Mikey asked.

    Oh, so that's what he was! It did explain a bit. After all, he hadn't thought of it but it was an important part to understand how things would work. In all reality, he imagined it like a full adventure in some strange land. But let's get to reality, he'd end up in another village, at least he imagined it being in a village since he grew all his life in one. ''Ahhh! That's good to know!'' he replied, scratching his face ''And yes, I am a dragon tamer.'' Yufae landed on his shoulder as she asked ''The hell is a pixie?'' not really knowing what it was. Mikala chuckled softly at her reaction, wondering if she should be insulted or not. Either way she probably wouldn't, she rarely took things to heart but she still was curious.

    Mikey smiled and nodded. "I'll be setting you up with a three bed room apartment, basically a bunch of small homes that are close together. I'll be setting you up with a nice one." He said as he turned and looked at Yufae. "A pixie is a small magical creature." Mikey added in. Nightmare had looked up at Mikala, totally confused. He could hear Mikey talking but still acted like the man was invisible, he just stared and kept and eye on his tamer. 

Mikala listened as he explained where he'd now be living. Nodding and a little bit curious to see what his home would look like, now. ''I see.'' he replied and as he explained about the Pixie, Yufae looked up ''Ahhhh, I see! Ok, we're good then!'' she said, not really bothered the fact he mentioned small. Anyways, it's not like this tiny dragon could scare anyone. She knew she was small, couldn't really argue about it. Of course, she would have wished to be bigger but in a way, it did suit her. His attention stayed on the black haired man he was talking to, not noticing how confused Nightmare was on the current moment. ''I can't wait to see that. I still don't have much ideas where I'm heading right now.'' he mumbled.

    "The boat will dock at the Twin Katt City Beach. I had the apartment complex built on the beach a couple years back. I figured that you tamers would like something that felt more at home, and having the ocean as your back yard would be a good choice." Mikey said as he smiled and nodded at Yufae. The man grabbed out a dollar from his wallet ans showed it to Mikala. "This is called money, we use it to make transactions, or to trade for good's we need. This is a one dollar bill, and in most cases you'll need more than one dollar to buy something. I've got some work force jobs you can chose from that will help you pay rent, get you food and cover gas, electric, and water bills. We've even set up jobs each familiar can take part in." He added in. 

He was glad to hear he'd be near a beach. It would feel like home, yet he didn't know if it would make him miss home. And a possibility to still get to surf. ''Ooooh that would be good!'' he replied ''It is a cool choice!'' replied his little dragoness. After all, being a water dragon, she did love water a lot. It felt really relaxing for her. He looked as he showed him the money currency they'd have, scratching his face ''I feel like there will be a lot of things to learn. About the jobs, what kind of jobs possibilities will there be, if you got a few examples?'' he asked.

    Mikey pulled up his phone to check his list before putting it away. "I've gone through and looked at plenty of options to chose from. I also set aside ones that may interest you. We have a position for a life guard for our beach, that's basicaly someone who watches the people on the beach and keeps people safe. We also have some jobs working with plants, herbs, and tea leaves." He said as he looked and Nightmare and crouched in front of his muzzle, and rubbed his thumb on the taboo's snoot. Nightmare pulled his head away and made this face. "Hmm, is he blind?" Mikey asked.

    "No." Nightmare said flatly. "I can see souls! Yours is invisible, whoever you are." He added with a grumble, causing Mikey to grin and laugh to himself. "It's not invisible, I just left mine at home." He said while smirking.

He listened to him as he spoke about the job possibilities, scratching his chin thoughtfully ''I see.'' he replied. He wasn't exactly sure how he'd do as a life guard. Specially that sitting on a chair and watching people swim... Well, at least it would be to get said money he spoke of. ''I'll check the various possibilities you've got to offer before making my choice, but it could be interesting.'' he replied.

He seemed to be confused as he questioned about Nightmare's visibility ''No?'' he replied. In reality, he had no idea Nightmare could see souls and was surprised when he learned it. He seemed even more confused as Mikey spoke about leaving his soul home ''What?'' he questioned.

    Mikey grinned as he stood back up, showing his sharp teeth. "Oh right, I should warn you about my kind as well. We're not all bad, but you do have to watch out for the bad ones. I'm a hell vampire, and the reason I don't appear to have a soul to your dragon is because its attached to my old teeth from when I was alive." Mikey said and moved his bangs aside a little. "We blend in pretty well, but for the unskilled ones, we all have cross shaped scars on our wrists and chests. If they're walking around letting those show, you'll know for sure. But, only worry if they're stalking you." He added in while getting out a booklet listing all kinds of jobs.

    Nightmare was some what sitting up, and listened. How could a creature live with out a soul, that was just blasphemy. But. the person talking, he couldn't see him, so There was some truth to it he guessed.

He listened to him as he told him to watch out for hell vampires and explained why his soul wasn't with him. The reason seemed extremely odd for him, but their wasn't much he had to say against that. ''Well for one, if I see a man Nightmare can't see I can already figure out it's a hell vampire, unless he brought his teeth with him.'' he mumbled ''But I'd like to know a bit more about your kind. Are they very strong? Do they have any capacities I have to watch out for?'' he asked ''Basically anything you deem important for me to know.''

Mikey pondered his reply for a short while before answering "My kind? Well we're able to use powers. But everything is defendant of the type. You'd almost have to speak with my site." He said in a relaxed tone.

"You mean there's vampire creature that are demonic? Well I thought I was the only one." Nightmare said with a huff, and picked at hi teeth with his claws. "We are a very strang race of creatures." Mikey said with a grin.

He listened to him and smirked slightly to his response to Nightmare. Yufae looked at him and tilted her head curiously "Powers? You like what?" She asked, more curious than anything. It was also something Mikala was curious about.

But with what he said, Mikala figured they probably we're strong. Yet he also had a useful power and also the capacity to heal quickly, so he could be as dangerous. But it would also depend on how strong they we're.

     "well, there's only three powers my kind can end up with and how they use it is always unique, so I can't promise to prepare you for anything. I'm part of the shadow users class." Mikey explained, moving his hand, and causing his shadow to move unnaturally. "Which by the say, I should introduce you. This is Darkfire, my twin brother and my shadow power." He added in. Darkfire seamed to swirl silently for a moment before settling back to the original shape of a shadow. "The other two types are blood, and light types... But there's a lot more two them than shadow users." 

    He listened to him while he explained about the powers and showing him what his was, noticing his shadow moving in a rather unnatural way which did get him curious. He seemed rather surprised as he mentioned him being his twin brother ''What do you mean by your twin brother?'' he asked, confused onto how a shadow could be a twin. He was honestly curious to know a little bit more about them, though. Yet, he had no idea where to start off with, it seemed like a load of information for him. He did want to know more mostly cause he said some could be a threat and wanted to be ready if ever they got attacked, but he felt like he'd have more ease if he learned about it on land.

    "I'm Mikey's twin brother. I died at a young age, the moment we were born, I had a defect in my heart and i didn't live long. When a hell vampire gains a shadow power, someone that died in their family takes control of the shadow. I was already closely attached to Mikey so I just took the opportunity to become his power." Darkfire said. The shadow spoke. It could talk. At this point, Nightmare was staring right at Darkfire, as if he could see him. Mikey nodded at Darkfire. "Just as he said, his soul was closely linked with mine ever since we were born, so having that conection, I ended up as a shadow type Hell Vamp." Mikey explained.

    Mikala listened, a little bit surprised when the shadow spoke, not expecting Darkfire to be able to talk. He listened to him talk and found it odd but interesting at the same time. And sad in a way. ''I see.'' he replied. He looked at Mikey as he spoke. He was almost tempted to ask if it was hard to know that the soul of ones family member becomes the vampire's own weapon was hard, but as stupid he could be, he knew what questions to not ask. ''And what would be the requirement to control the two others?'' he asked, getting curious this time.

    "Eh, if it's a blood vampire, they may have worked at a hospital as a doctor or a nurse. And arcs, which are light vampires were either a priest, or a religious figure. But honestly if you've got no connections, you will probably gain your sires power." Mikey explained casually. Mikey nearly jumped when the fog horn on the boat went off. "Geez, time flies when you chat huh? We're almost there." He said as his shadow retreated back under his feet.

He listened to him with interest when he explained how the others got their powers. Finishing up with the fact if one did not fill any of these requirements, he'd default to the power of his sire. "Ah! I see!" simply replied the man.

When he spoke about finally be there, he turned around and held against the border of the boat "Oh!?" Nodding as he spoke about time flying fast. Yufae would fly infront of the boat, eager to get to this new land. Afterall, other than her homeland, she never left the tamer island."So we're gonna be at a beach? Will their be big waves like at my home?" He asked, feeling as eager as his tiny familiar.

  Mikey nodded and pointed to a fairly new looking apartment complex. It was like a beach house with windows that over looked the ocean. Built in were public bath houses and laundry mats for the tamers and familiars to tend to their needs. "Yes, this is it. Thankfully getting you all moved in won't take up too much time since the docs were built to be connected to the apartments." The vampire said. Nightmare peered up over the bow to the boat to take a look. He was able to see the outline of the sandy beaches and the trees not far off, but any other details were blurred out to his eyes.
    "Well, the wave's we get here are not as big as the one's I've seen on your island, we do see some big one's time to time. I've found the best ones are usually seen if you go to the east side of the beach." Mikey added in reply to Mikala's question about the waves. Once the boat was docked, Mikey instructed the new comers from the island, and lead the groups down the docks to their new homes. It looked like there we're very many new tamers, about five with Mika included. Mikey was going to give them all time to decide which apartments they liked best and waited on the front porch that stretched across the expanse of the complex.

    As Yufae flew back to curl around Mikala's waist, laying her upper paws on his shoulder while keeping her head up, both looked toward the direction Mikey pointed at with curiosity. It was the first time they saw an apartment complex, so it was something rather new to them. ''It's so big!'' commented the little dragoness while her tamer's curiosity seemed to have been peeked way more. ''So this is an apartment?'' he muttered, now curious to see how it was inside. Though they we're still far ahead, so he only saw little details of the complex.

    He stopped his observation to look at Mikey as he spoke while he layed his arms on the edge of the boat and leaned down his body a little bit. He was a little sad the waves wouldn't be as big, but at least their would still be waves. So as long as he could surf, he guess it would be fine. ''Alright, I'll keep that in mind!'' he grinned.

    Soon enough, the boat was docked and they could finally get out. The first thing the young man did was grab all of his luggage, followed by Yufae her turned into her human form so she could bring some as well. When the other tamers and familiars came out, he quickly observed them by curiosity. Simply knowing that other tamers would come along. He quickly greeted them cheerfully, yet feeling a little bit nervous for one simple reason. One of the tamers who was a girl... Well, he found her kinda cute. And what happened when he saw a cute girl? He was nervous. Hopelessly nervous.

    At least when he barely knew the girl. He didn't really know them, but they seemed to kinda know him a little bit. Probably mostly because he was one of the guys who was noticed a lot in the village, mostly since most people mocked him. Though, a lot stopped mocking him simply due to growing up, they got more mature. Most of the time, they stopped paying attention to him. But some hadn't grown up and kept on pestering him. Either way, none of them pestered him before and he was now out of his natal village. So it would be a new life. He turned his gaze, giving a deep sigh and looking at the big complex with a curious shine in his eyes. He was now eager to explore this new place, learn new things and see new things. It was a new experience for him.

(this was the last post we did, I may rewrite it as an actual story)