Warptide 2018

5 years, 5 months ago
5 years, 5 months ago
5 6193

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

The various events of warptide 2018 in which Kokiko has been through a lot will she make it through the season thats the question

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The Void...

All around wynsiph many adult wyngrew were fighting for their lives trying to protect their home their families their friends the wynglings all tucked safe in the nook or with their families it seemed all of them had been accounted for but one purple wyngling with a checkered scarf seemed to have flown under the radar and was out in this danger seeming to be in a blissful state of ignorance to everything around her on her way to a spot she loved to play at if only she knew what would happen to her in these terrifying times. Kokiko was running along to a spot that she had always been to she had seen the large dragon like monster and was running  to the spot that felt safest to her  it wasn't the nook and she had no parents to turn to  for comfort the only place that seemed to comfort the small lone wyngling was a large berry field that she discovered while going on one of her many adventures it was always calm full of berries the sweetness would lull the wyngling into a content mood almost like a warm cup of milk for a baby that needed to rest Kokiko was scared  the monster was large and   so many wyngrew were fighting the chaos shook her to running she had to be comfortable she would hide in the bushes until this was all over and eat as many berries as she could that would help her it always did until tonight. Kokiko soon arrived at the field the bushes ripe with berries and the moon shining down  upon the fields illuminating everything Kokiko felt a warmth enter her heart this place seemed untouched just like she thought it would be  nothing seemed wrong it was just like always peaceful and calm and lovely Kokiko stumbled and flopped onto the ground as she ran towards her favorite bush she was tired running wore her out and her legs were wobbly but she felt safe finally this field was her home but little did she know someone or rather something was coming to invade it. Kokiko had managed to pick herself up from her tumble and padded over to the bush she was aiming for  it was ripe with bright red berries full of sweet juice that just made her feel amazing  after circling around under the bush she  laid on her stomach and  reached up to grab a little berry an audible kikiki laugh escaping  her as she bit down on the berry making a big mess on the ground due to all its juice she laid there eating berry after berry until by the  sixth berry something began to taste weird about them almost as if the juice was beginning to spoil. Kokiko spit  out the berry she bit into and    began to scrub her tongue with her from feet it tasted rotten and a horrible stench began to surround her  all the berries and the bush she rested in were beginning to wilt it seemed it smelled horrible and  it was beginning to crowd around her Kokiko  felt the now wilting bush beginning to fall on top of her as its roots and branches withered she had to get out from under it now she began to dig her way out of the now falling bush until she got out from under it gazing upon it the once green bush and red berries were now a  stinky rotting wilted mess on the ground. Kokiko sat back a big frown on her face what happened  all of a sudden had she not noticed the bush was bad when she ran to it maybe she was so scared and in a hurry to escape the monster she saw that she hadn't noticed the rotten bush but then why did the berries taste so sweet before  she pondered this  but figured that maybe the berries she had eaten were just the last good ones of her favorite bush maybe a  small going away gift from the bush cause it was wilting. Kokiko felt a wave of sadness flood over her  it was just a bush but that was her home for so long and her favorite bush in the entire field. While she sat she felt a  cold breeze blow and  a  huge  smell of  rotting berries and  wilting  bushes  flooded over her Kokiko looked up and  in shock she gasped  the entire field which seemed rich and fertile before was covered in withering bushes rotting berries falling from the falling bushes. Kokiko  began to panic her home was rotting away she ran next to the bush she had just been sitting at  the bush she arrived at was no better than the last  gross smelling and rotten Kokiko went to touch the bush but as soon as she made contact with it the bush fell apart into a heap. Kokiko felt her eyes  welling up with tears what was happening why was this happening  this hadn't been this way when she arrived. Kokiko  began to run around the field looking for any bush or berry that wasn't rotting  finally after what seemed like hours she found a single bush far at the edge of the field that seemed to not be touched it was  still red with berries and   the leaves were still green Kokiko began to pad over to it when she  felt  a freezing cold chill seem to slap her from behind and a  weird  raggedy sound echoed in the quiet field. Kokiko felt  a wave of uneasiness and  fear hit her she swallowed hard and turned around in the distance she saw something...tall it seemed to be wearing what looked like a mask. Kokiko tilted her head at it was that some adult out here looking for her  maybe it was a  straggler from battle that needed a break from battle and ran to the  berry field for relief . Kokiko felt a pinch of sadness hit her in addition to the uneasiness the gro that wandered in couldnt have known any berries were there anymore with all the bushes up that way being wilted. Kokiko thought for a moment and then decided that she would  pick some berries from the lone bush that seemed to be unaffected by the wilting and rotting of the others and share them with the gro who seemed to be in a mask in the distance they might  feel good and  be able to go back to battle Kokiko even had a thought that maybe the berries would help that gro become a hero she nodded to herself and  then turned from the what she thought was a gro and ran to the  bush to gather as many berries as she could. Kokiko crawled under the bush as she always did with the others int he field and saw ripe red berries glittering in the bush she began to pick them and place them on the ground softly  making sure not to pop them by accident and make a mess while that was fun for her these were for the gro she saw. Kokiko soon was lost in her mission to gather as many berries as she could there were tons of berries when a  cold uneasiness crept up her back shaking her from her task she was startled by it that she crushed a berry in her paws. Kokiko felt the juice cover her paws and she began to lick it off when she  spit the juice tasted rotten on her paws and  she  shuddered  looking at the  berries she had gathered what once seemed to be glittering were beginning to turn to absolute mush and the  bush seemed to be beginning to sink as well the stink of rot began to swell around her. Kokiko  winced at the smell it was even grosser than before like this bush seemed to be  just melting with advanced rotting  Kokiko  was preparing to  dig from under the bush when she felt something digging at the bush with a large clawed hand. It was huge and Kokiko felt her heart begin to race she  felt her body shake.  Kokiko sat there motionless  accept for her shaking when she felt  a large claw rub against her then suddenly she was grabbed up from the rotting bush  her heart raced and what greeted her seemed to be  a large lanky masked creature. Kokiko shook this was no gro this was nothing she had seen before nothing she could have imagined she stared into its beady bag eyes and  then noticed the thing beginning to smile but the smile began to become impossible  stretching across the things face and revealing a void where its mouth should be. Kokiko stared in absolute horror unable to move unable to scream as she stared into the void it grew and grew with the creatures smile and the sound of tearing stitching her heart raced faster and faster till the ringing of her pulse in her ears was all she could hear her eyes were wet with tears and her arms were stretched out in a feeble attempt to protect herself. After what felt like an eternity of staring into the black void that was this creatures mouth everything went dark the pulse in Kokikos ears stopped and soon everything was quiet. The creature  noticing the wyngling had fainted from utter terror then dropped the wyngling on the ground seeming pleased with what it had accomplished  an audible distorted noise of pleasure emanating from it and wandered off leaving the wyngling passed out in a heap tears still wet on her cheeks from the experience she wouldnt awake for sometime but when she did the void was all she would see for a time.