Is that a ghost?

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
2 1513

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

Artem meets a strange new friend when he's out and about in the garden, Steven's not too sure how to explain it, especially considering the fact that he told Anthousai that he wouldn't let his son out in the garden.

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Part One

Artem looks around, his tail twitching excitedly,
“Oh come on Steven, please can I go out and play, I promise I’ll be good, you don’t even have to come out with me if you don’t want.” He begs, before then glancing back at his surrogate parent, his eyes wide and pleading. Steven tries to avoid his gaze, knowing that he’s very weak to the little one’s eyes,
“Oh Artem don’t do this to me. You know I’m weak to those puppy dog eyes of yours, and your father told me that we’re not to go out because you just end up covered in mud and leaves.” Steven tries to be strong, but Artem just lets out a little whimper, his tail dropping.
“Oh, okay then.” He sniffles, ears now also drooping and Steven makes the mistake of looking back at the very dejected child. Every bone in his body knows that the child is putting on this act and he doesn’t actually feel like that, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t very easily fall for it. And fall for it he very much does.
“Oh okay, cheer up little one, we can go in the garden even if it’s just for a little bit, but you must promise me not to mention it to your father.” Steven says, while getting up and walking over to him.
“Do you, do you mean it?” Artem asks, ears raising slightly, to which with a sigh, Steven nods slightly. The minute that Artem realises that Steven truly means it, his ears and tail shoot back up, wagging happily and bouncing on his feet before then running out of the flap before Steven can even say anything else.
“Yay, thank you Steven, this is why I love you!” Artem calls, slightly muffled by the door, and all Steven can do is sigh, of course he was faking all of it, but oh well, he’s sure the little child can’t do that much harm in the garden, though he should probably head out there with him to make sure he doesn’t get up to too much trouble, children are surprisingly trouble prone, especially one who is part God.
“Wait up for me Artem, I at least want to supervise you doing what you’re not meant to.” He calls before diving through the door after him. As he gets to the other side of the door, he quickly finds a spot to settle down, probably for a nap, it's not like Artem doesn’t also make a lot of noise when he gets up to trouble.