The guys and their stuff

2 years, 1 month ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 1 month ago


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I love animalbs and pant

Animals native to the island are some small birds, some odd rabbit species and very small wolf-like creatures that hunt the rabbits. A few insects, too. Deer used to be common in the small bush-like trees on the marshlands, before they all got shot and the trees cut down early when the island was being settled. 

Many birds eat fish and live on the coastline, however there are a few that live in the marshes in the south east, they mainly survive on the insects that live there. The most common bird is similar to our wagtail. they’re small birds with long tails that will eat absolutely anything. Whether that be insects, small fish, or your chips. Despite being labelled as a pest by the people on the island, they are also praised for their beautiful feathers and their wonderful songs. They mainly live in massive groups. They are hunted by larger birds, as well as occasionally caught by people and killed for their feathers. Because they’re so small, they’re not usually eaten. As I said before they look very similar to the wagtail, they have a long tail and are mostly black and white. 

Another bird on the island is like.. a puffin-pigeon. They’re big, fat and like to live on cliffs and in towns. Much like the birds I mentioned before these are dubbed as a pest by many, and are big enough to easily be shot and eaten. You’ll regularly find these birds on the menu.. and not just by the people there! If larger birds or small wolves can catch them, they’re definitely going to eat them! They are mostly dark grey with white around their face and the top of their wings. They also have white spots on the tips of their tail and wings.

Some other birds include a bird that looks like a robin, but with a bright pink chest and beak. Blackbirds are Common and funny looking birds with long, curved beaks are found in the marshlands. These are usually a dark brown rather than the regular black and white. All sorts of corvids live on the island, the most common being rooks. 

Insects are only found in the marshlands of the island. There’s only a few species of them. Ones a fly that lives in large swarms, and another is some kid of cricket-spider thing. There’s also a frog in the marsh, it’s a greenish-grey-brown with blue eyes. The island doesn’t have any other amphibians, and it certainly doesn’t have any reptiles.

In the less damp parts of the fields, ferret-rabbits can be found. Their summer coat is a light brown while their winter coat is white. These mostly eat the grass in the summer and hibernate in the winter. Since the settlers bringing over and releasing a new rabbit species, the rabbit-ferret guys have been dying out quickly, mainly from disease.

The wolves on the island started off very small, only able to hunt things like rabbits. But ever since the arrival of man these wolves have grown to be much larger than before, with a diet of sheep, chickens, and other animals brought to the island. They aren’t scared of humans, but are aggressive towards them. They hunt in packs of up to 25. It’s illegal to kill one of these wolves unless it is attacking your own animals or yourself.

The marine life mostly consists of sharks, cod, and of course, sea monsters. 

The fish caught by people on the island are usually well within the borders of the large underwater cliff-drop, which is quite shallow and is only home to regular fish and the occasional shark. Sharks are mostly scared of fishing boats and won’t attack. 

Sharks aren’t that different from the ones here on Earth.

The fish caught are mostly cod or some very silvery, grey fish. There’s a lot of them, and they’re very tasty. 

The sea monsters are found after crossing the underwater cliff-drop. The ground suddenly drops into a vast nothingness, it’s much deeper and is home to massive creatures of legend. These sea monsters are only really a dragon-looking whale. That don’t attack anyone’s boat unless disturbed, and are generally quite passive. They are really defensive over their young, though, as these sea monsters are mammals this almost means they have to come up to the surface to breathe every once in a while. They are huge, probably as big as a blue whale. Their diet mostly consists of fish and the very small creatures. The sea monsters hold a significant value towards the people of the island, and are only allowed to be hunted at major events. Much like how the wolves are treated, it’s illegal to kill a sea monster unless the government approves of it.  


Animals brought over from other places. 

These are mainly equivalents of chickens, sheep, cows and horses. 

Their chickens are quite large and have more fur-like white feathers. They are either black, white or patches of both and have brown eyes. Often they will be picked off by wolves.

The sheep of the island all have large horns, more like antlers. They’re short but wide, with grey wool. They have white faces and black, shiny hooves. They also have long tails with a white or black brush on the end of it. These are most commonly attacked by the wolves.

Cows are more like yaks, they have very long and straggly fur and brown in colour. These also have horns, but they’re rather short and the horn part covers most of their face. They’re very closely elated to the massive elephant-like cows that another place rides across from a different continent entirely. It’s unclear how cows were originally brought over but most have guessed someone bought them from that other civilisation. However, these cows are not used for transportation and are only used for their fur and meat. These do not produce milk. They’re sort of bison-like in build and have very heavy eyebrows that make them look funny. They don’t care much for wolves and they don’t seem to care much about them.

Unicorns on this island are.. well, just horses with a very stabby horn on its head. They’re black and white, and have pink or orange eyes. They’re of a slim build though have thick fur and long manes and tails. While both sexes have their unicorn horn, female’s usually have shorter. The males are highly territorial and can have battles with each other which can result in death if they re not separated. After a unicorn dies, it’s horn is carefully removed and cut into multiple pieces. These can be used for swords, knives, or anything sharp. The smallest bit of horn is usually used for kitchen knives while the longest part can be crafted into a sword or a dagger, depending on the length. Unicorns are much bigger than the average horse.

Large rabbits brought over have out-competed the native ferret-rabbits, you can find large warrens of these rabbits.

Rats were accidentally introduced, and are considered a pest.