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OUGH. i don't mind questions at all! in fact i love them, tbh. i do have to warn though that my words get very rambly so like, good luck skdfgjdfkljg

with that said i will now talk about things so much <3 humans do exist, and the time period it takes place in is.. ???? Before Modern Tech for sure, probably 1950s-1980s ireland-area, but that's for My Guys specifically.

humans.. May be able to make dolls? dolls are mostly made via... some weird primordial goop that isn't Actually Located anywhere. like mushroom roots. the black blood that is in their cores is essentially a physical manifestation of the primordial ichor - after a core is made, that magic of the ichor will pretty much just. take housing in the core and bring life to it. personally in my own story/setting for the dolls, it's intended that humans know even less about how dolls work than the dolls themselves. lore-wise, the only thing you need to make a doll is the right size specifications and a proper core with herbs in it, so in theory, if a human knew how to do it + was in an area that the ichor is prevalent, yeah! they probably could. i only don't make it canon for my own story since again, humans have No Goddamn Clue what's going on. they just kinda wait for the dolls to send a few "ambassadors" out to trade out crops, materials, fancy intricate woodworking and embroidery, etc.

as a sidenote, i do believe that there are easily other societies for dolls outside of the ireland dolls, it's mostly that i think at That time period, it's probably the most developed and largest society for dolls, but pretty much the only people who know those dolls exist are the ones in the town and those who pass through and end up hearing about what they assume is just local folklore. there probably ARE doll societies (at any time period) that aren't in contact with humans, though!

okay now to specifically talk about the idea you had! so like, yeah! i don't see any problem with that at all. again, i'm honestly not too protective over the idea of the dolls as long as it's credited (so people can find it/know my original intention for them!) and done respectfully! the idea of a doll being fascinated with a phone is so cute, god. i will say i'm personally not sure how a digital affinity would work since most of the ideas i had would involve items that can Do Things (pens write on paper, books can have pages flipped) but in My view of it i feel like they wouldnt be able to like, tap a screen with an affinity or something. i wonder if a phone is too big (heavy?) for them to float.. oh god that'd look silly thought, i love it LKJGDFG.. FLOATING A. LIKE. PHONE STYLUS.......... FUN. FUN. LOVE THAT.

IDK!! tldr; yeah, sure! i don't see why not, since again, i'm mostly just using this concept to tell my own story and then letting others do whatever they want in addition to it. mostly because i feel like my concept isn't that original/special enough to really try to claim exclusive ownership and end-all-be-all say of rules for it. if you Do decide to make a doll set in more modern times, i'm actually really excited to see what you do with it, because i never really thought about anything like that before 👀 hehe. have fun <3!!

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YESSS EXCITED FORE IT!!! seriously i welcome questions soo much. i have this huge doc i'm supposed to be working on bt i got sidetracked but. i WILL get around to it eventually. questions honestly help me also figure out waht information i should put on it too so! i welcome questiosn so much!!!!

BUT YES IM GENUINELY EXCITED TO SEE IT!! EHEHEHEHEH >:)!! and thank you! i appreciate it!!

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