
2 years, 5 hours ago
663 1

idk man.. i was listening to ricky montgomery songs..

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He was sitting at the dock by himself. Sifting through his own thoughts silently, his mind closed off from the rest of the world. That was until Argo called his name, snapping him back into the rest of the world.

“Are you doing okay?”

Cyril turned his head. He nodded solemnly.

Argo walked down the length of the dock and sat down next to Cyril, slowly but surely. Almost easing himself into his place next to him. It was silent for a moment, and then Cyril spoke.

“Your little sister seems to look up to you, she cares for you a lot… I’m a little jealous, I wish I had siblings.”

“Oh…” Argo paused, “She’s not really my sister, she’s my cousin, but we were raised as siblings. I just call her my sister, it feels right.”

Cyril was silent.

“Do you have any family? At all?”

“I- no.” Cyril seemed upset, like a bad memory had resurfaced. “I haven’t seen them.”

Argo nodded and let out a sigh, and then stood up again. He idled there for a moment, shuffling his feet for a while. He turned around and headed back for the house Cyril was letting him stay in.


He turned his head.

“Will… will you come sit next to me again? I-it’s fine if you-”

Argo put his hand on his shoulder, and sat down next to him for the second time that evening. He sat all the way down and let his hand drift off of Cyril’s shoulder and onto the wood of the dock between them. Cyril met his eyes and opened his mouth as if he had something to say, but then shut it, just thankful they had someone near them.

“I-” Cyril’s eyes had begun to water. “They’re. They’re dead.”

On an impulsive whim, Argo had hugged him. He hadn’t even thought, he just went to hold him. It was the only way he knew how to comfort people. “Here.. I’m.” Argo paused. “I’m here.”

Cyril hugged him back and squeezed lightly, grabbing at his clothes. He was crying now, into Argo’s shoulder. They stayed like that for a few moments, and Cyril lifted his head onto Argo’s now wet shoulder, a tear running down their soaked face.

“Argo?” Cyril put his face back into the crook of Argo’s neck.


It was getting late, the sun was setting, coloring the sky with beautiful pinks and oranges. It was beautiful. It looked as if the sun was sitting on water, dipping itself slowly into the water, shedding its color into the water.

“Thank you,” Cyril choked on his words a little bit, “I.” He paused again.

Argo was cradling him at this point, and slowly rocking the both of them back and forth. Cyril had stopped crying now. But had refused to detach themself from Argo’s shoulder, content with staying there for the moment. Cyril didn’t want his moment to end anytime soon, it was so comforting.

“Cyril, it’s getting late. I think we should go back inside.”

He was right, unfortunately. Argo stood up, or tried to at least. Cyril would let go.


Cyril was clutching Argo like it was the end of the world now.

“Please… can we stay like this, just a little bit longer.” Cyril seemed desperate.

He had detached himself from Argo so he could look at him again. He had adjusted himself to where he was sitting on his knees, a little higher than eye level with him. He looked sad, but content and happy at the same time.

“We can go sit inside if you want. It’s getting dark.” Argo suggested, half-smiling.

Cyril nodded and Argo stood up, and held his hand out for Cyril to take it. Cyril took it and held it gently, quietly following Argo across the length of the dock, and back inside.