Wanderer Slot Prompts

2 years, 27 days ago
2 months, 14 days ago
3 3905

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 27 days ago

Writing blurbs for Wanderer Slot raffles

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Author's Notes

Ferrugo Import Links
Ketucari Website

Elder Theme: Introduction

Crepe MP Count
868 Words 8.5 MP
Other ARPG 2 MP
Personal 2 MP

April Slot Raffle Entry for Bun 2785

Ferrugo had no clue what to do with Crepe, who was now running ahead of him and playing like a cub in the late spring snow. He was wary, keeping an eye out for those who might see Crepe as an easy target. Crepe's shining coat was easy to spot from afar. There were reports of a pack of wanderers in the area, and he didn't know how friendly they were. Ferrugo felt very protective of his friend.

"RUSTY!-" Crepe shouted, shaking Ferrugo out of his thoughts.

Ferrugo went off at a lope to catch up with Crepe, When did he get so far? As soon as he was in earshot of Crepe, the amoux turned around, his familiar lopsided grin beaming.

"Look who I met!" Crepe said, with great pride.

Ferrugo struggled to keep from panting. In front of Crepe was a ketucari unlike any he'd seen before. She had find on her shoulders and between her hips. She was colorful in a way he never they could be. She was very intriguing. She was eyeing him up as well with a cautious, but playful eye.

"So, you're Rusty?" she asked.

"Well, my name is actually Ferrugo, but my friend calls me Rusty," said Ferrugo.

"Well met, Rusty, my name is Bun," she said, eyes glittering with mischief. He didn't mind.

Crepe turned back towards Bun, "What brings you this parts?"

"Me and my pack are wandering the continents, taking in as much as we can of the various peoples and cultures that can be found, seeing new things, learning. Our lineage doesn't come from this land, either, " Bun said.

"Ahhh, I've heard reports about your homeland. Zolkanis, correct? I didn't get to join in the initial explorations after we learned about your homeland," Ferrugo added, thoughtfully.

Bun let out a laugh, "Yes, I remember hearing tales of some of the first ketucari of your lands meeting those from mine. The stories of seeing Raziq for the first time! We didn't know that 'When pigs fly' is a phrase of impossibility, or was, for here. Back home, it's meaning is entirely different, haha!"

Her chuckles were infectious.

Crepe looked confused, "What are Raziq? I not heard that name before."

Bun answered with unexpected kindness, "feathered raziq are a species of boar, that can fly. They can be a nuisance if you disturb them, and their tusks can cause some gnarly damage."

"Oh, they're actually flying pigs! I thought you were pulling my tails. Rusty, can we visit? I want to see flying pigs!" Crepe barked at Ferrugo, tails lashing from side to side in excitement.

Bun laughed at Crepe's excitement, even Ferrugo cracked a smile.

"Maybe, first we need to do enough jobs to get the coin to travel there. Then maybe," said Ferrugo.

Crepe ran in circles around him and Bun. Barking in excitement, speaking his native tongue.

"Well, since you two seem familiar with this area, would you mind showing me around?" Bun asked. They agreed.

Ferrugo took her along the main road to the town they were staying in. The fields that bright green of new sprouts. Crepe Excitedly ran in front, and was pointing out his favorite things and places. Bun was more than happy to humor Crepe, but Ferrugo had the sneaking suspicion that it was genuine, but he thought it wouldn't be polite to ask.

When they came into town, she got some curious glances. Ferrugo was sure that almost everyone in town had never seen a Danuoc ketucari before, let alone know they existed. Crepe stopped in front of a familiar shop, delicate filigree writing promises confirmed by the delicious smells coming from inside.

"What is this place?" Bun asked.

"It's what people here call an 'Eatery', the food is quite go-" he started to say.

She chuffed in mock offense before asking, "Clearly, but what kind of food? Can we go inside and get food? Will we fit? It looks kinda small..."

Crepe poked his head and shouted, "Yes! Now come in, order time!"

Ferrugo shook his head and chuckled at his friend's excitement. He and Bun went inside, the space larger inside than it appeared outside. One of the workers directed them to an airy nook where the benches were moved out of the way, completely unneeded for patrons like themselves. Bun was delighted at the food options as they were described to her. To Ferrugo and Crepe, they were mostly common food items, but to Bun, they were entirely new. She opted for a rich meaty stew. Crepe bought some, too, but instead of a bowl, it was in a lightly roasted gourd. Ferrugo opted for a local meat dish with grains and spring fowl.

As they waited for their food, Bun told them of her and her pack's travels. The things they saw, places they visited, people met. Crepe and Ferrugo held onto every word. As they finished their meal, the sun was setting behind the jagged peaks. They said their goodbyes on the edge of town.

"Well, it's time for me to find my way back to my pack. May we meet again someday Rusty and Crepe," Bun said.

"Safe travels, "Ferrugo and Crepe said.