Easter Events

2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 1 month ago
2 1307

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

Any prompts I ended up writing up for the Easter event 2022 All Jack based because I need to give him more love, it might mention other characters, but they're not really counting.

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Author's Notes

Word count: 550

Chocolate Love / Hate

Easter has always been a time of year which Jack enjoys, with the weather it is neither too hot or cold, there’s often clouds just peaking across the sky. Okay some times it rains, but never hard enough that it isn’t just slightly pleasant to be out in.
The one thing that Jack however hates about Easter, is the abundance of chocolate. Jack hates the stuff, well he doesn’t hate it per say, but he doesn’t really like chocolate just by itself, it’s good in a cake, or maybe some other form of desert. At a push a Kitkat can hit the right spot, but just a chocolate egg with no real added flavour, it makes him flinch just thinking about it. You would think, well surely just, not buy one, and that would work if his family didn’t just, insist on being him at least two every year. He’ll tell them all the way leading up, that no, he doesn’t want one, he’d rather just get a small plant if they really want to buy him something, but nooo, he’ll wake up and end up getting an egg anyway, he’s only managed to convince them one year not to buy him one.
This year however it was worse.
He went to visit his family, firm that they knew he didn’t want an egg of any form, he did however buy them all one. What he got was just something simple and cheap from the shop as he walked by, they still look exciting though, especially the one for his little sister, she loves any sort of gift and she is all over chocolate. The two are a perfect pair of opposites, him and Mari, but if anything, that seems to just make them both get along better. Mari however, gave him a gift back, from their aunts, but he realised they had Mari give it to them so he couldn’t refuse. What she held was a rather large and incredibly expensive chocolate egg, it’s nice sure, and he will eventually eat his way through it, but that just might finally end by next year. Mari however, was more then happy to get her chocolate, and he managed to shell of the other cheaper one he was given to her, by oh no, accidently leaving it in Mari’s pile and only realising once she’d opened it, but it’s fine, she’s just a child and can keep them all. It does make him feel slightly ungrateful, but then it’s not really his fault that he didn’t want an egg in the first place, he let them know this and they still went out and spent that much money on them.
Though despite his personal hatred of chocolate, he did also head out the first day the shops were open afterwards to see if there was any reduced chocolate left on the shelves, he does have friends and a sister who loves it all after all, and who is he but an enabler in that sense. So yeah, he may personally be on camp I hate chocolate, especially just by itself, but he’s more then willing to respect his friends and family who feel the other way around, especially his little sister, but what should he be but a doting big brother.