Mortal Comforts - Orrb

2 years, 1 month ago
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Reader Insert Series #1, Mortal Comforts, covers the gentle moments each character covets, shared with the reader.

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"I've brought some of the dandelion wine I made. You said you liked it last time, so I brought an extra bottle for you to take home," Orrb says, beginning to unpack the sizable and unwieldy picnic basket he'd brought along for your picnic. He unpacks each item carefully, setting your favorite foods closest to you to make them easier for you to reach. The two of you set in on some of the sandwiches he packed first, not wanting them to get soggy from all the condiments and veggies the two of you gathered from the garden yesterday. The sun is warm on you both, bright on the earth but not in your eyes because you'd both set up your picnic blanket and umbrella to keep the sun behind you and not glaring directly in your faces.

"I'm so glad you had the time to join me, I love our little picnics," the grippli mentions, just to make sure you hear how much he enjoys spending time with you. He says such things often, to make sure you don't forget how valued and appreciated you are as his friend. He plates up some of the strawberry shortcakes for you both, giving you the one with the most strawberries and whipped cream. You take some of the strawberry jam the two of you had with bread earlier and add it to the dessert, making it even tastier than it was before. It's a bit messy, but both of you can clean the stickiness off of your fingers in the stream nearby as you walk home, and perhaps, for your efforts in cleaning, you'll get to see some minnows too. The walk back to the cottage is short, but it's merry all the way walking with your dear friend.