Indulging with Darkness and Demons

2 years, 1 month ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

Darkness and Demons are birds of a feather. They have their own enjoyments in what they do to others, themselves, and perhaps towards each other.

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Kazeichi, a city that is outright one of the most corrupted places within Vermillion, a place owned by corporations by two of the most ruthless woman this world may offer. With that said there is plenty of sin that contains in this city, a festering of crimes of all kinds each one of a different nature that exist inside humans. Within the city, those with more sinister attributes are able to take advantage of the place this is while those that were trying to do good were overshadowed by this place they may call home where the sun can barely shine.

This was a perfect place for somelike like this woman with long dark purple hair, a confident smile on her face as if not worried about what may come to her like some pathetic thug as she wore a business outfit. A suit and shirt with an open cleavage showing her large bosom, a miniskirt with a simple bend that may bring the danger of showing her black lace panties, black thigh-high length socks, and finally heels features that could make her a target. Though she didn't too much care about this as she kept walking by those passersby of all kinds with the nightlife of the city with the only light were the artificial street lights and signs.

Her red eyes with black sclera scan through every creature she passes, women, men, adults, teens, and all others through her those eyes saw something a little interesting. A girl that seems to be out of place to be walking around these streets, a girl that looked so nervous and defenseless that she'll be seen as easy prey. A pathetic terrified girl but here she is wandering around these streets that would easily consume her, the two were passing each other with eyes meeting though there was something amiss.

A feeling of something more to this girl and there was something in the reflection in her glasses, a different person entirely. The woman turns, her keen eyes with the shadows took noticed that this girl's shadow was inhuman-like as if there was a second shadow closely pressed against, instructing her, whispering in her ears of course it was a shadow even she cannot truly make out what this was about. With a grin she stopped her original purpose of wondering about to following this girl, keeping her eyes on her to the best of her abilities as there were still many others moving about.

She follows and follows until she caught the girl making a sharp turn doing her pass to get through the wave of people to walk into an alleyway. How quaint, was she trying to lose her, or perhaps it was a shortcut well there was only one way to find out as the woman went through those people to enter the ally way looking in front of her. 

Though it was only after she took a few steps forward that she heard a timid voice that was blending into a dark patch. Clever the woman thought, it was quite unexpected for someone she's looking at to come up with a way to avoid detection. A girl that had black hair and twintails, glasses with red eyes, pleated red shirt with a black dress over it and when she saw her mouth move she spotted two fangs.

“W-why are you following me? D-do you need something, miss?” A timid voice to match her body language though Serenity felt like something was off about this. It was hard for her to notice completely as she look down at the shorter girl.

“Hmm? Well, I just wanted to make sure wherever you were going you will be safe. Where are you from girl, someone like you isn't suited for a place like this.”

“H-high school, I was um. . . L-leaving from uh. . .Gakuen High. W-what about you?”

“Gakuen High, I know very little of it but I have heard of it before from a family man who was hoping to bring his little girl there in the past~. As for me, I was taking a simple stroll~”

“Ah, I see. . . Well, I don't want to keep you from-”

“No, no, no. I don't think a girl like you would be wondering here intentionally nor do I think your high school would require you from taking this dangerous path. I could be wrong though~” She smirks as she leans forward, her chest showing plenty of cleavage as she stares at those lenses.

The young girl was blushing as her red eyes caught those large breasts in front of her with such a mature woman pressing her with questions. Her fingers were fidgeting, why are mature women so hot and wondered if she was a motherly figure with that kind of body.

“Something wrong, dearie~?”

“N-no, I was momm- sorry I just want to go home and thought this would be a. . .shortcut?”

“Shortcut, you don't seem so confident on that? Tell me the truth. Why are you wondering about these sinful streets~?”

“Well, I-” 

Suddenly the woman's eyes widen in surprise as what appeared in those lenses' reflection was a bloodied girl in them, smiling at her as if she knew she was staring at the glass. It didn't take her long until the timid girl was pressing against her closely to bring those glasses closer to the woman's face while she spoke with a voice that was out of character.

“If you want to be so interested in playing twenty questions then I will provide all of the answers simply by bringing you to my world~”

“Hm, your world?” Her eyes were glued to the other looking upon her through those glasses while behind them the eyes of the girl became more demonic-like as if she was shifting to something much different. Cruelty, sinister, plotting, and far more overwhelming than the timid girl that was- those glassed seemed to have changed, her hair as well as what was in those reflections was now forming in reality.

A sinking feeling came over here, was she that distracted as she was now feeling something happening around them. It wasn't similar, the air was heavier with the area thicker with immense evil aura and as she pulls her eyes away from the glasses that had a chance and the reflection gone she noticed the world- no reality itself has shifted without noticing.

What was left with her was a slightly taller girl was an expression of full confidence, a smile that someone like herself knew it was one of a murderer who gets a high from inflicting pain, or perhaps there was more than just inflicting pain. This one's body was covered in blood, short dark reddish hair, sleeveless sweater with a skirt and leggings including boots for footwear with what was interesting was the girl before had large round glass this one wearing narrow rectangle ones. Her left arm was behind her as she speaks.

“Welcome to my reality~ “ She chuckles as the woman's eyes was examining her surroundings, it was the same alleyway but it was twisted, distorted with walls covered with rust and blood, their entrance was now fenced up by a rusty gate that held no door to enter or exit from. Though when she looks to her side and her back the area had expanded as well giving much more room to move around in.

Even with all of this, she looks back to the new girl she was looking upon, a girl that was giving out something she hasn't experienced before. It was so very new, exciting even that it made her smile widely as she gives out a whistle.

“Well, like what you did with the place. Thought Kazeichi was edgy but this place makes it as if you want your coffee black~”

“Wow, you're not scared~? Well, you're not human or a normal creature are you?”

“Ah, congrats. That is correct, say what's your name. I'm serenity-” As she spoke her name the girl in front of her quickly slash at her with a large knife that cut right through her arm with ease. Was it the blade that was sharp, no. . . This girl had the strength to support it as she grins directly at serenity whose cut limb was spraying blood from the severed limb.


“Heh, you know. If it wasn't for my ability I would have been irked for you ruining my suit.” Of course, Serenity wasn't normal in the slightest. There was no sign of her reacting to this at all and this made Eve much more excited.

“What are you, Serenity~?”

“Me? I should ask you that~”

“You can just call me a demon-” Suddenly she felt something impaling her side, a tendril that digs itself into her and was connected to the limb that was missing its arm. Eve cuts the tendril, she groans in pain but it wasn't like she avoiding it, no her expression made it seem like she was relishing it. The tendril that was cut was leaking out black goop instead of blood that was still leaking out of the woman.

“Sorry, just thought I should reply to you for your interruption~” She chuckles as the cut tendril regrew from the missing limb, wriggling about as Serenity was on standby. “So, a demon eh? Different from ones I've encountered before.”

“Is that a compliment? I'm honored~” Eve goes right at her, slashing at her body perhaps understanding that if she cut the other arm the same will happen thus slicing her open will be the way to go through Serenity wasn't having it. She back steps from the slash and counters by extending the tendrils towards Eve who allows it to pierce her body with glee. Moaning is joyous pain as she pushes her toward the woman who was entertained by surprised by this demon's ways. Her tendril was being kept inside the demon's body as she went closer to the point she was at the range, striking her body and causing deep bloody wounds upon her.

Slice, slash, slice, slash! In a flash, Serenity's torso was being marked and covered with wounds that caused her dark blood to leak out of her as Eve cuts the tendril, pulling it out of her and throwing it back at serenity to insult her.

Even then, there was not much of a reaction from the woman as if the pain meant little to her. It was the extreme opposite between them, Serenity felt the pain but it meant nothing while Eve was loving every ounce of it she was given. Then Eve's eyes noticed those wounds were slowly being devoured by black goop as if it was mending those wounds as if she was regenerating and before she could make a remark she dodge sliced the tendril that was extending itself towards her and cut it as she noticed it making a turn.

Serenity with a smirk as she materializes a blacken claymore sword with red rune markings on it to her right hand and swings it horizontally at eve who only steps away enough to let the tip slash at her stomach. Feeling her body bleed with so invigorating with what it was doing for her, encouraging her to go right at serenity at a frontal assault. 

The woman slashes the sword horizontally once more to get a clean hit after all Eve would have to jump or slide and surely she will not allow the latter option as the tendril went right at her. This wasn't a problem for the demon who jumps over the sword slash, cutting Serenity's face as she was able to jump over her. Blood was running down her head as there was a clean-cut right in the middle of her head but that didn't slow her down at all as she claps her hand with the tendril.

“Okay, let's get serious now.” This time she grins she was showing her sharp teeth, a sharp turn as she quickly closes the distance and slashes down at Eve who retorted by bringing her blade up crossing their blades. To think a demon could hold out against a two-handed sword with a simple knife, this was a powerful one, wasn't she? This power, this reality she was bought into. . . This is someone who is unlike one she ever encountered. Exciting, she puts more into her blade down as she leans her face close to Eve who did the same.

“You're strong, Eve. Surprisingly so.”

“Yeah, you're not too bad yourself. I have to say, I love the way you hurt me~” As they spoke sparks were coming from their blades as they keep up with each other.

“Still, you cannot win~”

“Why not~?”

“If I say, that will be a surprise.”

“Hm~? Like this~?” With a sudden move, she pulls her knife away and quickly stabs serenity right from the knife and pushes upright from the neck right through her head, as she leans her head back causing Serenity's blade to only slide deeply into her throat letting it bleed openly with glee though there was another sharp pain that was not like the tendril. Something from behind dig into her back, holding it as if it was a strong hand digging its nails inside her, feeling immense bleeding pour out of it and threatening to tear her apart. Fuck, the thought of it was exciting, stimulating to the point she may reach ecstasy from this incredible pain she was desiring. Choking on her own blood, coughing it out as her knife pulls right out of serenity's head causing it to be sliced open in two.

It would be a mutual death if the two of them weren't what they were, Eve felt a chunk of her back being ripped apart. Her legs shaking in masochistic pleasure as she was able to get a distance away from the woman whose head was still split open, a pool of dark blood spilling out of her as she leans forward causing a large puddle. Though Eve wasn't a fool, her eyes were sharp as she notice that the same black goop that covered her body wounds was doing the same to her head, reconnecting it slowly as she spots what took the chunk of her flesh. The arm that was replaced by a tendril has evolved to a darken arm with large claws that held her fleshy bits that bleed on it and to the ground it hovered at.

Serenity as her head was repairing itself was walking towards Eve, rising her clawed arm up reading to lunge at her. Eve though kept still, she knew what was going to happen, and the way to win this was to embrace this lovely pain and she does as she felt those claws piercing her body until she was pinned against the wall. The sound of the sword falling to the ground can be held as the freehand based the demon's head and kept her still so the clawed dark hand can repeatedly insert itself into her body, each time it did Eve was welcome with this immense pain as her blood was getting over Serenity's body. Again and again, laughing with pure ecstasy that was overwhelming her body until one last time, panting was it kept itself deep inside her while Serenity's face repaired completely looking upon the expression of a girl satisfied with a partner. 

“Are you done~?” What a weird question, was she getting off to this? Was it giving her something she desired? There's no winning here for Serenity, not when a demon like her isn't going to die by her hands knowing if they survived all of this then the limits can be boundless. 

“Sounds like you had your fill.”

“Hmm, you could say that~”

Serenity pulls her claws out of Eve, stepping back with one last act as the knife was tossed directly into her throat. A troublesome girl, besides choking on it, serenity casually pulls it out of her and drops it to the ground.

“We're done, this will go on forever.”

“Oh~? Why's that?”

“Because you won't die that easily nor will I. After all, you cannot easily kill darkness with the tools you have.”

“Hmmm~! I see what you're saying. You're a being of darkness, how cute~. Isn't darkness in cases the thing that LOVES to delight people for what they wish for~? Relatable~”

The being of darkness wraps her arms below her blooded breasts, puffing them up as she looks upon the other. “Yes, I tend to satisfy other creatures' desires. I used to do a lot of bloodlust and all that but I got bored. Why kill directly when I can enjoy and indulge them~.”

“Agreed~. We're a little different. I like driving people into giving in to their desire, wanting to commit to their deadly sins~.”

There was silence in this place, the blooded girls staring at each other until they both started laughing about this similarity. “It seems we may get along together pretty well~” Serenity says after she stops laughing with Eve following with her.

“Of course, without darkness then what would bring creatures to their darkest indulges~” After speaking those words she licks her knife tasting the blood that was laced on it. “So, you're not here to put a stop to me like some Hero, like some good guy~”

“Please,  I was just curious and was interested. I'm glad I fulfilled what I wanted to know to come across someone like yourself.”

“The pleasure is all mine~. I suppose I can let you return to your reality then~”

“If you would be so kind. So, what about that other girl?”

“Ah, that's my lovely host. Shio, a delightful vessel for me and gay for hot mommies like yourself~. Feel free to take advantage of that knowledge, she too needs to indulge in all kinds of sins. Would you perhaps help me with that?” 

“A deal with the devil~? Why not, darling. As long as you don't heavily affect specific people then I am willing to let you go with your own devices~”

The two grin as Serenity's eye saw the free hand of the demon reaching out for a handshake. “Sure, I can go with that. If only a few out of bound targets is not a problem with me if having you as a well. . . 'partner'. I'll agree to this deal~”

“Sounds go to me, dear~” Serenity with her reconstructed arm grabs the hand and shakes it, a dark deal with the devil then again. Darkness and demons are usually sided by side, after all. A woman of darkness only goes for what benefits her and this agreement does benefit her. As the two smile, Serenity notice reality shifting back to what it was before and now she was holding hands back to the girl known as Shio.

“Y-your holding my hand. . .” Thus the return of that timid voice returns as Serenity grins. 

“. . .Of course, I decided to bring you to a lovely place to meet up with someone dear to me. I feel bad knowing a girl like yourself is all alone so~” 

Purposely, the darkness woman pressed herself against the young girl causing her head to go completely red as she felt those large breasts against her. Seems like Serenity's body was cleaned after returning as if what she was in was a dream, a dream that seemed so real but she knew it was.

“This dear friend of mine is a good woman that could help you with some studies~”

Shio felt her heart pounding, why is this woman being so kind to her all of a sudden when she was questioning her deep down she couldn't refuse the offer when such a beautiful woman like her was treating her to this. A beautiful woman with beautiful long hair, a mature face with confidence, and a body telling her she could be a mother figure. It was going to her head! “S-sure! I-I su-suppose if you-you are offering then-then I s-shouldn't refuse!”

“Wonderful dear. My name is Serenity and yours~”

“S-shio. . .”

“Shio, this is a beginning of a wonderful friendship~” Of course as Serenity smiles she took notice of Eve from the glasses reflection. Winking at her with a delighted smile on her face, serenity grabs Shio's arms as she potions them side by side allowing that arm of the young girl to be pushed against the side of her cloth-clad chest~

A beginning of a partnership? Or perhaps a mutual agreement. Regardless poor Shio is going to be dealing with what she doesn't fully understand what had happened.