Discovery and New Beginnings

2 years, 1 month ago

This is basically my sona’s backstory? Idk might change it later.

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Author's Notes

I am n o t an author AJDJSJF I threw this together in like- an hour I have no idea what I’m doing

It is dark in the void. There was nothing but black around the creation but there was still a sense of surrounding. Like the creation could simply reach out a limb and run it along a wall that wasn’t visibly there. The creation didn’t know why it was there or who created it. One day it simply opened it’s eyes and it’s been wondering around the void ever since. Truthfully, the creation had only existed for a couple hours though it felt much longer than that. Time was unusual in the void.

The creation spotted something in the distance. Was it light? The creation couldn’t tell, for it had never seen anything other than the void before. The creation made it’s way towards the strange sight. It was mesmerizing to the creation. It was something new to observe.

The creation stood in front of the source of which the light had come from. It looked like a rip in the void. The rip was big enough for the creation to crawl through with enough effort. Should the creation exit the void? It was safe in the void. There were no threats in the void. The void was all the creation knew up to that moment.

Though the creation was content in the void it yearned to see past the darkness, to see what the light had to offer. It had a feeling it wouldn’t see anything other than darkness in the void.

With a tentative step, the creation moved closer towards the rip. The light was almost blinding yet so enticing. The creation stuck a limb into the crack in the void. The light did not wound the creation. It felt a little warm, a comforting feeling to the creation. With a bit of effort, the creation crawled through the gap.

The light was somehow even more blinding. The creation lifted an arm and shielded their eyes from the harsh sunlight. Wait- arm? The creation hastily looked down at themself. The creation now had a form.

They were humanlike in appearance. The creation was some sort of humanoid with bird wings and tail. They were also paired with a pair of antennas and horns.

Looking away from their new form, the creation looked around to see where the rip had transported them. The creation was now in a bright, sepiatoned field with clouds dotting the sky. There was a beautiful lake glistening off the sunlight. It was so beautiful to Tori.

Tori? When had the creation obtained a name? Tori. Yes that sounded right to the creation. The name helped them feel more complete. The creation now had an identity to hold onto and build.

Tori wondered around the open field. It was all so awe inspiring. The feel of grass in Tori’s hand made them feel all giddy inside. Escaping the void was not a mistake. The void. Tori nearly forgot about the void. They turned around and tried to look for where they had came from. The entrance was gone. There was no trace that the void could’ve ever been there in the first place.

There was probably never going to be a way for Tori to return to the void. Thinking about this made Tori feel a little upset. They could not understand why, for the light had everything the void didn’t. Tori quickly shook their head to rid themself of the thought. They did not want to think about that right now.

Tori sat down in the grass. Unfortunately, they could not run around forever. They quickly discovered what being tired felt like. Relaxing felt nice. Tori lied down on the grass and stared up at the cloudy sky. It was quite beautiful. Tori wanted to reach up and touch the clouds. The clouds looked soft and fluffy to the touch.

An audible pulse startled Tori upright. What was that? Tori stood up and scanned for the source of the sound. The sound was coming from the lake. Tori made their way towards the body of water. The water was rippling like something disturbed it. Tori looked down at the lake. Expecting to see their reflection, Tori was startled with that they saw.

It looked like there was a whole different world in the reflection. There was more to explore? Tori felt a bit excited at the prospect of getting to see more. Tori stuck their hand in the water expecting for their hand to be drenched. They were pleasantly surprised when it came out as dry as it was before. It looked safe enough. Why not take the risk?

Tori took a deep breath and dove in.

Author's Notes

Basically the wacky sepiatoned place is a hub of some sorts that Tori can return to at any time. The lake is a portal to different worlds to explore. Occasionally the water in the lake would show a different reflection and woah new portal time. H haha this is definitely not my way to explain self inserts not at all