Snow Elves

5 years, 5 months ago
5 years, 5 months ago
1 359

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

Everything about Snow Elves

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General knowledge about Snow Elves


Snow elves live where the snow and ice are: mountains,tundra... wherever the ground is painted in white , they're there. They survive the rigid environment, thanks to their build, what they lose in agility, they gain it with their bulky bodies.

Their physical traits aren't too different from a woodland elf, but they have usually pale skin, eyes with nuances of brown, red or grey, hair that goes from white to light brown and an attitude to strenght, instead of flexibility. Hunters tend to develop freckles , due to their exposure under the sun for hours. Their eyes are more sensitive to light, however they protect them with a dark paint all over the eyes, resulting in a sort of mask.

To survive the cold, they cover themselves with pelts and wool, which their cattle produces. They don't have many animals to take care of ( wooly sheep/halla/cows and other animals who have fur to protect them).  Snow elves know how to addomesticate some mooses too, which they use to travel. Another fact studies reveal is wolves and those clans have a symbiotic relationship: elves keep in check the number of wolves, so they won't destroy the habitat, and feed them in case they're starving. In a sense wolves are wild dogs they use to find new areas and resources. Dead or weak wolves provide pelts for the clans and elves help the animals survive the harsh environment they decided to live in. They learnt to preserve what they have.

Each clan teaches mages fire spells before anything else, to help people stay warmer, while hunters learn to blend in the habitat: white, grey,black and brown are the chosen colors for an armor, which it isn't made of metal. Reasons are metal can be tracked by animals from the smell and noise of it, snow elves learnt to use different types of clothes to protect themselves in the wilds, but they can keep small amounts of metals with them, such as claws, knives etc...
They mastered how to cover tracks and communication during hunts, such as using howls and chirps or marking slightly trees and snow to collaborate.