Teritory description

2 years, 1 month ago

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This pack resides in the cave complex that spans the entirety of the coastside. They have also claimed the coastside ponds and the cliff above their den as their own. The cliffside is made of hardened sand and sandstone, small birds and insects have made their homes in the small cracks and tiny holes. The coast is covered in sand with small patches of plants and dead trees littered about. The area around the ponds is covered in wet, mossy and very slippery rocks cowered with dirt from the sea. The ponds themselves have very clear water and a sandy bottom with many holes and cracks for various sealife to hide in. It is used as a food source and training ground. The cliff is covered in grass and flowers. The caverns branch into a complex of tiny hallways and massive caverns where food and nesting material is stored. The hallways connect all the way to the great jungle cavern.