Don't lose your head (your arm is fine)

2 years, 29 days ago
2 years, 28 days ago
2 969

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 28 days ago

How Luckpaw came to the clans

or; how the Victini lost her arm

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Jirachi: (Un?)Lucky

It's frequent that Luckpaw thinks back on their dearest friend, the Jirachi who they'd known before now. The way they would talk, how expressive they'd be. Their conversations were practically burned into Luckpaw's memory, the way the Jirachi would always giggle before answering stupid questions the Victini would ask. The shine in the eyes of the other was a frequent thought in her mind at night, wondering if one of the stars out there was maybe their friend.

Realistically, the thought was foolish, she knew that. The Jirachi had surely forgotten them, but late one night, the memory of their last conversation played in her mind. It was bittersweet, but all in all she loved thinking of her friend.

"Victini, are you okay?" The question jolted the other out of her thoughts, and looking up, she saw a familiar face staring right back at her. Startled by the sudden question though, she nearly fell off her little perch in surprise.

"Wh-" she started, flailing her arms a little to regain her balance. It took a moment, but her claws dug into the tree enough to keep her grounded. She hadn't been expecting company, but Jirachi was always welcome in her little home. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why, what's up?"

The star-shaped pokemon sighed, pressing a hand between their eyes. "Arceus above, you are so stubborn," they muttered under their breath. "You're clearly not, you've been sulking for the past week." Now, the Jirachi raised their hand, gesturing at the other's slumped-over form.

Victini huffed, but didn't deny it. "I didn't want to worry you. I'm fine, really." She turned away, looking down at her hands with first shame and then a sharp, cold impersonality. No use in worrying her only friend, right?

"You're not." The Jirachi replied, floating closer. "What can I do?"

"Leave." Vicitni replied, turning to the other with a quick, sharp motion. "Just- just go." 

Author's Notes

words; 317

levels; 4

PD; 2,000