
2 years, 4 months ago

The gifts are offered, the verdict decided. Lugh and Hoshi anxiously await the decision of the great Elder, Qing.

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Lugh could feel his heart pounding frantically in his chest as Hoshiko stepped forward to unbind their offerings. He was far from his chosen sanctuary in the ample forests surrounding the Lifestream Delta, and he could practically FEEL the energies of every shiji in the temple. He and his Soul Mate were hardly the only couple seeking Qing's great blessing this day, and Lugh's unease with crowds was compounded by the uncertainty of the Elder's acceptance. Swallowing hard, the dark shiji took a long, meditative breath and willed his heart to slow. He focused on the steady presence of his beloved as she returned to his side, her gentle breaths drifting like music through the cacophony of the crowd around them.

Left upon the altar, the necklace they'd made was indeed a thing of simple beauty, and Lugh hoped it was ENOUGH in its simplicity. Neither he nor his little star, as he sometimes called Hoshiko, were creatures of extravagance. They both felt like less was more, and beauty didn't need to be exaggerated to be appreciated for what it was. The soft color of the jade leaf pendant reflected the light of the temple softly, lending a bit of an ethereal glow to the semi-precious stone. The asymmetrical shards of amber that Hoshiko had found made perfect accents along the length of the hemp cord and glittered with the surrounding light as well.

Beside the necklace lay a medium-sized jar of loose tea. Tea making was Hoshiko's specialty, and Lugh's green thumb and hefty plant knowledge was a boon to her already-diverse array of flavors in her shop. But this blend was put together especially for Qing and this momentous occasion. Lugh and Hoshiko had given the blend some great thought, and wanted something light and soothing but also revitalizing. They'd decided on a mixture of Oasis green, red and green rooibos and Elder's Needle white tea. They added sweetness with strawberry, rhubarb, candied papaya and peach pieces, and gave it a bit of zest with some orange peel. The result was exactly what they'd hoped for, and the mixture itself was a beautiful array of colors and variety. If Qing approved, Hoshi and Lugh had discussed adding the flavor to the shop's offerings as a very limited seasonal blend. If he didn't...well let's just say they'd never attempt the blend again.

It felt like an eternity passed as the entire room held their collective breath, awaiting the Elder's reaction. Lugh's heart skipped slightly as he caught the upturn of Qing's lips and a gentleness in his eyes. The Elder's voice was warm and welcoming when he spoke, and he radiated an energy that simply drew shiji to him. "If nothing else, these are certainly very time-consuming gifts you've presented." Smiling softly, he reached out a claw to raise the handmade necklace aloft, turning it this way and that to catch the light and reveal the natural beauty of the gemstones. "Jade for stability, serenity and balance: qualities I can see you yourselves possess in one another's presence." He raised a brow at them as he spoke, then turned his attention to the other shards along the cord of the necklace. "Amber for clear-mindedness, steady strength and love: yet again things I can see in both of you in abundance. These are very good, and very fitting for you."

Lugh and Hoshi exchanged a quick glance of hope between them at Qing's words, their hands tightening as Hoshiko bit her lip excitedly. The Elder then leaned forward and removed the lid of the tea jar, closing his eyes and taking a long, appreciative inhale of the gift's enticing aroma. His eyes were legitimately bright with anticipation as he opened them. "Well, that's probably one of the most delightful scents I've ever encountered! Sweet, yet soothing, but also invigorating and delicious. Where did you find this?" Qing's gaze bounced between the pair, obviously intrigued and hoping it would be an easy answer. If the tea smelled this good, he couldn't wait to actually taste it.

Lugh could feel his little mate almost vibrate with the praise from the Elder, and he offered her an encouraging smile and a slight nod of his head in Qing's direction. Hoshiko smiled and cleared her throat softly before speaking, "If it pleases you, great Elder, I have a little tea shop in town where I'm always trying to come up with new flavors. After meeting Lugh, it became apparent that our soul bond was truly perfect since he's a master herbalist and naturalist, an expert in the plants of Shengdao as well as the plant life of the human world. We've been able to mix some really interesting blends of the two worlds, and this one is a slight variation on a blend we discovered on Earth. We've simply been calling it 'Renewed' until we can find a better name. We decided that, if you do like it, we'll start adding it to the shop's selections as a special, limited seasonal blend.

The short-furred shiji's voice had grown more confident as she'd spoken, now that the subject was a favorite of hers. Lugh simply watched her talk and smiled softly in approval and appreciation, his violet eyes sparkling in the light of the room. While Qing was indeed very interested in acquiring more of this blend, even before tasting it, he paid close attention to the male's body language as the female was elaborating. It was more than clear that not only were these two truly Soul Mates, there was a quiet and undeniable love and simple contentedness in being with one another. It was steadier and broader than the fiery passion that existed between lovers without the Bond, and its feel was unmistakable to the Elders who had the privilege of blessing such unions.

Qing smiled at the pair as he drew himself back, nodding softly to his attendants to come bear away his precious new gifts. The one who took the tea smiled and nearly let loose a chuckle as he caught the Elder's gesture. Qing had tipped his fingers in a gesture that indicated he'd very much like a cup of that delightful new "Renewal" tea please. "Your gifts are very much welcomed and appreciated. Tell me, what are your names?"

This time Lugh took the lead, his gentle but strong voice echoing through the room. "Lughnasadh and Hoshiko, my lord." The Elder nodded his head in appreciation, then raised himself to be heard by all who gathered. "Steady and gentle Lughnasadh and bright and creative Hoshiko, your gifts are accepted with my great thanks and appreciation." The pair felt their hearts swell as a sudden energy swirled around them, the Elder's magic settling upon them like stardust on a moonlit night. "Your Soul Binding has my blessing; you are free to exchange your scales as you see fit."

Hoshiko bit her lip and felt her cheeks flush with excitement, but then with something else as she glanced around the gathered crowd. Her soft blue eyes sought the violet of her Soul Mate's, and he smiled encouragingly at her. "It's ok, we don't have to do it here if you'd be more comfortable at home. We do have a lovely bit of the Lifestream itself, don't we?" Hoshiko laughed and nodded nervously, and Lugh placed his palm on her cheek before addressing the Elder again. "Great Elder, may we humbly request to perform our exchange in private? Neither of us are true lovers of attention, my lord, and our home sits beside the waters of the Lifestream itself."

Qing smiled knowingly, for he'd only recently had another pair request the same courtesy. "Of course you may. The magic I've imbued within you will last until the ritual is completed, no matter where that act is performed. Please, go with my blessing, and may your lives be all the richer and fuller for the eternal bond you share." At the Elder's words, Lugh and Hoshi clasped their hands and bowed appreciatively to the great Elder, then turned to begin their journey home. Overcome with joy and contentment, Hoshiko leaned against the steady strength of her Soul Mate as they walked, now arm in arm. Lugh let out a sigh of peaceful joy as he gazed down at his little mate, now resting her cheek again his arm as they headed for the sanctuary of their grove.