Adopt prompt

2 years, 14 hours ago

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Avalon was found after a few teens were overheard talking about a 'haunted' farmstead. Of course, when authority's when to investigate all they found was the run down barn and a spooked mare... No one had lived on that property for years so it was unknown and a bit unclear how the dark bay beauty had gotten there. Rumors of perhaps an illegal owner hiding her as they passed through was the talk of the town, but with no evidence that's all they ever amounted to. The force that found her reported her status to the nearest Senegal Zebra rescue immediately and her recovery soon began.

Although left in a rundown barn she was lucky to only have few external damages that required minor treatment. Not having been there long enough to be suffering from any lasting or serious signs of malnutrition. It was obvious in the behavioral examination that she was very wild compared to a lot of the Zebras now in the reservation or domestication programs. Quick and eager to bite anyone who wasn't 100% aware of her every move. Rarely not seen with her ears flicked back it took weeks just for the mare to let someone be in the same stall as her. With Avalon's unknown background it wasn't set in stone with where she would be placed after being given the all clear. While she had a wild spirit she refused to play along with any assesments to test her foraging or survival instincts. After she nearly trampled a young trainee it was eventually decided that a small sanctuary would be her best option. Enough space to keep her at ease without the bigger threats that the larger reservations contain. 

The day she arrived at Eldenbrook the mare was held in the recovery barn for the first few days. Letting her grow calmer after the trip before she would be introduced to the rest of the herd. Although aggressive towards people she only showed slight hesitation when met with the young mare and stallion that came up from the wood. After some time she began to let out few barks as her and the others moved to meet at the fence edge. If this continues well she will be able to join the herd soon. A peaceful life where she will only have to deal with humans as a last resort.