
2 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
1 1695

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

Collection of short stories containing Khonsu as a main character Word count & Any included 'Vees will be stated under their specific part and added and secondary characters to the collective

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Author's Notes

Featuring: Ollie
Word Count: 1625 words

Meeting Ollie: Under a beautiful Moon

Ollie raises his head, looking up to the sky, the moon looks so gorgeous tonight, a present for the fact that he just cannot sleep. The main reason that he cannot sleep is the fact that he’s staying out of his house again, for the first time in a long time. He very rarely stays at other people’s houses, let alone goes camping like he has been these last couple of days. The only reason that he’s left is that Marc and Connors’ wanted to steal his house for a couple of days, and he prays to Arceus that it’s something good and not something bad. This also meant he’s got no one to go camping with.
“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?” A voice says, almost melodic in tones, and Ollie’s head snaps over towards where the voice is coming. His eyes are attracted to, what he must admit, is a gorgeous Eevee, from this distance Ollie guesses that he's an albino idol from this distance, maybe something else mixed in there? It’s not something Ollie would like to guess, making assumptions is never the nicest thing to do and he’s experienced that before after all.
“It is.” Ollie replies, he’s not sure where to take the rest of his words, he doesn’t want to over step any boundaries between him and this other mystery eevee. The other figure laughs, his ears shifting behind himself as he lifts a leg before then walking towards Ollie,
“Where are my manners, I have probably spooked you my dear.” He responds before then slowly approaching Ollie, at a slow enough pace for the other to give him more then enough warning to back off if he doesn’t want him there. However, seeing no sign of distress or warning from the vanilla umbreon, he continues to approach, “You may call me Khonsu, what is your name my dear?” He introduces himself before then continuing his manners with asking the other man for his name, he also stops with a bit of distance between the two of them.
Now they’re closer, Ollie can see the wings on their back, maybe they have winged in them, or possibly angel, he doesn’t see a halo, but the colouring would work for that. Ollie suddenly catches himself, realising that he’s staring and that, that is very rude.
“Oh hello, my name’s Ollie, and you didn’t spook me, I was just a bit lost in thought. I didn’t really expect to see anyone else out here, the campsite was empty when I arrived and I didn’t think that there was any form of village that close to here.” Ollie states, trying his hardest not to come off as rude or prying, it’s more then likely a late arrival, or even that he lives nearby. Ollie knows he’s in the minority living in an actual house as an eevee, or well eeveelution without a trainer. Realising his slight rudeness, Ollie shifts slightly uncomfortable on his feet, this man already seems rather nice and he doesn’t want to ruin a potential, all be it, short term relationship.
“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you, Ollie. It is strange I know, I’m a traveller, I’m not staying in the campsite, but I am staying near by and I couldn’t help but come nosey over to see who was staying over here.” Khonsu purrs out, lacing charisma through his words, and Ollie realises that this is the kind of man that could sell him thin air, he could spend 10 poke on just 1. However, Ollie feels perfectly at ease, he feels no danger nor threat from this stranger, which is comforting at the very least, Ollie only has a tent to flee to after all, and Khonsu seems to be very confident with the surroundings, even though he states he’s only a traveller, it does seem like he’s come to this specific area a couple of times.
After a couple more seconds of silence, it starts to get a little awkward seeming, Ollie just shifting on his paws slightly, while Khonsu tilts his head and watches him.
Khonsu has to be honest with himself, he often scares off other pokemon of all sorts, apparently, he comes off as unnerving they say, overtly charismatic as if that is something which is a problem, as far as he is aware, it shouldn’t be, it should only be a good thing. He doesn’t really understand others, growing up rather sheltered with his siblings, and somehow, he always seems to have ended up being the one left out and liked the least, even though they have all had far more vocal arguments with each other. So, he tries not to let other people get to him in anyway, call it desensitisation on his end.
“I am sorry for disturbing you Ollie, I can tell that I have put you in an awkward spot. I shall let you continue to enjoy this gorgeous night and that gorgeous moon.” Khonsu says, breaking the air of silence that was hanging low over them both. He may not be able to understand others, but he can tell when things are getting awkward and uncomfortable for the others he’s around. These words make Ollie shift, it may have come off as slightly awkward at first, however he now realises how much he’s missed talking to others over the last day, even though he didn’t think that he socialised that often.
“No, no. I’m sorry, I’m just not really used to staying somewhere alone, and I’m missing my friends if I’m honest. You didn’t disturb me, feel free to spend some time here, it’s easy enough to get another fire started up and I’m not feeling tired at the moment so you aren’t disturbing me in anyway.” Khonsu’s head tilts, and his eyes narrow slightly in a softer way, he’s not used to people acting like this, especially not to him.
“Are you sure, dear, I do not mind leaving if you would prefer me to. Though, I am also more then happy to spend some more time with you this evening, the moon is truly gorgeous tonight and it would be a joy to bask in it with others.” Khonsu purrs back out again. Ollie tries to not linger on Khonsu’s seeming obsession with the moon, he’s met moonblights, Marc, who are less obsessed with the moon then this idol is. Though Khonsu’s symbol markings do seem to be moon themed, so maybe it stems from there somewhere, though Ollie knows it’s just something that they’re born with, so it’s not like he chose these markings, nor are they some form of destiny defining marking, that would be ridiculous. Ollie shakes his head again, getting lost in thought again, something about not being home just, untethers him from reality. He also realises that Khonsu has gotten closer to him, not uncomfortably however, there’s defiantly more then a comfortable distance between them.
“Yeah, yeah of course, please come sit down with me. Maybe, if you don’t mind, tell me a little about yourself, one of my friends used to travel himself, he doesn’t anymore because he decided that he’d rather crash in my house most of the time.” Ollie smiles, and he can’t help but bring up Marc, before his expression drops slightly, thinking about Marc like that still makes his heart drop a little bit, but he doesn’t want Khonsu to see this, there’s no reason to and that’s just a bit embarrassing. Khonsu however, defiantly does pick up on Ollie’s hang up on this Marc person, though he doesn’t pry, it seems that Ollie is pushing himself to simply have Khonsu stay around, so he’d rather not push even further or it might just snap.
“Yes, I’ve seen many friends of mine leave my lifestyle like this with situations like that, I don’t hold it against them of course, however I personally do not think that I could settle for a life like that. I like to experience the moon in it’s fullest and I would not be able to get that sticking in one spot my entire life.” Khonsu responds, and it makes his own mind drift back to the person he has had to leave behind to travel while they did not want to. One day he hopes that they can go along together again, he misses them and he hopes that they feel the same, but he knows that it would be no life for it to stay in one spot.
The two of them start to head over towards the main sitting area, the warm embers are still left behind from when Ollie used it earlier in the day, so it won’t take too long for the two of them to get another fire going. It’s not like either of them really want a light source either, the moon is very bright tonight, it’s more that the air is getting a bit nippy now, so they both want some heat and warmth to sit close to, which then doesn’t require them to be too close together. Ollie gets to sorting out this fire, while Khonsu slowly walks around the edge of the seating area, taking in what it looks like, if it’s honest, it’s also looking for where Ollie’s tent may be located. Not for any form of malicious reason, but simply he want’s to know where he is in case something goes wrong, as a lot of things can go wrong in the woods, and people need to be able to stick together when camping, and with such an empty campsite then with Khonsu being the only other person nearby, he could be rather helpful to care for them.