Virgil's Way Home

2 years, 1 month ago

Mild Violence

Virgil finds his way home.

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Virgil awoke like any other day on his accidental adventure. A butterfly landed on his nose, and he wondered if this one would be his friend. He had to stop himself from wagging his butt at the thought.

"Hello, do you want to be my friend?" His eyes shimmered with hope as he watched the butterfly clean itself.

The butterflies response was to take flight and leave. Virgil grumpily got up, and started thundering after the butterfly. He figured it was a game of 'tag', and he loved playing tag. Virgil ran, laughing, until he couldn't see his new friend anymore. Tired from his too early in the morning run, he flopped onto his side to catch his breath. His friends were always better at tag than he was.

Lungs filly filled again, he sat up and looked around. Still lost. Peering off to the right he saw berries, and trotted over to get some breakfast. The raspberries looked very enticing, and dug in.

He'd eaten the berries off of 3 bushes before he was full.

Now to find a new friend to play with. Virgil picked a random direction and started walking. On his way, he came across several animals that didn't want to play. A few raccoons that ran hissing into the treetops, mice that scurried and hid before he could say 'hi', and a snake that was trying to catch a bird. He felt lonely.

Virgil began to wonder if there were any friends for him in this direction, but it seemed unlikely now. Then, our of the corner of his eye, he spotted something watching him. He turned to see what it was, but it was hiding in a bush. He got closer, maybe he'd be able to tell what it was if he was just close enough.

As put his left front paw down, the creature charged. It was another baby zipjaw! Virgil turned around and began sprinting as fast as his tiny legs would allow. Memories of the previous one he encountered flashed before his eyes, and he began screaming out for help.

None of his animal friends came to his rescue. He tripped over a branch, but was in too much panic to pay any mind to the fresh wound that was screaming at him to stop. He saw a thinning in the trees up ahead, and made a mad dash for them.

He tripped a couple more times, but made it out of the forest. He was now in a city he didn't recognize, and the scents were just as strange. Scared and alone, he followed sidewalk after sidewalk trying to find somewhere he recognized, or at least get out of the residential area.

It was getting late, the sky was an eery dark purple that seemed to tell of impending doom. Then, a familiar scent hit Virgil's nose. Limping as fast as he could, he followed it to a little coffee shop where he was met with another unmistakable scent: Sil.

Sil had just finished closing for the night. He was exhausted, but happy since no one came in with an attitude today. He left the building with a tired smile, and saw Virgil sitting there. Virgil was dirtier than any other time he'd gotten lost, he had lost some weight, and he was badly injured.

The brothers hugged before Sil brought Virgil to the hospital.