
2 years, 19 days ago
740 1

Mild Violence

A scar that has changed Raziels life

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The day has ended in the all darken place known as the Abyss, Raziels fatique after traveling for so long was noticeable as he searched for a place to finally rest and sleep.

Finally finding one the stallion looked for broken off branches that could be used to make a fire to not freeze in the night.

Cuddly and warm, they setteled down. His little soul Bonnie crawled out of her own resting place and swirled the tired Raziel around as she would usually do. When she reached his back she couldnt belive her little ghost eyes! Raziel has pretty long and untamed hair so you barely see the back of his neck but in that moment raziel thicc hair moved to the side revealing a big slice scar on the back of his neck. Shocked Bonnie asked Raziel where that scar came from.

"My scar?" Raziel looked at her curious and worried face before moving his hair to the side so she could have a better look. She was amazed by how big it was. "'s a long...story" memorys started to fade back into raziels mind of the day he recived that scar.


Scared and bruised was the young raziel who challenged the almighty Lord of the abyss Accorus to a duel.

Slashes after slashes Raziel only managed to block the Lords attacks but was not able to hurt the Lord himself. Exhaustion filled Raziel as the blood flew down his body from the cuts the Lord sliced on his body, but he did not give up even if his body told him to stop.

There swords clash once more, Raziel tried his best to look determined as his Lord looked down upon him, nonetheless the fear that coverd Raziels mind effected his body aswell as it shiverd under the gaze of Accorus.

The stronger and much larger Stallion moved forword with his blade that was blocked by Raziel guard blade before pushing him down to ground with a final slash unarming him in the process.

Breathing heavily raziel stared at the ground as Accorus stepped closer to him.

"I thought it was a joke when you have asked me for a duel, but seinng your determination in this fight i dont think it was" Accorus spoke his deep voice sending shivers down Raziels back. "What do you gain out of this duel, young one? Is it your wish to die or are you trying to proove something to someone?"

Raziel gritted his teeth, the words his father told him before he approched Accorus echoing threw his mind "You better not dissapoint me again, Raziel".

"Stand up soldier!" Raziel came back to his thoughts and slowly and woobly stood back up but still looked at the ground not being able to look into the eyes of his Lord again.

"You are strong, your father had a good reason to bring you to the Royal guards. But is it your wish to become one?" Accorus asked him waiting for a respondes but it never came.

"Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Have courage to go your own way and fulfil the dreams that are unique and important to you." Raziel lifted his head to look at the Lord once more. "Hold your own. Know your name. And go your own way. And everything will be fine." Accorus wrapped a cloth around Raziel bleeding neck and patted him on the shoulder "Lets not fight anymore you need to rest or youll die".

On that day Raziel had enough of his fathers demands and ran away from his home, running as far as he can not looking back remembering the words his Lord has said on that very day

"Hold your own. Know your name. And go your own way. And everything will be fine."


"Wooaaahhh so thats how you became a Traveler" Bonnie looked amazed hearing Raziels scar story. "Yeah.. He helped me choose the path im the happiest with." Raziel smiled to himself "This scar will always remind me of that day and im glad it will".

Bonnie snuggled back into Raziels ear as he layed down aswell. "Razi...." "Mhm.."

"Please dont go into danger like that again tho..."

The stallion chuckled "Heh but it was fun fighting to death" "RAZZIIII!!" "Im sorry heh, ill try not promises"

And so as the fire cracked, they both fell asleep safe peacefully.