"Ode To The Bull"

2 years, 1 month ago
114 1

A poem about El Toro (or more specifically, the coaster itself instead of my personification of the coaster).

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NOTE: This was originally written for my “Writing Poetry” class back in April 2022. The directions for this assignment were to “write an English (Shakespearean) Sonnet. An English sonnet is in iambic pentameter and is made up of 14 lines (3 quatrains and 1 couplet) with a volta (“turn”)  preceding the terminal couplet. Focus primarily on the structure of the rhyme scheme and the role of the volta in the poem. 1st quatrain: ABAB 2nd quatrain: CDCD 3rd quatrain: EFEF (volta) Terminal couplet: GG Suggestion: Locate the sonnet in a particular location, perhaps a place that carries its own vocabulary”.

Ode to The Bull

Now that you’ve acquired a ticket,

You’re one step closer to fun!

Present it up front or they’ll prohibit,

and that would burn, more than the sun.

The massive masses gallop to what’s new,

creating a line that truly goes the distance.

But you turn left for a re-ride so overdue,

on the best wooden coaster in existence.

Trains pulled by a steel cable, 

all to be violently thrown into your restraints.

Sixteen years, it’s wild popularity remains stable,

and each cycle brings loud cheers, no complaints.

You exit, re-enter, repeat to your heart’s content

while the new ride operated briefly, then sat stagnant.