Some Fluff

2 years, 4 months ago

Halcyon brought something home he... wasn't supposed to For the one mission, but also in relation to a piece of art

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"Hey, Halcy I'm here to- ...whats that on your shoulder?" An annoyed expression was clear on the handlers face, as Ethan could only stare at the dual colored Fenguilia sitting atop the djubetos's shoulder. It looked contempt, though did give a side eye towards the human as if contemplating pouncing or not. "Just... holding onto them for a friend. They couldn't be around for the day, so I'm watching their pet."  "And you've had friends outside of work... when? Aside from the ones I've seen lurking around." He was skeptical that this wasn't just one found wandering the streets, and it wouldn't be such a bother if money hadn't been so tight. They were only JUST making enough, the two of them, to get by. "Okay okay, maybe not a friend, but it looked so lonely! I can always offset my meal plans, that should be enough, come on you know I get antsy waiting for you to return right? Pleaaaaase-" Pinching the bridge of their nose, Ethan just took it all in, and waved his hand. "If you can pay for it, fine. But it stays outside, we don't need anything getting broken that holds importance. Besides, it could belong to someone, so I'll ask around. It only gets to stay TEMPORARILY, got it?" With this declared, clawed hands wrapped around the Fenguilia gently as a toothed smile greeted it, victory for Halcyon! But really, even brief extra company in such a crummy place was heartwarming to say in the least. He would likely spend the next hour playing with them, offering something edible, fitting as much into such a length of time before taking a few more  and constructing a place for it to live outside. A crude shelter, but working one. By now his handler had left, meaning he had time to do whatever he pleased, which- oh, right. There was a match to attend tonight... so he grabbed a torn cape, slung it over his shoulder and left the supposed stray outside, wishing it well and departed into the night. If only Ethan knew...