Sleeping under the Stars

2 years, 4 months ago
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A very exciting day has come to an end.

The bad weather caught the two friends as they were looking for a nice spot to spend the night. First, it only started to rain delicately. A gentle drizzle, making them giggle. 

It felt good, the whole day has been rather warm and humid, so it was a pleasant change of pace to feel the lukewarm drops on their skin.

Sarha took her shoes, spread her arms, and enjoyed the moment, while Pyroli made some displeased grunts. She walked under the roofs, avoiding each drop as well as she could.

It seemed all to be good- Until it started to pour, so they had to wait it out. They were all wet, yet laughing. The positive thing is, as Sarha said, that the concrete starts to smell wonderful after the drops hit the warmed-up floor.

And she was right.

As the rainfall stopped, they found a cozy spot, near a forest. They lit a campfire at the very border to it, cooking a good and delicious meal for dinner, warming themselves up again. 

Full, and with a smile on his face, Sacha sat down on his sleeping bag, bracing himself on his elbows, leaning back, and gazing up to the skies. 

Sarha was right next to him, laying on her sleeping bag as well, her legs bent. She wanted to feel the blades of grass tickling her soles. „What a day.“ She said, sighing. „Mhh.“ Sacha nodded. 

The campfire still lit, he could hear the soft, cracking sound behind them. It would keep some of the smaller animals away, but they shouldn’t fear any intruders, or similar.

The night was quiet.

Crickets could be heard everywhere around them, and a gentle breeze caressed Sacha’s face. He laid down, hands behind his head. 

As soon as he did so, Pikachu bounced near him, rolling up next to Satoshi on the sleeping bag. The moon rose fully above their heads, and billions of stars flickered in the night skies, sparkling like tiny jewels. 

„What a day indeed.“ Sacha said, turning his head to his friend. He smiled. „Hey…“ „Hmm?“ „Would… Do you mind me coming closer? W-With the sleeping bag I mean.“

„Sure.“ Sarha giggled. 

He gently pulled the bag closer, without bothering Pikachu too much, so that he could lay down right next to Sarha again, this time, leaning on an elbow, facing her. 

Sarha turned towards him too, still smiling.

His heartbeat was fast- Pounding against his chest. For a moment he was afraid that she could maybe hear it, but she couldn’t, and felt pretty much the same even. 

„I still think about that night… in the Ferris wheel.“ „Me too.“ She said. Sacha nodded, clearing his throat. He seemed nervous, pulled out some grass, and struggled for words. 

„I don’t know why… I am like this, right now. I shouldn’t be…“ „Like what?“ „Nervous… You know I planned to…“ „Hm?“ Sarha looked confused but curious.

He planned what? 

The crickets around them seemed to be the only thing Sacha was hearing, as the rest of the world faded away. And the only thing he was seeing, was her.

They’ve known each other for so long, they even confessed their feelings for each other- Yet this next step was so special, something that should be planned through, and well thought about.

They looked each other in the eyes. Laying there, on their sleeping bags, facing each other, under nothing but the dark sky. Sacha grasped each inch of courage he could muster.

He slowly moved his head towards hers- And she let it happen. She blushed, but she let him do whatever he wished to do right now.

Her eyes darted down to his lips and back up to his. He lost himself in hers. His face must have radiated so much heat, that she probably felt it.

He was blushing hard, yet he finally managed what he had in mind. He slowly, and almost shyly, pressed his lips against hers. Kissed her.

For the first time- And it felt so good. Sarha closed her eyes, smiling into that gentle, soft kiss. „That was nice.“ She whispered, and he smiled, kissing her a second time, a little more daring, yet careful. 

„Do you think…“ He whispered. „We should share a sleeping bag?“

Sarha chuckled but blushed even more hearing this suggestion. „You think the night would be very cold and we could warm each other up?“

„That’s right.“ He said, beaming. 

„You’re unbelievable!“ She laughed again, but pulled him closer, arms wrapping around his neck. „We’ll see how the evening goes.“ She said with a low voice.

She liked the pace and how they were approaching each other, softly. And sharing kisses was a good and wonderful start, to whatever more there will be.