
2 years, 16 days ago

Her name above means Nightmare in Esperanto

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Koŝmaro (nickname is Ghost) --- Her personality is hyper and bubbly, constantly in a daring or playful mood, there is usually a smile or a grin on her face. she usually bounces around and constantly bugs others to see if she can join them or distract them. She tends to be clingy and stays near her family Her feral form is beast like in form mostly resembling a big canine (around a little over 9ft tall) she is very fluffy with longer fur around her ankles, her tails, and the back of her neck going down her back like a mohawk type mane that she can fluff up to appear bigger to others. She has minotaur like horns that are very sharp (reference can be found here --> https://sta.sh/0mxgu3ozl6) She has 4 wings (two sets of wings two on each shoulder) her wings are twice the size of her body if not longer, the wings that lay on top are a bit bigger then the ones that lay on the bottom, her wings are feathered with longer flight feathers (due to species, i can give you information on them if you like) She has 3 tails that are about body length being a bit fluffier around the base rather then the tips. her ears are tall and fluffy around the tips, her left ear is floppy and often covers her eye - to avoid her ear covering her eye she often tilts her head a bit. Her human form is rather small (5"3 and around 110 lbs) her hair is long and wavy (almost curly) reaching down to her hips in length. She has an hourglass figure as well as choosing to allow her wings, ears, and tails remain visible in her human form . If she wears clothes she usually wears a big hoodie (her hoodie is black with a crescent moon in the middle surrounded by sparkles and stars, her hoodie is rather large and reaches down to her mid thighs, being longer in the sleeves, her arms are usually inside the sleeves so they reminan unseen, usually wearing just her hoodie) she also wears a collar made of stars, it appears misty and sparkly with star dust like fog drifting off of it. she wears the collar in both feral and human form her left eye is red and her right eye is blue

Her raven is about twice the size of a normal raven, his beak is jagged and very sharp there are 2 long scars across his beak, he has sharp talons and is black with piebald spotting around his eyes and wings. his eyes being red. he is able to speak any language possible and likes to toy with people. he is often considered even and taunting, he often steals shiny things or carries around a sharp knife because it looks intimidating

Her hellhound looks a lot like a Doberman pinscher , being mostly black with a bit of tan on her chest that dripples down to her paws and up to the bottom of her muzzle slightly. She has deep blue flames that spread across her shoulders and down her back and on her paws, she leaves flaming pawprints wherever she walks. her eyes are the same blue color as her fire (but they aren't on fire)