Mass System

2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 1 month ago
3 1474

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

Mild Violence

An Interview style take on meeting the OCs, or in this case, Alters. - Please note I do not have DID myself, nor do I know anyone personally with DID and as such some things I say may be wrong, but I am happy to be corrected and to learn more.

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Samuel - Host

Interviewer (Referred to as I from now on): "Good Morning, who do I have the pleasure of talking to first?"

Samuel (Reffered to as S from now on): "Samuel, thanks for having us"

I: "Ah, the host! Thanks for coming."


I: "First, I'd like to ask you about yourself, and the difference between you and the body you host, if that's ok?"

S: "Sure thing."

S: "The body's name is Samuel, which isn't my name, but because I'm the primary host, and I've hosted since we could remember, I just took over that name so there'd not be any questions."

I: "Oh! So what is your name then?"

S: "I'll be honest with you; I stopped remembering a while ago. No one calls me by my actual name both in the headworld and out here, so It just became obsolete. I think Mary knows though-"

I: "Is Mary another Alter?"

S: "Yeah she's the Gatekeeper, she is basically in control of memories and stuff? I'm not really sure how it works."

I: "Will we have a chance to speak to her today?"

S: "No. She prefers not to host due to the body being blind."

I: "And does this effect more than one Alter from hosting?"

S: "Yeah actually. Most of us don't host because of this, only me, Ava and Mars tend to Host."

I: "I see... well getting back on topic, tell us about yourself Samuel"

S: "Right. I'm Samuel, I age with the body so I'm currently 23, I'm masculine and I'm a ANP, which basically means I can take part in normal day to day life."

I: "Could you elaborate on ANP please?"

S: "Sure. It's all scientific or whatever so It's not completely accurate (because It differs from Alter to Alter), but ANP which means Apparently Normal Part basically means that I don't hold trauma memories, so I don't get triggered by things that TH/EP's do. TH/EP's being Trauma Holders or Emotional Parts, which are the same thing but different terms. They hold the trauma memories so they can be more uh... "

S: "Sorry I'm not sure how to describe it."

I: "It's ok, take your time."

S: "... they're not any less of a person than I am, they just have more complex needs, I suppose? Again, that's not really the right way to describe it. Everyones different, both non-DID people and all Alters... so it really differs from person to person."

I: "Could you explain it in terms of one of your alters that is an emotional part?"

S: "uhhhh... sure."

S: "Mars is an EP, she's triggered by fights, violence, raised voices, tense atmospheres etcetera. She tends to be bold and brash, diving into things headfirst without thinking it through or consulting anyone, and usually gets the body hurt. If she hosted while we had to do daily chores such as cooking or interacting with people, she comes off as very... um... inconsiderate. She won't do our job or keep us fed, instead she'll have her own agenda until she's switched out with me or Ava."

I: "I see! And could I ask who Ava is? Isn't that your surname?"

S: "Oof, yeah, Ava is similar to me in a way. She's a Teen alter, so we think she's about 16 or so? She was a little- a uh, child alter- back when the body was young, but stayed roughly the same age as the body grew. She's an EP too, and when she switches she tends to kinda turn off, and just do things without really thinking about it."

I: "And why is she called Ava?"

S: "Oh right. Well Ava is her name, kinda? She used to have a name, but when she hosted people would be calling the body Ava which I don't really want to get into because I don't have those memories anyway and It's really not for me to say- but because that was what she was called, that's just what she responds to now."

I: "Right! That makes sense. Thank you."

S: "No problem."

S: "I do most of the day to day things such as commuting, communicating, shopping, cooking and what not. I'm usually the person talking to boss, but sometimes Mars will if we just got home from a job or whatever."

I: "If I may ask; does that make you the Original?"

S: "Huh?"

I: "The Original: the personality who hosted the body before you got DID?"

S: "I'm sorry, that's ... not something I can or will answer."

I: "Right... I'm sorry for asking."

S: "..."

I: "Ahem... So..."

I: "Is there any chance I will get to speak to another Alter?"

S: "It's hard to say, switching isnt just something that can be done like that, and most Alters- for us at least- don't like being switched."

I: "Right... so should I check back another time?"

S: "... sure."

I: "Thank you."