Elizabeth's Story

2 years, 13 days ago

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Elizabeth remembers the day her mother first told her she could no longer keep the “Kabel” name and instead had to choose the maiden name of her mother. She always wondered why she couldn't keep the name she held dear, after having grown up in a small space with her other siblings, with nothing her own. She didn't mind sharing with her siblings since she cherished them the most, but that name was something she didn't want to let go of. It was the only thing that still connected her to her father and younger brother, that her mother left behind after her father lead them into debt due to poor choices. 

She remembers the day, the day her mother dragged her off with her other siblings. She remembers the look on her younger brother's face, a mix of anger and sadness, it made her want to stay and be there for him but she worried for her other siblings since her mother didn't seem mentally stable after the months struggling with her fathers debt. So Liza left to help take care of the majority.

Growing up after leaving her beloved younger brother, Dexxstried, was painful and hard. They went to live with their grandmother in the frozen North where winters were excruciating and summers brief. She always regretted not grabbing his hand and dragging him along regardless of his protests, now she and her siblings were here, in a larger space, with room to play. 

Suffering from depression, their mother wasn't helping to raise them anymore, so Liza and a few of her older siblings decided to help raise the young ones due to their mother's deteriorating mental health. Their grandmother loved to spoil them as a reward for being good. She learned grandmother loved to grow and gather different plants, which she choose to learn in hopes of helping her mother and siblings.

“A heartfelt reunion, the day she has dreamed of since years ago”

Now grown up, Elizabeth decided to leave the frigged North behind. Her other siblings were now able to take care of themselves, while also taking care of their mother and now ailing grandmother. She hoped to return to the place she lived before, with hopes of finding her father and beloved little brother in well and in good health. She desperately wanted to see them again, feeling both nervous and excited as she boarded the train heading out of the north. After a day of grueling travel between trains, carriages, and taxis, she had arrived. The memories once again becoming fresh in her mind as she walked up to the small apartment. 'Nothings changed,' she thought, as she approached the door while looking around. There she saw a small name plaque, “Kabel,” it read, nervousness and excitement rushed over her again as she raised her hand to knock.

Knock, knock, knock,the sound was almost deafening, as she repeatedly knocked a few times. She waited for an answer, but none ever came. She grew anxious, thinking that maybe they were out or at work. Liza debated waiting in the hallway by the door but decided to walk around the town she hadn't been to in what felt like ages. 

As Liza walked down the familiar looking streets that have since become more industrialized, she saw it, the familiar fluffy, spotted hair adorned with a pair of ears she could never forget touching despite his protests, “Dexx,” she called out as the man turned into a back ally, presumingly taking a shortcut, she weaved through the crowding street, trying to follow him while calling after him, “DEXX, DEXXSTRIED, DEXX,” she tried getting his attention while gaining on him. Once she reached the ally, she saw him walking further down it. Now in clearer view, she was sure that man was her beloved Dexx, she took off in a sprint after him.

 Tears starting to well over and down her face as she got closer, as he got clearer. She saw a vicious looking man, with pain and longing in his eyes as he turned to the sound of his name being yelled by someone unfamiliar, yet familiar. Now in full tears, she reached him and tightly embraced the broken, rugged man as he stood bewildered, “Dexxstried,” she whispered beneath her soft sobs, “I've missed you.”

“Eyes towards the future, while mending the past.”

 Liza knew he still had a good heart despite his appearance, as she calmed down and released him. Dexx still looked a bit bewildered as he never expected to see his family again after that day. “Lets go home, Dexx,” Liza said while grabbing his hand and starting to walk back to the place she knew, this time she held on tightly and dragged him back though the ally, he weakly followed, still reeling from what had just transpired.

Once they had arrived back to the apartment, she asked about their father as she started to clean around. She saw him flinched, her heart sunk as she had hoped for the best but knew that the worst was a possibility. Liza held back her tears and instead asked to hear about him.

 She hadn't expected her kind little brother to live such away but knew the world was harsh and accepted it. Liza had decided to stay by their sides once she left the North and reunited with them, she was going to stick to Dexx, regardless of what his protests may be, and help him find light again.

Now she lives together with her beloved younger brother, she helps him around the apartment and on odd jobs occasionally while she tries to make money off of the medicinal ointments her grandmother taught her to make. Elizabeth is often bailing him out of jail and patching the injuries he gets from fights while softly scolding him each time, hoping he would at least not get injured next time. 

“Plants and animals for money?”

Elizabeth makes ointments from all sorts of ingredients. Most of them being from the vast majority of plants, while some come from different parts of creatures and animals. She travels to gather the ingredients from the forests and plains out of town when supplies are running low. Often using the array of weapons, throwing knives, a dagger, bows, that her grandmother told her to take before she left, for the creatures. While using her hands, a small knife, and a gardening shovel for the plants. 

She never wastes any part of the animals, due to her upbringing of never having much, and often sells what she cannot use, sometimes this is hides, bones, and organs, along side the medicinal items she makes from the plants.

 She often tends to the neighborhood's childrens' injuries and tries to play with them and teach them, in hopes of them leading successful lives.