Self-Fulfilled Prophecy

2 years, 14 days ago

Mild Violence

Legends whispered of a dragon's birth, foretelling the merpeople's doom. Would prophecy prevail?

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In the depths of ancient lore, there existed an old tale, whispered through generations. It spoke of a dire prophecy: when a dragon would be born under the rising red moonlight, calamity would befall the merfolk, and their population would be wiped out by the wicked creature.

Many dismissed it as mere folklore, for it had never come to pass. However, fate has a way of weaving its intricate tapestry, and one day, the wheels of destiny began to turn.

Fear gripped the hearts of the people. Has the prophecy come true with the birth of the dragon? They harbored hatred and resentment towards him, an innocent soul who knew nothing of his supposed wickedness. They imprisoned him, confining him within the cold walls of a cage. In his early days, survival became his sole purpose, a chance to prove that he was not the villain from the old tale. Alas, his efforts were in vain, and he became an outcast, seeking solace in the depths of an underground cave.

Then, one fateful day, the mermen discovered his hidden sanctuary. They attacked him, driven by their fear and the belief that the dreaded prophecy had begun. Reluctantly, the dragon defended himself, his primal instincts taking hold. All he desired was survival, yet in a moment of lost control, he unwittingly took the lives of those who threatened him.

Trembling with fear and remorse, he whispered,

"I-I didn't mean to do it...!"

But how could anyone believe his words amidst the lifeless bodies and the spilled blood?

News of the tragedy spread across the sea, igniting fury in the hearts of all who heard. They believed the prophecy had been set into motion, their fears reaching a crescendo. The dragon became their target, their collective desire for vengeance overpowering any chance for understanding.

Desperate to protect himself, he fought back against the onslaught, an act driven by his survival instincts. But his strength was immense, and all who approached him met a tragic end. He did not wish for such violence, yet he had to survive. The streets of the city ran red with blood, and he stood amidst the devastation.

The prophecy had come to pass. The dragon had brought ruin upon the population, obliterating everything in its wake. The city lay in ruins, a macabre sight that pained his soul. Overwhelmed with guilt, he knelt down, his heart heavy with the weight of his actions.

What had he done...?

No matter how he attempted to cleanse the tainted streets or how long he prayed to the departed souls, the guilt remained. He had failed to protect the city, and the reality of his deeds branded him a murderer. Unable to bear the weight of his remorse, he retreated deep into the recesses of the ancient cave that was once his sanctuary. With every piece of gold he had collected, every treasure he had found, he buried them alongside himself. 

No one ever heard of the tragic dragon again, for in the end, all who knew of him had perished.