Trick or Treat

2 years, 19 days ago

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Mufasa wasn’t quite sure why his mom had dropped him off here. Something about going somewhere with dad and now he was stuck with “Senpai” as he had dubbed her and grandma Legacy. Today they were out trick or treating around the village - so Mufasa with a bag in tow was actually rather happy he’d be out hunting for candy today. A smile stretched across his face as Senpai smiled to him. She loved kids and she certainly hoped this trip would go well. After all Legacy didn’t look all too happy. She looked boredom around the village. She didn’t like halloween it was all that creepy stuff children shouldn’t be exposing themselves to. She did suppose though that if it made them happy she couldn’t disprove it that much.

“Do you do this with your mom a lot Mufasa?” Senpai asked as she lowered her head to the pup. Mufasa was a little surprised that she was talking to him. The short coated pup was so tiny as well, being a dwarf would do that. As his little tail wagged back and forth he smiled. Of course his mom did a lot of stuff with him, he loved his family.

“I do, and papa too.” Mufasa said as he looked at Legacy. She was so busy watching the other pups with a grumpy look on her face that the dwarf wasn’t sure what to say to her. It was a little intimidating to be honest. Still though the pup wasn’t one to let that stop him. He fell back a bit and smiled. “Miss Legacy why do you look so mad?” he asked rather innocently as she looked down on him.

Legacy wasn’t necessarily mad, she was just here to oversee Senpai. She also wasn’t a big fan of the hollows eve holiday. She simply smiled, “Because all this is such none sense. I’m not mad little one just it’s sad to see so many felvargs wasting their time on this so called holiday.” Mufasa’s ears flicked a little. Was it really a waste of time? He hummed for a moment and then smiled again.

“Is it really a waste of time if everyone is having fun?” Mufasa laughed making Legacy blink. Well honestly she hadn’t thought of it that way - as Senpai laughed a little bit she lowered her head towards Mufasa. She was actually quiet surprised, Mufasa was sharp for his age that was for sure.

“Don’t mind grandma Legacy she’s really a nice felvarg.” Senpai said as Mufasa looked up to her. He never said she wasn’t nice - after all there was no problem in disliking something. That’s what his mom had told him. When he played with other felvargs it was important to know their likes and dislikes. Mufasa would shrug his shoulders though. They were approaching the first house after all. A line of other pups was waiting for their candy, he wagged his tail at the thought as the three got into the line.

“No costume for this one?” The felvarg handing out the candy asked as Mufasa approached.

“Trick or treat! My momma didn’t have time to make one this time.” Mufasa said as he excitedly waited to be treated. The felvarg laughed and placed a few pieces of candy into his bag. Senpai smiled as Mufasa went back to join them. Legacy watched carefully as she looked at Senpai. Senpai was a good caretaker - she didn’t know why she came along. She wasn’t worried at all about Senpai’s skills, maybe for once she’d just wanted to get out and about. Mufasa was good company - the kid had her thinking and it’d been a long time since any pup had done that.

“Look look Legacy, I got three candies.” Mufasa said as he tried to show the grandma felvarg. Legacy could help but to let off a small chuckle. She looked down and sure enough nestled within his bag was three candies. Well would you look at that, he was so proud of a small thing she couldn’t help but to be happy for him.

“I see, well let’s go get you some more.”  Legacy urged as Senpai nodded, nudging Mufasa as they went to continue on. The little pup wiggling his tail the entire time. It’d been awhile since he had this much fun! It wasn’t the first time that was for certain but he loved meeting new felvargs. Senpai and Legacy were nice felvargs and he knew exactly why his momma had chosen them to look after him this afternoon. Pam had important things to do, so Mufasa understood when she needed a bit of time to herself.

“Senpai did you used to trick or treat when you were a pup?” Mufasa asked as he looked around at the costumes. He was a little sad that he hadn’t been able to wear one - but on the other paw he was just happy to get candy despite his lack of one. He and his mother had come across some harsh felvargs. Refusing to give out candy to those who didn’t have a costume. Also to those who were too “old” to go and do it.

“I did, but I was the ring leader most of the time.” Senpai said as she grinned. She’d always had a knack for taking care of others that was for certain. Legacy couldn’t help but to snort and laugh. She remembered when Senpai was but a wee lass, when she had first taken the felvarg under her wing it was an enthusiastic little felvarg that just wanted to take care of the young. At a time she had considered settling down but then decided that her care for the pups themselves was more important. She was hardworking now that was for certain.

“Well I will share my candy with you guys!” Mufasa announced proudly. Making both Legacy and Senpai laugh. Not only was he smart but he was kind as well, senpai couldn’t wait to see him all grown up. What a handsome young man he would make - he most certainly would be catching the eyes of others easily. As they went around to collect more candy, the three simply had more talks about the world around them. How well the pups costumes were, Mufasa also spoke a bit about his family. His mother and father - siblings as well as his babysitter who came around to hang out sometimes. They had even carved some pumpkins together the other night. While of course Mufasa had to share one with his mom to avoid trouble.

Once the night was over, Mufasa sat next to Legacy and Senpai. Giving each of them one of his candies. He smiled brightly as Senpai too grinned with him. “Well I’m glad you had fun tonight Mufasa.” she stated as he nodded his head up and down quickly. Legacy wasn’t sure if she was going to eat this treat, but who was she to reject such things from the child. She stared at the piece of candy and returned her gaze onto her pupil and the young boy. They got along almost perfectly, that was always an important part of these trips She smiled, tonight hadn’t been so bad after all.