
2 years, 1 day ago

More species notes

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Leporoids are one of the may species I have created for my Anarchy series. These creatures are a 'canine' and 'rabbit' mixture species, hence the name 'Leporoid' (Leporidae being the family for rabbits.)  

[Currently species sheet hasn't been made, so have my vague descriptions to help you, if you have any questions ask them in the comments I will try and reply as well as I can!]

Features of a Leporoid;

-Long hare-like ears
-2 tails
-Full canine teeth
-Non-retractable claws

Some of them have mutations, such as added spines, horns, ect, ect. Don't refrain from making these! I don't mind people going ham on characters in my species.  

Abilities of a Leporoid;

Leporoids are known for being good hunters, they're good at hearings and stealth, allowing them to knock out competition and being generally aware of their surroundings. They're built for a more silent strike approach rather than long term sprints and such, so they aren't built much with power and speed in mind. Leporoids can go up to 25-30 Mph, which is around average speed of a species in this Animetrix.  Maybe not super remarkable in skills, Leporoids are still one of the few species to have Nigh vision.  


Leporoids used to be considered extinct after the Black sun. Many Leporoids were wiped out along with Animel after Dyotix's rising. The only few remaining currently are; Nyil and Loid. There may be a few possibly scampering around.