brookclan prompts

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
1 149

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

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brookclan territory

brookclan is a territory made up of temperate forest and lush streams that break off from a bigger river. the river is in the southwest, while the streams run throughout the territory and even through the camp. brookclan camp sits to the northeast, almost in the middle of their territory. their camp is a clearing with a fallen oak tree in the middle, making a bridge across the stream. the leader's den is also inside the hollowed out trunk, lined with dry leaves and moss for comfort and to keep the wood dry. kits aren't allowed to cross the tree, as it gets slippery and they might fall of the old wood into the rocky stream. the other dens are made up of ditches dug under brambles and undergrowth. the medicine den is under the roots of an old oak, herbs draped drying over the roots and organized methodically.