Tatsu Talks

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
2 284

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Snippets of talks on Tatsu.

1: Kyoda and Rydia discuss robotic laws, and what applies to Kyoda

2: Kyodia, Rydia and Omega witness the Void.

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1: 5RR

Rydia: "Yo Robot, open up the maintenance gate"

Kyoda: "Oh-ho-ho-ho! There are SEVERAL wrong doings in that one sentence young lady!"

Rydia: "Eh?"

Kyoda: "First off, I am not a robot, I am an andriod, and second off, I'm not the person who can open that, that's Tatsu."

Rydia: "Whats the difference?"

Kyoda: "Well, Tatsu controls all the doors and shit, thats nothing to do with me-"

Rydia: "No no no no, I mean between a Robot and an Android"

Kyoda: "Oh, well a robot is limited to a job, such as cleaning a floor, or delivering parcels."

Kyoda: "Whereas I, an Andriod, have self-awareness, though I'm pretty sure most other Andriods just have an AI in them pre-programmed, whereas I'm fueled with Ka from being here all the time, so I thiiiink I'm a lot more advanced."

Rydia: "Is that a self-compliment or?"

Kyoda: "No, I'm talking cold hard facts."

Rydia: "Oh ok. So... do you still obey 5RR?"

Kyoda: "The Five Rules of Robotics?"

Rydia: "Sure, whatever it's called."

Kyoda: "I don't know. Want to find out?"

Rydia: "Oh hell yeah, hit me!"

Kyoda hits Rydia

Rydia: "That..."

Kyoda: "Apparently I don't"

Rydia: "Is AWESOME"

Kyoda: "Now I'm just really confused."