
2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
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Entry 8
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Description of all npcs met.

Helpful to keep track of them, their status and location.

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Water orb

The water orb

An orb filled with water. It's said the green serpent gathered most of the world's saltwater here, once encapsulated within the heat resistant walls of the orb it became a refuge for all that sea life that otherwise would have sucumbed to the hazardousheat of the world.

A new folk made this place their home, being turned this place into a region of wealth and culture. Though not all of it couldn't be explored. The folk here have a huge cultural tradition and beliefs.

Status: Alive

Wanted: no

Relathionship with the party: non hostile

Axolotl prince

A prince that sits on his throne. No more thought about it. tied to a destiny awaits the ceremony. What after receiving such big task of ruling a kingdom for his own?. Though unstable ideas mught have ran across his mind, he wishes nothing than good to his predecesor.

Unfortunately by the Ancient ceremony the old leader must die to leave the youth to take their place, Feeding something. Itc could be the thing that feeds this place and keep it afloat. Blood would be spilled.

.However as the gem was retrieved from its place. a creature he saw in a flash, vanish from such place, sinking this place down the earth again. The violence is over as there is no artifat to feed. Who could have been their savior?

Sill, a porblem arises. As the new king, he must handle the newfound problems of the region as the orb has fallen, loosing the protective coat that prevented the water from evaporating. Territory is being lost quicky as the water rises into the sky into a form of steam. Would this be the price of freedom? Or maybe that savior has forsaken the lnads of ours? Expeditions must be send in search of the new "Aclaimed One".

The land soaks the water as if it craved it from millenia, there's nowhere to breathe other than some pockets of water. Everyone is divided and they must dig underground to scoop the bits of water left.


Status: Alive

Wanted: yes

Relathionship with the party: non hostile


Chaotic as it gets, this triton is a criminal. No regular criminal but an underwater arsonist. 

No one will ever understand what's going on on her mind.

Status: Alive

Wanted: yes

Relathionship with the party: non hostile (?


S-cam, Creature absurdly similar looking to our cherished and loved Cam. Will they be related? It is likely, but uncertain.

This pompous gentleman has a fascination for both villain talks and sticky notes. He has claimed an old abandoned ship as his home/ evil lair.

he is currently on prison, or at least he was last time you checked.

Status: Alive

Wanted: no

Relathionship with the party:  hostile

Random ass gay guy who got punched for being homophobic.

Self explanatory