History: Long Version

2 years, 8 days ago

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Just off the coast of south-eastern Dailen lies a decent-sized island. The local humans have called it Thurgood's Folly since time immemorial (after some old sailor or the other), and avoid its storm-washed shores on account of a creepy old lighthouse that has been reputedly haunted since its abandonment eighty years ago. To Pokemon though, the place is called Castle Rock. And the lighthouse is their castle. A thriving community of sixty or so Pokemon have diligently shored up the old structure's crumbling walls over the generations, adapting it to their needs and lifestyle so thoroughly that its original architect would scarce recognize the interior. Its exterior, however, remains untouched as a sort of camouflage. Oh, and It isn't haunted - not unless you consider six or seven ghost-type Pokemon to be a haunting! Though the castle dwellers certainly don't discourage such rumors.

It was into this vibrant community that Squee hatched.

At first, the only thing everyone noticed were the horns and wings. Which... while certainly strange, were no big deal - mutations such as these aren't unheard of in Dailen! If anything they were seen as lucky, and both family and friends dropped by constantly to fawn over the new arrival. Thus her first few weeks of life were as happy as could be! Squee's OTHER major mutation didn't become apparent until sometime later; after all, being a newly hatched member of a bipedal species, no one expected her to be up and walking instantly! Yet as time went on and the young Drowzee continued going about on all fours, no matter how much her parents encouraged her, they began to suspect something was up. One visit to the local doctor later, and their fears were confirmed: Squee would never walk upright. At least, not for long periods. And not without assistance. THIS mutation wasn't as fortuitous as the other two...

You must understand though: the diagnosis did nothing to affect the love Squee's parents had for their daughter. They were simply afraid that some Pokemon may not understand, and, as a result, would give her trouble. Pokemon, like people, aren't universally kind! Thus, as she grew, her mother and father did their absolute best to assure Squee that her unusual posture in no way lessened her. Aside from one or two childhood bullies, the rest of the community did as well. It was the OUTSIDE world they worried about most - CASTLE Pokemon stick together!

With much practice (born of a personal desire to fit in with her peers rather than any serious social pressures) she eventually mastered the art of standing up straight and walking for a few feet on her own. Despite her best efforts though, she was always forced to drop back down into her natural posture after a minute or so. Being upright for any longer simply hurt her back too much! Adding a cane/staff to the equation helped - it gave her something to lean on, thus taking a lot of the stress off her spine - but it wasn't a permanent solution either. She tended to only resort to it when traveling merchants visited the Castle, as it allowed her to feel more comfortable under the scrutiny of strange eyes.

And all the while her parents kept reminding her - LOTS of Pokemon were quadrupedal. It didn't matter one way of the other!

Squee finally began to accept herself around the age of seven, after she made friends with (and developed a child's crush on) a Nikit named Alvin who lived one floor up. It was HE who gave her the moniker 'Squee', and HE who taught her how to put her quadrupedal stance to good use by demonstrating his own agility. Before long, the two were shimming up ropes and scampering across beams, leaping across gaps and jumping off ledges; the whole Castle was their personal playground! Alvin even introduced Squee to the idea of spreading her wings mid-leap to increase her range or slow her descents. Squee's parents noted her growing confidence and approved wholeheartedly. However, Alvin's friendship also resulted in Squee's love of shiny things; It was he, ultimately, who taught her how to steal. Never from the Castle folk though - Oh no! That would have been stupid! Instead, they only stole from the merchants who came from time to time to ply their wares, or from the (admittedly rare) lone travelers who visited Castle Rock for their own private reasons. Needless to say, this behavior couldn't last for long.

Someone eventually caught them in the act.


As punishment for her thieving ways, Squee was put under house arrest by her parents. Her chore load was doubled, she was forbidden from going out unsupervised, everything she'd pinched was returned to its rightful owner by her own two paws. And she was flat FORBIDDEN to see Alvin. As for Alvin himself... well, his parents were horribly embarrassed by his actions. They'd raised him well, raised him HONESTLY, and here he was - reinforcing old Nikit stereotypes. It simply wouldn't DO! So, in a drastic effort to reform their son, they actually sent him away to live with his aunt and uncle on the mainland. Being forbidden to speak to Squee, he left without saying goodbye. Thus the young Drowzee wouldn't learn of his departure until a month later, when her parents felt justice had been done and finally began to lighten the restrictions they'd put in place.

Without her best friend, Squee felt... empty. Oh SURE, she had OTHER friends - friends who drifted back to her side as the whole thieving fiasco began to fade into the past and her life gradually returned to normal. They were good Pokemon, too! But they weren't Alvin. And while they insisted they'd only left her because their parents had commanded them to avoid the 'bad influence' OR ELSE, Squee never really felt as close to them as she had in the days before her lock-down. Or really, as close to the entire castle. It seemed like she couldn't go anywhere in the building without feeling the same sort of coldness she felt around her old friends! Smiles seemed false. Greetings sounded hollow. No one invited her over to their apartment to play. Furthermore, folks in the center market - while friendly enough - were just a little TOO quick about coming up and asking if she needed help while she browsed their stalls. Then, when they didn't think she was looking, they'd always drop the act and just... stare. That was the worst part by far! It quickly got to the point where Squee did anything she could to wheedle out of the weekly grocery run. Naturally, her parents assured her that it was all just her imagination. Any 'coldness' she thought she felt from the other denizens of the castle, if it A seed of doubt had been planted between them and could not be removed.

Thus, after nearly a year of of rattling about the Castle and feeling more alone than she'd felt in her entire life, Squee made up her mind to DO something. Namely, to go after Alvin. Naturally her parents didn't approve - they didn't want their beloved daughter gallivanting off, all by herself, into a strange and possibly dangerous world. ESPECIALLY not after a boy who'd taught her to STEAL. But Squee would not be dissuaded. She kept insisting that all she wanted to do was say goodbye. It would give her the closure !she lacked and allow her to move on with her life. Thus, instead of continuing to deny her and having her run off blindly, they relented and helped to make provisions for her travel.