Confession 2: reversed

2 years, 2 hours ago
2 years, 2 hours ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 2 hours ago

It’s been two years since Jensine had confessed to Malachi. And much to Malachi’s horror, he comes to realize he may have made a mistake in turning her down. Now it’s his turn to confess to her.

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It had been perhaps 6 months since Grigori had come to Malachi out of the blue to apologize. And just as long since him and Virus had announced their engagement. Now, Malachi still didn’t fully understand the ins and outs of this, “marriage” custom. All he really knew was that there was a ceremony involved, and that that ceremony would involve a lot of people.

And he’d have to stand in front of them with Grigori and Virus, since he was the “best man” or something. He wanted NOTHING to do with that, but Grigori promised he’d just have to stand there, so he supposed he could suck it up…

Still. As much as the whole wedding people thing was on his brain, there was just one thing that overruled those thoughts. The thing that has been stuck in his mind as soon as he realized he actually was interested in how that person was doing.


He was driven absolutely nuts trying to figure out why he’d given a damn about her when Grigori only mentioned her. Seriously, he’d never been this curious about another person, so why was he wondering about her? Especially since he’d never given a damn about her before! Was there any reason behind it?

He decided to try and figure it out. What was it about that ghost girl that had his attention? Let’s see, Jensine… obviously he hadn’t interacted with her much. She randomly appeared one day and offered to help him and Grigori out for no reward. She gave up a thousand year grudge for them, and let Malachi kill Sterling for Grigori’s sake. She was powerful, yet grounded. She hated people and contact, yet didn’t hesitate to help others. Not to mention she didn’t judge people. And- and this one was just a rumor he heard- she supposedly was a Planet Destroyer. Granted she only destroyed worlds of Tyrant Eyes, but he had yet to meet another who destroyed planets.

So she was, interesting. But interest wasn’t all there was to it, he didn’t think. He admitted he was also a bit intrigued by her appearance too. She did look like a ghost in every sense. Bones, exposed torso, chains, a head detached from her. Yet she seemed so confident in herself; not bothered by others comments on her appearance. Not to mention she was calm and collected, and not as high energy as anyone else he was forced to interact with.

Apart from their morality, they… were kind of similar, in a lot of ways. And Malachi couldn’t help but, kind of admire her for how she carried herself.

He-… he felt his face BURN when he admitted that, wondering why on EARTH he’d even thought that! How could he admire her when he barely knew her?! The planet destroying thing could’ve been a rumor for all he knew! A-and so she helped him once! O-or twice if you counted the spirit world thing. And she didn’t even want anything in return, DESPITE him and his brother being complete to her. So what?! Why-…

Why did he seem to care about her…?

He needed to figure this out… he needed to know what was wrong with him. Why did he suddenly care about someone he’d shot down so ruthlessly? Why was her confession suddenly back in the front of his mind? And why did he suddenly feel so bad about shooting her down like he had…?

“… oh fuck…” Malachi couldn’t help but slump against the wall, and slid to the ground. The reality FINALLY hitting him of what was going on. Why he suddenly gave a damn about that Ghost Girl. He-… he had a crush on her…

Mentally admitting that, was enough to get his heart screaming at him. Like it knew the truth all along, but his brain just refused to admit it! Or that he didn’t understand it back when Jensine confessed or-! Something! Ooh this fuckin’ SUCKED!!

Maybe he was wrong. That could be possible right? After all, he knew he wasn’t the “best” with feelings. Heck- his heart probably started locking itself back up after Grigori stopped dragging him around and forcing feelings on him. Besides, he had no experience with romance for the obvious reasons. So being wrong could be a possibility right?

Guess there was only one- easy- way to confirm if what he was feeling was the real thing…

Taking a breath, Malachi stood back up and smoothed out his hair a bit, preparing himself for what he was about to do. Certain that he was about to get an earful for it, but really, it was all he could think of doing. Besides, the other was just going to have to deal with it.

With a swift movement, the blue Eye opened up a portal. Not bothering to really look inside since he knew where it was popping up, and instead just reaching through and grabbing the others arm before yanking him into the Library. “Grigori I need to talk to you.” He began without bothering to wait for his twin to gather his bearings. “I need to know wha-?”

And he then, just… stopped. He stopped as he at last took in his brothers appearance. His brother wasn’t wearing his normal outfit. But rather… he was wearing, a rather frilly and puffy black dress.

Malachi just kind of… stared at his bright red brother for a minute, not fully knowing what on earth possessed his twin to wear such a thing, before finally managing out. “… what, the FUCK are you wearing??”