A Swimming Lesson

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Lysander's first swimming lesson!
What can go wrong

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Now, after he had dramatically tried his best to successfully look like he was drowning, he was laying down in the water and his head was still above the water's surface. It had not been easy to make it look like he was drowning, since where he was, the water was really shallow.
He looked around, trying to see if any Vesper had noticed his performance - and he was pretty content in how he did. But only a few, those who were close to him, looked over. They all wore more an amused expression rather than a worried one and Lysander had to admit, it would have probably looked much more realistic if he had been deeper in the water. Next time.

"What was that supposed to be?"
Lysander turned his head to the voice. His dad, a Vesper with deep dark blue fur and a very fluffy white mane, raised an eyebrow at him and Lysander swore that his dad had also just facepalmed himself.
The young Vesper got up and the water just barely reached the scales under his belly. He shook himself to get the water out of his fur. "I just wanted to see how many would come to my rescue", he finally said.
His dad quickly glanced around as well before saying, "Well, we're here. We would've saved you if you were really in any danger."
Lysander sighed, "I guess. But still- They could've at least asked if everything was alright." He pouted a little.
His father smiled, "Well, they see me being right next to you and since we didn't have any fights, I don't think they will come and ask."
Lysander found a pebble on the ground and kicked it with his front paw. It didn't really work and it felt weird doing so under the water, but he could feel that the pebble did move at least. "Mm, you're right," he said, "but why didn't Dad come to my rescue?"
He looked over to an almost black Vesper with lighter and darker turquoise markings who was looming over and inspecting the mushrooms that grew at the edge of the big forest surrounding the lake. His Mushwoomie Champignon was accompanying him.
His dad followed his gaze and grinned, "I bet he took one look at you and decided the mushrooms needed more help than you do."
"Ouch," Lysander commented and pretended to be hurt, although he wasn't. He received a pat from his dad. "Don't be sad. I'm sure he's still watching what you're doing."
"But what if he won't be fast enough to get me?" He asked instead and looked at his father. "What if I'm on the other side of the lake and almost drowning?"
"Oh, Fioralba would still be there. He is the fastest swimmer I have ever seen."
"Is he really that fast?"
His dad nodded. "But even if not, trust me, another Vesper would definitely step in and help you. Although I haven't seen a Vesper be faster than he is, so don't worry, your father will always come and save you."
He glanced to Fioralba again who had turned his back to them. It didn't really look like he was watching, all he was paying attention to were the mushrooms. He also said that to his dad.
"Oh, he is, Lysander, don't be fooled." His dad just said and put his paw on Lysander's shoulder.
The young Vesper nodded and straightened. "Okay then, are you gonna teach me, Dad?"
His dad nodded. "But first, we have to do some preparations."
As an answer, his dad took out a group of colorful ribbons and told Lysander to close his wings as much as he could. "You see, the wings can be very cumbersome when it comes to swimming, so it's best if we tie them up a little."
"Tie them up?" Lysander echoed and unfolded his wings a little again in shock. "But why?"
"It takes a lot of strength to keep your wings closed underwater, the water will want to play with them and open them. And it takes even more strength to swim with open wings, trust me."
"Okay." Lysander closed his wings again and watched his dad tie them to his front legs. It felt uncomfortable.
"So, what now?" He asked eagerly, although he was more eager to get rid of them again than he was eager to swim now.
"Give me a second," his dad smiled as he replied and quickly tied his own wings up as well.
"Even you tie up your wings?" Lysander asked with big eyes. "Don't you feel uncomfortable?"
"Yes, even I do. And it does feel a little bit uncomfortable, but you'll get used to it." His dad had finished and went deeper into the water. "You coming?"
"Yes!" Lysander explained and carefully followed his dad.