Notes Doc

2 years, 5 days ago
2 years, 5 days ago
2 1251

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 5 days ago

An upload of my main notes and ideas for my Sunburst Includes some explanations for things such as the family trees and any potential future ideas for him. Will mention other characters in here, but won't be added on as members of the lit.

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Main Info

Trans man
He / They / Suns

How he gained his name:
Sun was a student at Equestria’s school, and was given an exam after being there for a couple of months, this is because he wasn’t the strongest in physical spell work in class, and he also did not have his cutie mark yet, which was strange for a student of Celestia’s.
He was anxious and had been revising and practicing all day, however, once it got to him he was incredibly anxious being faced by the princess and his main tutor and told to do it.
Everything went sideways, he was so anxious, he forgot everything that he had practiced. It went wrong, first he was struggling to get the simple trick he was doing wrong, and with his stress he tried to surge his magic more to make it work. Surged he sure did, his magic exploded, in a bright glaring, sun like explosion, shoving him backwards and even causing Celestia to cast a shield around herself.
Dazed, Sunburst got back up, his horn with small cracks and chunks missing, his lighter marking now ‘bursting’ down his horn, a scar running down to his eyes. His first reaction was fear and apologies, he was worried he’d loose everything, his place at the school was a blessing for his mum. However, he was surprised that Celestia was impressed and took him even closer under her wing. When he admitted to her that he was more a stallion, she suggested the name as a slight joke, but he fell in love with it.

From then out Sunburst became a rather close student to Celestia, when Twilight came along [a few years younger then him] he helped the princess train her, and look after baby Spike. They bonded over how bad their exams went in a way.
What Sunburst does not realise that both they and Twilight are being groomed as successors, Celestia wanting Sunburst to directly take after her and take over control of the sun.
Note: There is no plans from Celestia to, and he will not become an alicorn

Into Cannon time:
Sunburst misses Twilight as she’s sent off to learn about friendship, but knows it’s good for her. The two keep in frequent contact and Sunburst wishes that they could go and meet her friends, but knows that he has chores and studies under Celestia.
He does get a little angry at Celestia for not telling sun about Nightmare Moon & Luna however, sun did feel that they should have been informed. Especially as Celestia hasn’t said it to their face, but he’s clever, and knows that he’s being trained as her direct successor, so secrets will just cause harm and mistakes.