The Club

1 year, 11 months ago
1482 1

The club across the street is doing numbers, how will we deal with this?

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‎‎“You really wanna do this boss?” The Bull-like gemstone was sitting on a cardboard box, seemingly watching the small blue gem through his messy hair.

“Is that even a question? These people think they can just set up shop RIGHT across the street from us? We’re going to have the best night ever, and they won’t be there to see it!” The small blue gem was pacing around the room, chewing on his small wand.

“I mean- yeah that’s kinda the Club’s thing to have a good time. There’s just a slight problem with the full plan.” Bull’s Eye laid back and looked up at the ceiling with his arms crossed.

Aquamarine stopped and turned towards Bull’s Eye.

“Are you against it?”

“Well, I don’t think leveling an entire club with advanced alien technology and tossing it into space is very stealthy now is it?” Bull’s Eye chuckled to himself.

“Oh please, I’m not THAT dense Bullsy. I honestly can’t believe you think I’d do something so reckless!” Aquamarine turned back around and put his hand on his chin, sweat started to form on his forehead.

“What about that one time when you froze that guy with your tractor beam and sent him flying into the ocean because he cat-called your wife? Or that one time when you tried to sneakily fly into that one guy’s window because he stole a $2 Iolite ‘magazine’? Or or—“

“OKAY OKAY you can stop there. This time I’ll make sure to be extra careful when tractor beaming the club and throwing it out of orbit.” The Aquamarine ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

“Didn’t you just say you wouldn’t—“

“I know what I said you idiot! I’m not going to tractor beam the god damn club! Out of everyone I thought you’d understand what SARCASM is!” Aquamarine took another deep breath and exhaled. It was obvious he wasn’t actually being sarcastic and really wanted to just get rid of the club that easily.

Bull’s Eye glanced through his hair at Aquamarine, keeping his head tilted up at the ceiling.

“Ya’ really wanna yell at me like that?” Bull’s eye sat forward and looked directly at Aquamarine’s eyes. Even without seeing his eyes, the aura emitting from him was intense enough.

”Hey boys, I got a few C-listers to RSVP. It’s not the best but I did what I could—“ The purple gem stopped in her tracks and looked at the two gems staring each other down.

“What the hell is going on?” She asked.

“Not now darling, Bullsy here is forgetting his place in this business.” Aquamarine kept his gaze on Bull’s Eye.

“Nah, I think you’re forgetting that I can leave at the drop of a hat and expose you if I wanted to.” The two gems kept their eyes locked onto each other, unwavering.

”You wouldn’t dare.”

Aquamarine got closer to Bull’s Eye and the two kept staring intently at each other until a chuckle escaped the purple gem’s lips.

“And I think you two are morons and we should get ready for this party tonight.” Purple Iolite rolled her eyes behind her opaque sunglasses and left the room, embarrassing the two gems.

Aquamarine’s pupils widened and blush formed on his cheeks as he watched Iolite walk out of the room.

“Such a way with words— Wait for me honey!” Aquamarine left the room in a hurry, chasing after his wife.

Bull’s Eye watched Aquamarine disappear from the room and laughed to himself completely dumbfounded. He covered his face with his hand and chuckled some more, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Iolite’s got a serious hold on that man.” Bull’s Eye slowly got up and took his leave from the room as well.

Iolite and Aquamarine were now in the bar area. Iolite was standing next to the bar table, writing on her clipboard and simultaneously texting on her phone. Aquamarine sat on a barstool, anxiously tapping his fingers on the table.

“So, let me get this straight… you want to beat the next door club by doing what exactly?” Iolite crossed her arms with her phone in her right hand.

“W-well I— I’m not really sure… I can’t just tractor beam the club and throw it away right? haha….” Aquamarine was sweating. He put his hand on his temple and rubbed it.

“Of course not, that’d give us away. It was a nice thought though.” Iolite walked towards Aquamarine and put her hand on his shoulder. She bent down and kissed him on his cheek, causing him to blush.

“Alright lovebirds, any suggestions that don’t involve using our abilities and tech?” Bull’s Eye came into the room, fiddling with the wrapping on his hand.

“Yeah actually, I have a good idea.” Iolite smirked at the two gems. Bull’s Eye walked towards the bar and sat on a barstool.

“Since I am top model in our area and most of California for that matter, there’s sure to be buzz around me being at this club. Take that and the C-listers I invited and we should already have more visitors than the rival club.” Iolite put her hands on her hips and flashed the two a smile.

“Yeah okay, but the other club has connections too, how are we gonna get more notoriety?” Bull’s Eye looked over at Iolite with his elbows on the table and his hands clasped together.

“That’s the thing Bull, if I go live on Instant-Jam all of my followers will watch it and want to come to the club! They’ll do anything to see me in person.”

Aquamarine and Bull’s Eye slowly looked at each other and then back at Iolite with a confused look.

“Instant-Jam?” Aquamarine asked.

“Yeah, it’s where I post all of my pictures and make videos where I dance and do trends and stuff. That’s where most of my following comes from.” Iolite looked at the two in disbelief.

“Baby, you’re also my manager! Don’t you know what Instant-Jam is?”

Aquamarine glanced at Iolite through the corner of his eye and looked down at the table sweating.

“I uh— I don’t… Posting our relationship status on that one website was already confusing enough as it is for me darling, I can’t really understand that social media stuff.”

Iolite sighed and walked towards Aquamarine. She put her hand on his back and rubbed it.

“It’s okay hun, I’ve got it covered anyways. The amount of effort you put into my modeling career and this club is enough already.”

Bull’s Eye watched the two and rolled his eyes behind his hair.

“So, this “live”… that won’t really be long term will it?”

Iolite leaned back on the table and took a moment to think.

“It’ll definitely help for tonight— as for every weekend? I think… we’ll have to promote it on my profile!” Iolite grinned and looked at the two awestruck gems.

“Honey that’s genius! How should we go about promoting the club?” Aquamarine perked up and stood on his chair.

“A simple picture will be good, once we’re in the club tonight, take a photo of me and I’ll post it on my profile with the location and times! It’ll be perfect! I’ll even pin it at the top of my profile so everyone will see it!” Iolite and Aquamarine were holding hands and jumping with joy.

“Oh honey pie you are the best! I love you so much, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Aquamarine flew up to Iolite and hugged her.

“Probably destroying every club in California.” Iolite giggled and hugged Aquamarine back.

“Guys—“ Bull’s Eye turned away and buried his head in his hands.

“You know, after this we can have a little date night just you and me. I know a really good place near the beach!” Aquamarine told Iolite.

“Aww that sounds lovely! And then afterwards we can—“

Bull’s Eye put his hood on and brought his knees to his chest, covering his ears whilst the other two gems were giggling and talking about date plans.

“This better be worth it.” He mumbled to himself.

And that it was. The night approached and the plan commenced. The C-Listers arrived, Iolite’s live brought in a decent batch of guests, some people even left the rival club to see what was going on there. It was a perfect plan and everything went exactly as it was intended. Aquamarine high-fived Bull’s Eye and got into position to take the photo of Iolite...
