The Magic Of The Night

1 year, 11 months ago

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The night had always been a wondrous thing to Orion. He loved every part about it. The whistling of the wind through the darkened trees, the allure of the moon when it took its place above the clouds, and the sounds of the night creatures that wandered the woodland and scurried through the city. But, what Orion loved most about the night though was the stars.

The stars held a powerful magic that he enjoyed to his very core. They twinkled and shined amongst the background of purples, blues, and greens. The night sky was an amalgamation of lights that burned brightly from such a far distance away. He found it absolutely breath-taking. Simply amazing.

Orion loved the night sky.

When he was a mere child he would stare up at it and long to know more about the bright lights overhead. He learned about every prominent star and every story associated with them. He knew how to distinguish planets from stars and he could even tell you the names of specific stars simply by noting their position in the night sky. He’d spent years cultivating his knowledge, mapping out star charts, and putting together an extensive collection of astrological findings.

He just wished he had somebody to share his love for the ocean of lights in the sky.

One night, while Orion gazed up towards the stars while laying on the sands of a deserted beach he heard a voice whispering. His ears flicked and he glanced around in the dim light. Using his horn to light his way he stood and walked towards the muttering sounds. His hooves made soft treading noises on the pale sand and as he neared the water’s edge he spotted a beautiful merphin speaking towards the stars.

Babylon looked away from the stars and up towards the centicorn that had approached the water. They gave out a soft yelp before diving underneath the water to escape the look from the other. Had they bothered him? They hoped not!

“Oh, I am terribly sorry, please don’t run…or err….swim away, I just heard you talking to the stars…I thought I was the only one who did that..hahaha…hello…” Orion said moving his front right hoof in the sand as he stared into the water awaiting the appearance of the merphin who’d dove below the water. His ears drooped and he sighed, turning to leave only to hear the gentle voice once more.

“Um, well…the stars always listen, so I like to tell them everything I can,” Babylon replied but sank below again and swam away.

Orion departed, heading home for the night but the golden merphin was on his mind. Had he found somebody who loved the stars as much as he did? He hoped so!

The night after Orion returned to the shore to see if they could find the other star gazer and speak with them more. Once he neared the water he spotted Babylon once again talking to the stars. They were discussing their day, what they accomplished and then…

“I met this centicorn, he seems nice…but I don’t know, should I trust somebody…what if he doesn’t like me and runs away, like everybody else?”

Orion frowned, were they alone? He was alone too. Orion cleared his throat and Babylon looked over.

“Oh, how long were you standing there?” Babylon asked, going a bit flush before looking away.

“Not long, umm, do you want to watch the stars with me?” he asked them and Babylon couldn’t help but smile a little before nodding. Of course he wanted to watch the stars!

The pair gazed up at the night’s sky for hours. They talked about different star stories and exchanged facts and tips they knew before bidding each other good night. Orion would return night after night to talk with the merphin and gaze upon the stars with him. One night Orion brought his telescope with him as well as some charts he’d drawn up. He set them up so Babylon could take a closer look at the stars they loved.

“Babylon, why do you talk to the stars?” Orion asked one night as they lay in the sand eating snacks and staring up at a meteorite shower that was passing overhead.

“Hmmm, well, I don’t have many friends so I like to talk to the stars…as my friends, is that weird?” they replied and Orion chuckled before shaking his head.

“No, I don’t think it’s weird at all,” he told them as he reached into the bag of snacks he’d brought for them.

“I always thought that if I talked to the stars then one day they’d bring me a friend, somebody who would be able to share my passion for stars,” Babylon told them moments later.

“I think you thought right,” replied Orion before looking over at his new friend. Babylon smiled as bright as starlight and the pair laughed together as they went back to enjoying the stars.