Peaceful Moment

1 year, 11 months ago

Vy’laena lets out a pleased hum as her brother plays with her hair. She isn’t sure why Taliesan suddenly wanted to do something with her long white tendrils, but she isn’t one to complain.

She really should pay better attention to it, but the drow is so busy with other things that she can’t find time to do so.

Hence when Taliesan questioned if he could braid her hair, Vy’laena was quick to agree. They were so attentive in everything they did, so the dark skinned woman knew they would take proper care of her locks.

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Vy’laena lets out a pleased hum as her brother plays with her hair. She isn’t sure why Taliesan suddenly wanted to do something with her long white tendrils, but she isn’t one to complain.

She really should pay better attention to it, but the drow is so busy with other things that she can’t find time to do so. 

Hence when Taliesan questioned if he could braid her hair, Vy’laena was quick to agree. They were so attentive in everything they did, so the dark skinned woman knew they would take proper care of her locks.

Their hands run through her hair, massaging her scalp for a brief moment, and it makes Vy’laena let out a content sigh. A happy smile quirks her lips when Taliesan reaches for their extensive hair care products and offers them to their sister.

“Which one would you like?” Taliesan asks, and Vy’laena looks at the different scented products. It amuses the drow that her brother has so many different ones.

After looking at them all, she settles on a vanilla one – basic, but Vy’laena didn’t want to smell fruity or have attention drawn to herself. Vanilla is fine.

Taliesan squirts some of the product into his hands, lathering them for a few seconds before massaging it into Vy’laena’s hair. She was starting to get a headache, but the warm scent and pressure Taliesan applied in her pressure points makes it cease and almost knocks the drow out. 

Her eyelids droop, but Vy’laena is determined to stay awake. However, when Taliesan tells her it’s okay to drift off, the woman does so with a final, drawn out, happy sigh.

Taliesan lets out a soft puff of laughter when Vy’laena falls asleep. The poor thing had been through a lot, so they’re glad they can give her a moment’s reprise with such a simple act.

After putting a good amount of product in her hair, the tiefling moves onto the next task. He grabs one of his larger brushes and starts the ordeal of brushing the drow’s hair. There’s some knotting in it, but Taliesan is gentle in how he takes each and every one out. 

The product he used helps ease them out as well, and once Vy’laena’s hair is free of knots, the tiefling starts their next undertaking. They take some of her hair in their hands, starting to braid it with careful precision. They want to make sure their sister doesn’t wake from her peaceful slumber.

It takes a while, but after the braiding is done, Taliesan looks at their handiwork with a pleased hum and nod. Vy’leana’s hair looks much better than when Taliesan first started, and she’s still snoozing away.

A content smile rests on Taliesan’s features as he lifts the drow in his arms, placing her in bed and running a hand over her forehead for a moment before stepping away.

“You’ll be a new person when you wake, sister. Have a peaceful slumber.”

Shutting the light off, the door creaks quietly as the tiefling shuts it, leaving Vy’laena to rest.