I'll be your comfort

1 year, 11 months ago

Sugarleaf catches Hawthornstrike by himself, and the two have a heart to heart and promise to be better to themselves.

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Chuwi - 1,506 words

No, Sugarleaf was not following Hawthornstrike. They just happened to merge into a patrol when they saw the giant tom leave camp alone. And then branch off from the patrol's path after saying they heard something, which was and only could be Hawthornstrike, and after hanging around in the tom's vision, they finally caught his attention.

Turning around with a smile, hoping to not seem suspicious, the white cat said, "Hi, Thor." They twitched their ears at the nickname, still feeling foreign to them; but it made them shiver a bit with happiness, even despite Hawthornstrike's dark eyebags.

Their smile turned into a frown as they gazed at the tabby's face longer, realizing how hollow he actually looked. They leaned in, whispering, "How are you?" Sugarleaf didn't mean to speak in a low tone, but they felt like-- that they needed to tread delicately. That the usual boulder-solid Hawthornstrike was as thin as a butterfly's wings in this moment.

Sugarleaf felt as if the fur on their chest had suddenly gotten curly, with the fluttering feelings that burst into spirals in their heart when Hawthornstrike said he liked the nickname.

Despite the initial soft emotions they felt, they quickly collected themselves to the large tabby's side, mirroring his position and wrapping their tail around themself as well as they looked up at him. They followed Hawthornstrike's gaze to the sky, then back down again as he talked. "Hawthorn..." they murmured, wanting to offer any sort of comfort at all for him in this moment. But Sugarleaf felt woefully lost; would words even provide a miniscule amount of warmth for the giant tom?

They reached out to place a soft paw on Hawthornstrike's upper leg, pressing in warmly for a moment before releasing. They could feel his tense muscles through the little nicks in their paws. "I'm sorry," the white cat started. "I'm so sorry." They felt a lump in their throat too, and couldn't continue for a few moments.

Finally, Sugarleaf managed to choke in, "Well.. I think you always maintained good within you. Soft- Softsong drew it out of you. It may be demanding to feel and do good for a while without her..." They gulped. "But I think, you can do it. I don't believe you were ever a repugnant cat."

Sugarleaf could only look at Hawthornstrike with sad eyes, unable to sympathize with him. Anger... they don't believe they ever felt that emotion before. It was hard, to work up such a hot, explosive feeling, like grabbing a stone and carrying it in one's chest so that it burned one from the inside out.

But they did often saw rage from Smokeshine, so they comforted the tabby tom like they would their sister. "You are allowed to be angry, Thor. And when you do hurt others, apologize to them. They will understand, if they love you dearly, no matter how long it takes to forgive. This they had seen with the recent spat between Smokeshine and Tansypaw; it would take time, but... there were sorrys said, at the least.

"I'm not sure your Ma would have wanted you to be angry either, but your anger is here now, and-- and you can't deny it. So don't suppress it, I guess. Feel it, is what I'm trying to say, perhaps." They stumbled over their words, about to say, and she isn't, but decided that was too blunt. What they remembered from Fogbellow was just that-- to allow themselves to feel. "You can lay it out on me, if you need," Sugarleaf said softly. His brother had already yelled at the white cat, so coming from Hawthornstrike, it wouldn't be much different. If anything, they would be glad to bear the brunt of his vexation.

"As for my mother..." They curled their tail in close and withdrew the paw on his shoulder. "I don't believe I've healed yet." A deep admittance. Sugarleaf still wasn't sure how they felt about all that. They looked off to the side, away from Hawthornstrike, unable to tell him anything.

Sugarleaf felt a bit disheartened when Hawthornstrike turned down their offer to use them as a punching bag, but really, they didn't expect him to use the offer anyways. Despite anything he thought of himself, the large tabby tom was still benevolent-- Hawthornstrike didn't hurt to be mean. Especially now, when he was offering Sugarleaf a tender hug.

"I'm sorry for you too," they whispered into warrior's fur. No pity in their voice, just a sad tone that bespoke of the tragedy that befell them both. They returned the hug immediately, familiar with contact, but it took them a bit to sag into the embrace, finally burrowing their snout in his thick fur. "You too... deserve to be treated.. well..." Sugarleaf nearly had to choke out, past the lump that was growing in their throat. "You don't deserve any awful rumors thrown your way, nor should you be denied a way a heal... And you shouldn't... beat yourself up.."

Now, tears were welling up Sugarleaf's eyes; it was a rare display of emotion for the otherwise reserved cat, and they hurriedly parted from the embrace to swipe at their bangs and fix it back into place. Even though their face couldn't be seen, it was clear from their wavering voice that they weeping. "You deserve-- to be tre-- treated well by yourself too, Thor." They placed a scarred paw a little shakily on Hawthornstrike's shoulder, and mustered a small smile to mitigate their weepy voice.

Sugarleaf  felt Hawkthornstrike's breath brush the bangs covering their eyes, and they looked up to see his face close to theirs, his eyes staring with a muted intensity. Sugarleaf blinked rapidly a few times to try and clear the tears that stained their vision, to try and glimpse a clearer view of the large warrior. They offered him a small smile, glad to hear that he would try to be kinder on himself.

They did perk their ears at the other cat that he mentioned. "Poppyflight?" They mewed, their smile vanishing into a frown. Sugarleaf didn't expect the orange and white cat to treat Hawkthornstrike badly; though they didn't expect any of the siblings but Tansypaw capable of negative emotions. What was happening to Poppyflight?"

Sugarleaf's face slid to the side as they thought about the other warrior, contemplating for a moment. Their tail swept back and forth in thought, and when it accidentally brushed against Hawkthornstrike's, they remembered he was at their side. They snapped their attention back to the big tom, thoughts vanishing in an instant. Tentatively, they started to curl their tail around Hawkthornstrike's, offering a hold if he wanted, but it was easy enough to break out of if he was uncomfortable with it. "Let us promise to both be kind to each other, then," they mewed, head tilting to the side in a childish tone, as if they were pinkie swearing. "It's not much and is not an answer to these tumultuous times, but I do hope it helps you just a little bit more, Thor."

Frankly, Sugarleaf was glad that Hawthornstrike moved on from the intricacies of his family. They had wondered about Poppyflight, since they didn't seem to be the type to get angry ever, but Sugarleaf didn't really know them too well. And since they didn't know the orange warrior too well, it wasn't their business; they didn't want another Tansypaw situation. So when the large tabby tom said enough, they put the troubling dynamics aside from their mind.

"Mhm," Sugarleaf rumbled simply in response, leaning forward to give Hawthornstrike the best comfortable spot on their shoulder. They just kept close, not wanting to move and break the tender moment.

Though, they didn't want it to be stretched out and awkward-- reluctantly, Sugarleaf did start to break the contact with a soft pat on his shoulder. To try and rectify some sort of closeness, if not by keeping a physical hold on Hawthornstrike, the white warrior offer their company. "If you ever need companionship, you can request me and I will come to you. I won't ask of you any reason, nor will judge you. I just hope-- I hope I can... become your comfort." They mewed, pulling on a small smile, though they had stuttered off, feeling bashful from admitting a lot, that they wanted to be something to the large warrior.

Sugarleaf had heard the noise that Hawthornstrike made, but wasn't sure what they heard exactly-- so they just let it go after hearing his cough. "It might be getting chilly now, let's go back," they murmur. "Imagine promising to be each other's comfort and we get colds instead!"

Even on that light-hearted joke, they were glad to hear Hawthornstrike's side of things; they didn't know how much of an impact they had on the large tom, but the promise they made opened up new doors, and they would feel more confident exploring the two's relationship with a promise to be there for the other.

Soph - 1,415 words

Everything was numb.

How long had it been since Softsong's death? It felt like moons and minutes all at the same time.

Padding along through the forest was the giant, defeated form of Hawthornstrike. He had been walking through the territory in hopes of finding something that would make him feel alive again. Hunting? Fighting? It didn't matter to the huge warrior. He honestly wanted to run into Ashfrost so that he could have something to take his anger out on. Hawthornstrike knew better than to hurt the silver tom, because then Poppyflight would really never forgive him.

A bright white pelt caught Hawthornstrike's attention and a bit of apprehension nipped at his skin. He wanted to talk to Sugarleaf, but so much had happened in the time since their last talk. Tansypaw had hurt their feelings with his aggression. Another part of the huge warrior wanted to speak with Sugarleaf since they had also lost their mother.

With a harsh swallow the tom awkwardly waved his bushy tail and meowed gruffly, "Hey Shug."

That nickname was new to Hawthornstrike and it caught him off-guard. He stared at the kind warrior before him until a small smile cracked on his lips, "Tha's a new one." The tom sat down, realizing how tired he really was from all the walking and lack of sleep. "I like it," he meowed while wrapping his tail around his huge paws.

When the white cat asked how he was the corners of his mouth twitched and he debated on what to say. With a sigh he lowered his head and shook it side to side, "Not good." Duh. He picked his head back up and flicked his small, but heavily furnished, ears before elaborating, "Feels...like there's a hole," the tom meowed while placing a paw to his chest, "that won't stop leaking." Closing his eyes he leaned his head back, "I's always been there...but Ma kept it sealed. She took on our pain fer us, and now tha' she's gon..." the warrior choked up, "all tha good is seepin' outta me."

Lowering his head, Hawthornstrike opened his eyes to reveal glassy green orbs. "Feels like she took all tha good with 'er," his bottom lip quivered slightly, but he tried to shake off the emotional expression.

The depth of the sadness that filled Hawthornstrike threatened to pull him under, but the soft voice uttering his name made him momentarily stay afloat. Their paws pressed against his leg made him remember to breath and he felt the rock in his stomach sink further at the wobble in Sugarleaf's voice.

"I have til this point...but I have this rage," he shoulders began to shake as he felt uncertainty flow through his veins. "I'm so angry at how things've turned out. I...I am afraid of myself and...and who I might become." With a sigh he turned his green gaze towards his companion, "Hell, my own brother hates me now. I fear ta show any emotions, cuz whenever I do...I hurt those around me." Poppyflight's words still rattled through the huge tom's head and made him question his own sanity.

"I don't want ta be angry all tha time...I know Ma wouldn'ta wanted it," he took in a deep breath before turning back to Sugarleaf.  With a scared expression on his face the burned warrior meowed, "How did ya heal when...yer Ma passed?" He was afraid that was too invasive of a question, but he hoped that the other would be open to answering it.

Despite only seeing veiled eyes, Hawthornstrike could tell that Sugarleaf was sad. That only made the large warrior's stomach twist further... Why did it bother him to see the all-white warrior so down? He just wanted to see them smile, not for Gooseberry...or Sparkpelt...but for him. That selfish feeling wormed it's claws around Hawthornstrike's throat and threatened to take hold of him.

Their words about others understanding made him long for the same optimism as Sugarleaf...the same kind heart of Marigoldbloom and Poppyflight...to be anything like them. When he looked at the face staring back at him any time he drank he hated the green eyes that looked through him. They were nothing like the soft green eyes he longed for once more...the loving gaze of his mother.

When they told him to feel his anger the tom shook his head, but when Sugarleaf told him to take it out on them the large tom turned and looked into the other's face. "Shugs...no. I couldn't live with myself if I ever did somethin' like that," without realizing it the tom reached up to move the warrior's bangs. He wanted to see if Sugarleaf's eyes were as soft and kind as he imagined. "You deserve ta be treated well," his voice was unusually soft as he looked into the other cat's eyes.

When Sugarleaf meowed that they hadn't healed from the death of Tinyleaf Hawthornstrike was genuinely surprised. As they looked away Hawthornstrike did something without thinking, reaching out and pulling the white cat in for a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry."

As Sugarleaf leaned into the embrace and returned the apology Hawthornstrike didn't say anything, but merely took a deep breath. He didn't realize how badly he had longed for someone to hold him until now. The white warrior's words made Hawthornstrike well up, green eyes closed but still leaking. "I'll take all their rumors...I don't care if they all hate me...but Poppy...his hate for me...it's unlike tha others," without realizing it the huge tom had wrapped both his arms around Sugarleaf for support.

As suddenly as the warmth had appeared it disappeared when Sugarleaf leaned back. Before Hawthornstrike could reach out for more contact, the other warrior touched their paw to his shoulder. Their words made his face screw up momentarily, no one had really told him to be nice to himself besides Softsong. He wanted to push the conversation away from himself, but he knew that he should take what their friend is saying seriously. "Thanks...I hope you are nice to yerself as well," he said as he raised a large paw to wipe a tear from the warrior's cheek.

"I don't see whatcha see in me...but if I can get the kindness of ya...then I guess I can try ta be nicer to myself," he smiled softly before leaning down to try and see Sugarleaf's expression.

At the questioning tone of his brother's name hot warmth of anxiety rippled under Hawthornstrike's pelt. "They...Poppy is angry wif me 'bout Ash...Ashfrost," he hated even uttering his name, "'bout my lashin' out at 'im." A stifled sigh slipped from between his lips before he flicked his ears, "They want me ta forgive the fox-heart. To make an 'attempt'...but I don't owe 'im my kindness." Claws dipped into the soil below as the tom tensed, "He's mad I blame Ash and not Ma...but I jus' can't. Ma...she lived in miserable sadness...somethin' not many can imagine...and Ashfrost got ta just keep living as he had before." Saying his 'father's' name so many times threatened to make him ill, "It's not fair fer Poppy ta tell me how I can feel...but now...they want nothing ta do with me."

"Enough o' that though, ain't no point in tryin' ta force others ta love ya," it hurt...the claws of rejection lashed and tore at his skin. "Just like I'm allowed ta hate Ashfrost...I guess Poppyflight can hate me," green eyes turned downwards to the ground that Hawthornstrike had torn up. "Oh stars," the huge warrior patted down the ground before feeling Sugarleaf's tail intertwine with his own.

Hot embarrassment flood right under the skin at the kind gesture, but it was the white warrior's words that made him melt. "It's much more than I coulda ever asked for," he meowed surprisingly softly. "...Thanks Shug." At that he leaned over and licked the warrior's head before resting comfortably into Sugarleaf's smaller form.
When Hawthornstrike felt Sugarleaf pull back a small whine left his maw before he could catch himself. Embarrassedly, the huge tom flicked his ears and coughed to try and cover up the noise he just made. Stars, how dumb.

The white warrior's comment made Hawthornstrike's heart swell and honestly, he wanted to lean down and kiss his companion. He wouldn't dare and instead nodded his head and meowed, "Thank you, I uh...I want that very much." Cheeks were burning red but he felt so happy could fly, "I want to be your comfort too."


Everything was numb.

How long had it been since Softsong's death? It felt like moons and minutes all at the same time.

Padding along through the forest was the giant, defeated form of Hawthornstrike. He had been walking through the territory in hopes of finding something that would make him feel alive again. Hunting? Fighting? It didn't matter to the huge warrior. He honestly wanted to run into Ashfrost so that he could have something to take his anger out on. Hawthornstrike knew better than to hurt the silver tom, because then Poppyflight would really never forgive him.

A bright white pelt caught Hawthornstrike's attention and a bit of apprehension nipped at his skin. He wanted to talk to Sugarleaf, but so much had happened in the time since their last talk. Tansypaw had hurt their feelings with his aggression. Another part of the huge warrior wanted to speak with Sugarleaf since they had also lost their mother.

With a harsh swallow the tom awkwardly waved his bushy tail and meowed gruffly, "Hey Shug."


No, Sugarleaf was not following Hawthornstrike. They just happened to merge into a patrol when they saw the giant tom leave camp alone. And then branch off from the patrol's path after saying they heard something, which was and only could be Hawthornstrike, and after hanging around in the tom's vision, they finally caught his attention.

Turning around with a smile, hoping to not seem suspicious, the white cat said, "Hi, Thor." They twitched their ears at the nickname, still feeling foreign to them; but it made them shiver a bit with happiness, even despite Hawthornstrike's dark eyebags.

Their smile turned into a frown as they gazed at the tabby's face longer, realizing how hollow he actually looked. They leaned in, whispering, "How are you?" Sugarleaf didn't mean to speak in a low tone, but they felt like-- that they needed to tread delicately. That the usual boulder-solid Hawthornstrike was as thin as a butterfly's wings in this moment.


That nickname was new to Hawthornstrike and it caught him off-guard. He stared at the kind warrior before him until a small smile cracked on his lips, "Tha's a new one." The tom sat down, realizing how tired he really was from all the walking and lack of sleep. "I like it," he meowed while wrapping his tail around his huge paws.

When the white cat asked how he was the corners of his mouth twitched and he debated on what to say. With a sigh he lowered his head and shook it side to side, "Not good." Duh. He picked his head back up and flicked his small, but heavily furnished, ears before elaborating, "Feels...like there's a hole," the tom meowed while placing a paw to his chest, "that won't stop leaking." Closing his eyes he leaned his head back, "I's always been there...but Ma kept it sealed. She took on our pain fer us, and now tha' she's gon..." the warrior choked up, "all tha good is seepin' outta me."

Lowering his head, Hawthornstrike opened his eyes to reveal glassy green orbs. "Feels like she took all tha good with 'er," his bottom lip quivered slightly, but he tried to shake off the emotional expression.


Sugarleaf felt as if the fur on their chest had suddenly gotten curly, with the fluttering feelings that burst into spirals in their heart when Hawthornstrike said he liked the nickname.

Despite the initial soft emotions they felt, they quickly collected themselves to the large tabby's side, mirroring his position and wrapping their tail around themself as well as they looked up at him. They followed Hawthornstrike's gaze to the sky, then back down again as he talked. "Hawthorn..." they murmured, wanting to offer any sort of comfort at all for him in this moment. But Sugarleaf felt woefully lost; would words even provide a miniscule amount of warmth for the giant tom?

They reached out to place a soft paw on Hawthornstrike's upper leg, pressing in warmly for a moment before releasing. They could feel his tense muscles through the little nicks in their paws. "I'm sorry," the white cat started. "I'm so sorry." They felt a lump in their throat too, and couldn't continue for a few moments.

Finally, Sugarleaf managed to choke in, "Well.. I think you always maintained good within you. Soft- Softsong drew it out of you. It may be demanding to feel and do good for a while without her..." They gulped. "But I think, you can do it. I don't believe you were ever a repugnant cat."


The depth of the sadness that filled Hawthornstrike threatened to pull him under, but the soft voice uttering his name made him momentarily stay afloat. Their paws pressed against his leg made him remember to breath and he felt the rock in his stomach sink further at the wobble in Sugarleaf's voice.

"I have til this point...but I have this rage," he shoulders began to shake as he felt uncertainty flow through his veins. "I'm so angry at how things've turned out. I...I am afraid of myself and...and who I might become." With a sigh he turned his green gaze towards his companion, "Hell, my own brother hates me now. I fear ta show any emotions, cuz whenever I do...I hurt those around me." Poppyflight's words still rattled through the huge tom's head and made him question his own sanity.

"I don't want ta be angry all tha time...I know Ma wouldn'ta wanted it," he took in a deep breath before turning back to Sugarleaf.  With a scared expression on his face the burned warrior meowed, "How did ya heal when...yer Ma passed?" He was afraid that was too invasive of a question, but he hoped that the other would be open to answering it.


Sugarleaf could only look at Hawthornstrike with sad eyes, unable to sympathize with him. Anger... they don't believe they ever felt that emotion before. It was hard, to work up such a hot, explosive feeling, like grabbing a stone and carrying it in one's chest so that it burned one from the inside out.

But they did often saw rage from Smokeshine, so they comforted the tabby tom like they would their sister. "You are allowed to be angry, Thor. And when you do hurt others, apologize to them. They will understand, if they love you dearly, no matter how long it takes to forgive. This they had seen with the recent spat between Smokeshine and Tansypaw; it would take time, but... there were sorrys said, at the least.

"I'm not sure your Ma would have wanted you to be angry either, but your anger is here now, and-- and you can't deny it. So don't suppress it, I guess. Feel it, is what I'm trying to say, perhaps." They stumbled over their words, about to say, and she isn't, but decided that was too blunt. What they remembered from Fogbellow was just that-- to allow themselves to feel. "You can lay it out on me, if you need," Sugarleaf said softly. His brother had already yelled at the white cat, so coming from Hawthornstrike, it wouldn't be much different. If anything, they would be glad to bear the brunt of his vexation.

"As for my mother..." They curled their tail in close and withdrew the paw on his shoulder. "I don't believe I've healed yet." A deep admittance. Sugarleaf still wasn't sure how they felt about all that. They looked off to the side, away from Hawthornstrike, unable to tell him anything.


Despite only seeing veiled eyes, Hawthornstrike could tell that Sugarleaf was sad. That only made the large warrior's stomach twist further... Why did it bother him to see the all-white warrior so down? He just wanted to see them smile, not for Gooseberry...or Sparkpelt...but for him. That selfish feeling wormed it's claws around Hawthornstrike's throat and threatened to take hold of him.

Their words about others understanding made him long for the same optimism as Sugarleaf...the same kind heart of Marigoldbloom and Poppyflight...to be anything like them. When he looked at the face staring back at him any time he drank he hated the green eyes that looked through him. They were nothing like the soft green eyes he longed for once more...the loving gaze of his mother.

When they told him to feel his anger the tom shook his head, but when Sugarleaf told him to take it out on them the large tom turned and looked into the other's face. "Shugs...no. I couldn't live with myself if I ever did somethin' like that," without realizing it the tom reached up to move the warrior's bangs. He wanted to see if Sugarleaf's eyes were as soft and kind as he imagined. "You deserve ta be treated well," his voice was unusually soft as he looked into the other cat's eyes.

When Sugarleaf meowed that they hadn't healed from the death of Tinyleaf Hawthornstrike was genuinely surprised. As they looked away Hawthornstrike did something without thinking, reaching out and pulling the white cat in for a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry."


Sugarleaf felt a bit disheartened when Hawthornstrike turned down their offer to use them as a punching bag, but really, they didn't expect him to use the offer anyways. Despite anything he thought of himself, the large tabby tom was still benevolent-- Hawthornstrike didn't hurt to be mean. Especially now, when he was offering Sugarleaf a tender hug.

"I'm sorry for you too," they whispered into warrior's fur. No pity in their voice, just a sad tone that bespoke of the tragedy that befell them both. They returned the hug immediately, familiar with contact, but it took them a bit to sag into the embrace, finally burrowing their snout in his thick fur. "You too... deserve to be treated.. well..." Sugarleaf nearly had to choke out, past the lump that was growing in their throat. "You don't deserve any awful rumors thrown your way, nor should you be denied a way a heal... And you shouldn't... beat yourself up.."

Now, tears were welling up Sugarleaf's eyes; it was a rare display of emotion for the otherwise reserved cat, and they hurriedly parted from the embrace to swipe at their bangs and fix it back into place. Even though their face couldn't be seen, it was clear from their wavering voice that they weeping. "You deserve-- to be tre-- treated well by yourself too, Thor." They placed a scarred paw a little shakily on Hawthornstrike's shoulder, and mustered a small smile to mitigate their weepy voice.


As Sugarleaf leaned into the embrace and returned the apology Hawthornstrike didn't say anything, but merely took a deep breath. He didn't realize how badly he had longed for someone to hold him until now. The white warrior's words made Hawthornstrike well up, green eyes closed but still leaking. "I'll take all their rumors...I don't care if they all hate me...but Poppy...his hate for me...it's unlike tha others," without realizing it the huge tom had wrapped both his arms around Sugarleaf for support.

As suddenly as the warmth had appeared it disappeared when Sugarleaf leaned back. Before Hawthornstrike could reach out for more contact, the other warrior touched their paw to his shoulder. Their words made his face screw up momentarily, no one had really told him to be nice to himself besides Softsong. He wanted to push the conversation away from himself, but he knew that he should take what their friend is saying seriously. "Thanks...I hope you are nice to yerself as well," he said as he raised a large paw to wipe a tear from the warrior's cheek.

"I don't see whatcha see in me...but if I can get the kindness of ya...then I guess I can try ta be nicer to myself," he smiled softly before leaning down to try and see Sugarleaf's expression.


Sugarleaf  felt Hawkthornstrike's breath brush the bangs covering their eyes, and they looked up to see his face close to theirs, his eyes staring with a muted intensity. Sugarleaf blinked rapidly a few times to try and clear the tears that stained their vision, to try and glimpse a clearer view of the large warrior. They offered him a small smile, glad to hear that he would try to be kinder on himself.

They did perk their ears at the other cat that he mentioned. "Poppyflight?" They mewed, their smile vanishing into a frown. Sugarleaf didn't expect the orange and white cat to treat Hawkthornstrike badly; though they didn't expect any of the siblings but Tansypaw capable of negative emotions. What was happening to Poppyflight?"

Sugarleaf's face slid to the side as they thought about the other warrior, contemplating for a moment. Their tail swept back and forth in thought, and when it accidentally brushed against Hawkthornstrike's, they remembered he was at their side. They snapped their attention back to the big tom, thoughts vanishing in an instant. Tentatively, they started to curl their tail around Hawkthornstrike's, offering a hold if he wanted, but it was easy enough to break out of if he was uncomfortable with it. "Let us promise to both be kind to each other, then," they mewed, head tilting to the side in a childish tone, as if they were pinkie swearing. "It's not much and is not an answer to these tumultuous times, but I do hope it helps you just a little bit more, Thor."


At the questioning tone of his brother's name hot warmth of anxiety rippled under Hawthornstrike's pelt. "They...Poppy is angry wif me 'bout Ash...Ashfrost," he hated even uttering his name, "'bout my lashin' out at 'im." A stifled sigh slipped from between his lips before he flicked his ears, "They want me ta forgive the fox-heart. To make an 'attempt'...but I don't owe 'im my kindness." Claws dipped into the soil below as the tom tensed, "He's mad I blame Ash and not Ma...but I jus' can't. Ma...she lived in miserable sadness...somethin' not many can imagine...and Ashfrost got ta just keep living as he had before." Saying his 'father's' name so many times threatened to make him ill, "It's not fair fer Poppy ta tell me how I can feel...but now...they want nothing ta do with me."

"Enough o' that though, ain't no point in tryin' ta force others ta love ya," it hurt...the claws of rejection lashed and tore at his skin. "Just like I'm allowed ta hate Ashfrost...I guess Poppyflight can hate me," green eyes turned downwards to the ground that Hawthornstrike had torn up. "Oh stars," the huge warrior patted down the ground before feeling Sugarleaf's tail intertwine with his own.

Hot embarrassment flood right under the skin at the kind gesture, but it was the white warrior's words that made him melt. "It's much more than I coulda ever asked for," he meowed surprisingly softly. "...Thanks Shug." At that he leaned over and licked the warrior's head before resting comfortably into Sugarleaf's smaller form.


Frankly, Sugarleaf was glad that Hawthornstrike moved on from the intricacies of his family. They had wondered about Poppyflight, since they didn't seem to be the type to get angry ever, but Sugarleaf didn't really know them too well. And since they didn't know the orange warrior too well, it wasn't their business; they didn't want another Tansypaw situation. So when the large tabby tom said enough, they put the troubling dynamics aside from their mind.

"Mhm," Sugarleaf rumbled simply in response, leaning forward to give Hawthornstrike the best comfortable spot on their shoulder. They just kept close, not wanting to move and break the tender moment.

Though, they didn't want it to be stretched out and awkward-- reluctantly, Sugarleaf did start to break the contact with a soft pat on his shoulder. To try and rectify some sort of closeness, if not by keeping a physical hold on Hawthornstrike, the white warrior offer their company. "If you ever need companionship, you can request me and I will come to you. I won't ask of you any reason, nor will judge you. I just hope-- I hope I can... become your comfort." They mewed, pulling on a small smile, though they had stuttered off, feeling bashful from admitting a lot, that they wanted to be something to the large warrior.


When Hawthornstrike felt Sugarleaf pull back a small whine left his maw before he could catch himself. Embarrassedly, the huge tom flicked his ears and coughed to try and cover up the noise he just made. Stars, how dumb.

The white warrior's comment made Hawthornstrike's heart swell and honestly, he wanted to lean down and kiss his companion. He wouldn't dare and instead nodded his head and meowed, "Thank you, I uh...I want that very much." Cheeks were burning red but he felt so happy could fly, "I want to be your comfort too."


Sugarleaf had heard the noise that Hawthornstrike made, but wasn't sure what they heard exactly-- so they just let it go after hearing his cough. "It might be getting chilly now, let's go back," they murmur. "Imagine promising to be each other's comfort and we get colds instead!"

Even on that light-hearted joke, they were glad to hear Hawthornstrike's side of things; they didn't know how much of an impact they had on the large tom, but the promise they made opened up new doors, and they would feel more confident exploring the two's relationship with a promise to be there for the other.