Puzzle Pieces

1 year, 11 months ago

Edas' and Isaiahs' views on life.

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Eda likes to think of her and Isa like puzzle pieces. In one grand puzzle, the two of them were supposed to click together within the landscape of thousands of others. Eda knew that Isaiah thought life was a puzzle too, just one he was supposed to figure out.

Eda was calm in the idea of being a piece, knowing everyone else was one too- and in every scenario, each person was just another- Isaiah refused to be a piece, he thought he was the one putting the pieces together, each mystery a completely new puzzle he needed to decipher. With Miro handing them some of the pieces. But ultimately, it was the two of them- Eda and Isaiah creating the finished puzzle to figure out the latest murder, theft, or anything the Detective found interesting. As his assistant, Eda was happy to follow along. Even with differing views on life.

Maybe that's why when they encounter a dead body, Eda is calm, her outlook on life has formed to ‘everything happens for a reason after she met Isaiah, she used to be out for revenge but that led her to a dark path that, well, let her meet Isaiah so it mustn’t have been so bad- so them coming across another mystery is inevitable her eyes. However, Isaiah immediately reacts differently, distraught and worried- as if he wasn’t a famous detective. He darts his eyes across the room, the body, and starts mumbling to himself about possible witnesses, motives, and what everyone said to him all day- creating scenarios in which each person he met that day was the culprit. Whilst Eda gently takes his arm and leads them out of the room- to actually notify people of the murder before he starts pointing fingers at people. (Which she personally experienced, (he was right, of course, but it still was shocking).

She feels pride though, somehow, if that's the right word to use. ‘Pride’, pride to be some kind of solace in Isa’s thoughts. How he doesn’t have to analyse her every word, he can just hear her. Not listen, just hear her. Which sounds like the opposite one would want in a friendship but with how both of them are Eda feels comfort in it. Isaiah has to listen to everything, so he can use it later against someone- ending up exhausted as he tried to process what's a clue and what's not. Whilst Eda rambles, just rambles and talks faster than her brain can keep up and sometimes she wants to let stuff out to someone and not have to get every word cared for, someone having to stop her every couple of seconds cause they can’t keep up and she then doesn’t know what she was saying cause she can’t keep up herself. So, as Eda talks- Isa just hears her. Stays quiet, but Eda knows he can hear her. And Isa doesn’t have to analyse each word.

Eda thinks of them as small puzzle pieces but wants to explain to him the whole grand picture as Isa just hears bits and pieces and tries to put them all together.