New Sensations

1 year, 11 months ago

Dhoryn adjusting to his new time

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Title: New Sensations
Fandom: Star Trek
Characters: Dhoryn Iphezi, Tal Ryder, Tarsi, Ressyn Iphezi
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: T+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: N/A

The three Starfleet officers stood slack jawed as they looked around the shuttle bay. An hour ago, they were fighting for the lives to stop the Klingons from chasing after Admiral Isaac Garrett and some ships trying to retreat back to Federation Space. Now they were in a whole other place entirely. Lieutenant Dhoryn Iphezi knew what happened and spent the last hour trying to explain it. Much like his crew, he was also having a hard time believing it himself.

"Whoa, this is amazing!" Tal Ryder said as he looked around. Both the Andorians behind him were just as stunned. Technology had advanced instantaneously for them and seeing this was just a marvel.

Dhoryn looked around as his Vulcan friend talked to their crew mate. He could see several people looking at them. Some girls had walked by and waved at them as they giggled. He took a better look around him. Compared to the people around the trio, Dhoryn and his friends stood out in their uniforms. The bright yellow and red shirts made them look out of place compared to the sleek black uniforms the people around them were wearing.

"Captain, we should probably get moving and do as Daniels suggested." Dhoryn said as he moved towards his friends.

"He's right, we're getting all sorts of attention." Tarsi added. She nudged Tal's shoulder and nodded towards where everyone was going into the station.

Dhoryn couldn't believe it. The probability of them surviving that Klingon attack was slim. Nevermind skipping 200 years into the future. He kept up with his friends as they walked into the large open room. There were all sorts of people around them: running to and from, teleporting somewhere, and so on. All of them were different in appearance too. Dhoryn recognized the Andorians, Tellarites, Vulcans, and Humans that were around them but there were more that he couldn't place. Species that had joined the Federation for who knows how long by now. He would have guessed a lot more than a technology jump had happened had he not already spent time trying to explain it to his crew.

He was in awe, regardless. Having seen most of the changes, events, and so on even in brief moment was just appalling. It was unreal to believe such a thing was possible, traveling 200 years trying to avoid certain death. Daniels mentioned that the crew of the U.S.S. Pioneer was listed as killed in action. He followed it up with everyone being reinstated – if they wished. Some of the crew had left while others stayed. Familiar faces Dhoryn grew to depend on were suddenly replaced with new officers. Currently, the Pioneer was being refitted to fit the current century and a new crew was being delegated. Those who wanted to stay with the ship were at Earth Spacedock to get new uniforms and to be reacquainted with what happened to them.

Dhoryn followed Tal and Tarsi across the wide promenade of the station. It was orbiting Earth. Ships were coming in and out judging by the P.A. system's announcements. Dhoryn looked across the promenade and could see a shipyard. He forced his light blue eyes to look around and say a young officers walking towards the trio. He looked at all three with an amused look and was nodding his head, as if impressed. Dhoryn tapped Tal's shoulder and nodded towards the young man approaching them.

"Impressive details on those uniforms!" He said. "I bet you guys were trying to recreate the crew of the Enterprise! You should probably switch into your uniforms though. Admiral Quinn isn't going to be as amused by your clothing."

"Just point us to the changing room." Tal grinned. The man looked at them and pointed towards a tailor's shop nearby. The friends rushed over there and realized the man's reaction was justified. All sorts of Starfleet uniforms decorated the showcases nearby. There was a man from a species neither recognized. He had ridges around his eyes that went up to his forehead. He had a peculiar dent that protruded outwards in the middle of his forehead while a line went down his nice. His skin was pale, nearly white or marble colored.

"Excuse us, we were told you could give us new uniforms?" Tarsi asked as the boys looked around. The man looked between them and took out something that looked like a tricorder. It was a different noise than the ones they had and he nodded at them.

"Oh, you need new uniforms." He said as he reached behind the counter for something. He placed three chips on the counter. "Just takes these and walk into the changing rooms. Put these into the device on the wall and you should have your uniforms."

They reached picked up the chips and did as the man said. They walked into a nearby room and went into the closed off rooms. Dhoryn saw a strange device on the wall and inserted the chip he had into it. Instantly, his uniform changed. His red shirt, black pants, and boots all transformed into the black uniforms he saw earlier. He had a yellow bar across his chest and noticed it reached around his jacket as he looked in the mirror behind him. He looked at his white hair for a moment, running a hand through it to keep it upright. He could hear Tarsi and Tal giggling as he left the changing room. He walked back towards the tailor.

"Can you tell my friends I'm waiting for them outside on the promenade?" Dhoryn asked him. "There was something I wanted to look out before we go to get our orders."

"Certainly." The man nodded. Dhoryn smiled at him before turning to leave the shop.

Once on the promenade, he looked towards the shipyard across from him again. He walked towards it, gazing at all of them just idling. The Enterprise was the biggest ship he knew of, but these could easily dwarf it. They were all pretty to look at, however he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He remembered a comment his sister made about how the Starfleet ships looked like frisbees. He was never able to see any of the ships the same after that comment. He stopped laughing as he suddenly realized something. His sister, Dhoryn would never get to interact with her again. Without thinking, he drifted towards one of the nearby benches and thought about his realization. He'd never get to see his sister, hear about her dreams, or even see her become a Starfleet officer. His first thought was to look up her service record but it wouldn't have felt the same as hearing it from her.

"There you are!" Tal said as he and Tarsi walked towards them in their uniforms. Dhoryn looked up at them and smiled.

"You two done playing dress up?" Dhoryn asked as he stood up.

"Looking at the shipyard?" Tarsi asked as she looked over. "Look at how big they are!"

"I have something to do in my spare time." Dhoryn mused. "We should probably go if we're ready. There was a Temporal Agent Daniels mentioned we should meet before talking to Admiral Quinn."

"Then let's get going." Tarsi said, walking ahead of them towards where the Operations Room was. Luckily it was across from the shipyard, so Tal and Dhoryn trailed after her.

"So what were you thinking about?" Tal asked.

"Oh uh… my sister." He replied. "I was thinking about something she said about starships once and well…" From the corner of his eyes, Dhoryn could see his friend's face shift into one of discomfort. He turned and gave Tal a smile.

"I'm sure she's made a career for herself." He said, trying to assure his friend.

"As much as she could without you joining her crew." Tal said.

"You know how she was, always looking to be the best." Dhoryn added. "I could always look up her service record anyways." Even hearing his own words, he still felt like he was robbed of an experience. He would never see her again either and… the whole thing felt terrible. Daniels left a lot out in his explanation of expectations.

"Well when you put it like that!" Tal laughed. "I'm sure we'll give her a run for her money."

"Of that, I have no doubt, Captain." Dhoryn nodded. It wasn't a complete loss, he was with his friends at least. Both Tarsi and Tal were with him in this bizarre adventure and they were in the same circumstance he was.

The next half hour was conversation. The Temporal Agent filled the three in on a few things. Such as their reinstatements, getting an upgraded ship to fit the century they were in, and even tried to help them reintegrate into their new timeline. Although Dhoryn was ready to try and find an easy explanation for the last 200 years, a lot still happened. Unfamiliar species and even the feel for Starfleet was different. After they finished talking to the Temporal Agent, the three approached Admiral Quinn. More or less, the man simply brought them up to speed and gave them an assignment to go to Vulcan.

"So what ship do you think we'll get?" Tarsi asked. "Maybe it'll be one of the ones Dhoryn was ogling earlier?"

"I'd rather keep the Pioneer if it's possible." Dhoryn mused.

"I can mention that to the officer in the shipyard?" Tal suggested. "To give us something to go to Vulcan and back. I don't wanna give up that ship either, I mean to go baby proof another ship sounds like a lot of work."

"I still don't know how you managed to break that pipe." Dhoryn said flatly. "I'm more relieved you didn't break it while Admiral Garrett was still the captain."

"Well, the Admiral did keep Tal busy running around." Tarsi mentioned. "What caused you to break it anyways?"

"Oh! Uh…" Tal stammered. He ran a hand through his short dark hair and Dhoryn just laughed.

"One of the ensigns left a pipe exposed and forgot to put the panel back." Dhoryn explained. "You should've seen the look on the engineer's when he broke it."

"Their face? I thought you were going to actually kill me." Tal said.

"In my defense, I thought the ensign knew enough to actually put the panel back on the wall." Dhoryn sighed. "I stayed up all night putting it back together."

"That's some talent you have, Captain." Tarsi laughed. "Maybe we should've let you onto those Klingon ships before ending up here."

"You know, she makes a fair point." Dhoryn mused. "It takes skill to depress an entire maintenance crew in one fell swoop."

"I feel like you're both insulting me." Tal sighed.

"We're just pointing out your power, sir." Tarsi said. "Try to use them for good."

"Like against Klingon ships." Dhoryn specified. "Destroy those before they cloak and we won't have to fight them."

The three continued their back and forth as they approached the shipyard again. They saw an Andorian woman nearby, looking antsy. Dhoryn couldn't help but wonder why she looked familiar. Something about her just made him think of someone he knew but he wasn't sure. The moment she saw the trio, she lit up. Straightening her posture and smiling as they drew near.

"Captain, the ship is ready to go whenever you are." She said. Dhoryn didn't notice it at first but her antennae were flattened against her head. He guessed she was used to the piloting courses at the Academy. Although, maybe the course was more stringent than he presumed it to have been.

"The crew is also ready to go as well." She continued. "I offered to commandeer the shuttle, so whenever you're ready."

"We're ready to get going." Tal smiled at her.

"Ugh, a new ship." Dhoryn frowned.

"Oh, don't mind him, he's pretty invested in our old ship." Tarsi explained.

"Ah the old chief engineer's dilemma." The woman chuckled.

Dhoryn just sighed and walked into the shuttle after the young woman. He could hear Tarsi and Tal giggling behind him and just opted to ignore it. He really wanted to blame Daniels for what happened and just sighed again as he sat down.

"Everything alright, sir?" The young woman asked, looking at him.

"Just unwilling to accept reality." He said and looked at her with a smile. "I wouldn't worry too much. I'm just over-reacting to something out of my control."

"Oh, I understand that feeling completely." She laughed. "Hopefully the upgrade will be worth it."

"It depends entirely on the Captain." Dhoryn replied dryly.

Tarsi and Tal sat down a moment later. The Andorian woman, after making sure everyone was ready, powered up the shuttle and departed from the station. The three friends were in awe as they watched their ascent into space. They looked towards the station they left and Dhoryn's jaw dropped slightly at how huge it was. Earth Spacedock got some upgrades in the last two centuries.

"There she is!" The woman said. The friends turned their attention to the huge ship they were approaching.

"Ensign, care to test your knowledge?" Tarsi asked.

"Gladly!" The woman beamed. "She's a Gagarin Class Battlecruiser. It's a class inspired by the Shepard Class ships from the 23rd century."

She went on about the specifications and Dhoryn just tuned out. While this was probably a great trade in from the small ship they had previously, it didn't mean he was going to like the adjustment. He felt someone leaning against him and looked over to see Tal's face. He looked concerned but switched to a reassuring smile.

"Admiral Quinn mentioned we'd get a new ship since ours is outdated." Tal whispered.

"I know and I need to accept it." Dhoryn frowned. "It's just that I didn't expect we'd get rid of her so soon. It's only been a few months."

"And 200 years." He snickered. "Come on, I'm sure you'll be just as protective of this one as you are of the old one."

"Just don't break any pipes please." Dhoryn asked. "At least until I'm more familiar with it."

"I'll try my best." Tal smiled. "The last thing I need is my Chief Engineer getting upset at me."

"As he happens to be your Executive Officer too." Dhoryn replied.

"Executive Officer?" The Ensign snickered. "I think you mean First Officer? Or maybe the Second?"

"We still have some catching up to do." Tarsi commented.

The shuttle neared closer to the new ship. Across the front of it, Dhoryn could see the name of it. "Pioneer-A" was written across it as well as its registry number underneath it. They soon entered the ship's shuttle bay and the young woman led them towards the bridge. Dhoryn was impressed, at least there weren't any exposed walls or panels. Not that the last ship had them but, from what he could tell at a glance, they were easily shifted out of place. He made a note to ask the engineers to help familiarize himself with the ship. Something that could be done while Tal was on Vulcan. He also saw familiar faces from the original crew and newer ones. He waved at one of the Tellarites, glad that he at least had a companion in getting to know the ship.

"And here we are!" The Ensign reported. "Captain on the bridge!"

"At ease!" Tal said as everyone sat up. Tarsi and Dhoryn looked around, trying to find out where they were going.

"Ensign, where do the First Officer and Chief of Engineering stand?" Dhoryn asked, looking at her as if he were testing her. She paused for a second to think and the way her eyebrows knitted together made him feel reminiscent again. Something about her was just too familiar, he couldn't place it.

"The First Officer sits next to the Captain and I think the Chief Engineer is… uh…" She stammered.

"The Chief Engineer is over here, sir." Another ensign replied as he stood up. Dhoryn looked over at the woman next him and smiled at her.

"Thank you both." He said as he walked towards the other soldier. "I wouldn't go too far, I'm unfamiliar with the ship so I might need some assistance."

"Yes sir." The second ensign said. He was a Vulcan and a little shorter than Dhoryn in height. He helped Dhoryn with the controls as they did a quick troubleshoot to test the functions of the ship.

"We're ready to go whenever you are." Dhoryn said to Tal. "I'd give the ensigns a test of what they've learned in the Academy."

"This brings back memories." Tal laughed. He started issuing orders to the crew. Dhoryn idled as the ensigns around them answered the Captain's orders and questions. He looked outside and saw a ship moving towards the station. It was sleek and slender, if he had to guess either a tactical or science ship. The Andorian ensign from earlier had switched places with the Vulcan Dhoryn had talked to before. He nudged her and nodded towards the ship.

"Which ship is that?" He asked.

"That's the Enterprise!" She gawked. "It's captained by an Andorian I think. I heard that it's going to be soon anyways. Maybe there will be a ceremony or something for it. It'll be memorable for sure!"

"That's pretty impressive." He said. "Out of curiosity, how many Enterprises have there been?" Dhoryn remembered something Chekov mentioned to him, that there were multiple variants of The Enterprise. Her eyebrows knitted together again and that same familiar feeling returned. She pushed her hair back behind her ear and it hit him.

"Wait, what's your name?" He asked her. "I'm Lieutenant Dhoryn Iphezi. Pardon me for saying this but, you look like my sister."

"Dhoryn…" She stammered. "Uh… I-I…"

She looked flustered and nervous. She started to fall back and Dhoryn caught her before she fell back. The Vulcan from earlier came by to check on her. Tal was looking over in concern too. Heck, most of the crew on the bridge was looking in wonder.

"Can you help me take her to sick bay?" Dhoryn asked.

The Vulcan nodded as he went over to explain to Tal. Dhoryn picked up the young woman and followed the Vulcan as they left the bridge. They used a turbo lift to get to where they needed. Once they were on the deck sick bay was on, the pair made their way towards it. The doctor looked after her while Dhoryn and the Vulcan left.

"I'm not sure what you did, sir, but that's a first for Ressyn." The Vulcan said.

"Her name is Ressyn?" Dhoryn asked.

"Ressyn Iphezi." The Vulcan nodded. "She used to go on about how some relative of her's bravely fought against countless Romulans and Klingons."

"Did she happen to share a name of this relative?" Dhoryn asked

"Something like 'Dors' or 'Ryhn'?" The Vulcan mused. "I'm not too familiar with Andorian names."

Dhoryn sighed as he guessed that Ressyn was related to him. He stopped in his tracks and looked back at the sick bay door. He'd need to ask her to confirm it but with the name the Vulcan gave him and the fact that they shared a last name, seemed to hint at it. He figured that an explanation was in order for the crew. Something that could be done while Tal was away – the planning for it anyways. He looked at the Vulcan.

"Let me know when she wakes up, please. I'd like to apologize to her for whatever I may have done." Dhoryn explained.

"Yes, sir." The Vulcan nodded.

Dhoryn walked towards the turbo lift and returned back to the Bridge. As he reached the Bridge, he could see that they had already entered warp. Tal and Tarsi were talking nearby. As soon as he appeared they walked towards Dhoryn.

"Is she okay?" Tarsi asked.

"The doctor said she'd wake up soon. She just passed out." Dhoryn explained. "However, I think we're going to need to explain to the crew about our unique circumstance. I found out from another ensign, that her name is Iphezi."

"Whoa!" Tal said. "I didn't think things were that serious with your girlfriend."

"They weren't." Dhoryn said. "The ensign said she talked about someone with my name bravely fighting Klingons and Romulans. She might be related to my sister however but I do think we need to explain to the crew that we're not from this era. I can come up with something while you two are on Vulcan."

"Sounds good." Tal smiled. "So she's your relative… Your sister might've played you up some. Oh! You could probably ask her about stuff your sister did! You still get to hear about everything she did and what her descendants did too."

"You might be onto something there." Dhoryn nodded. "Anyways, I'd take an ensign with you to make sure we don't accidentally cause an incident. You can make them do the heavy lifting."

"He has a point." Tarsi said. "I doubt we'll do anything to upset the Vulcans but it never hurts to be too careful."

"Speaking of, we should be arriving soon so I'd get to it." Dhoryn said.

He watched as Tal and Tarsi left for the transporter room. Dhoryn looked around the bridge. While he missed the old ship, he did see himself starting to like this one. From the window ahead of him, the pilot had switched from warp to impulse. The blur of stars passing by them faded as the planet, Vulcan, came into view.

"Sir, we're approaching Vulcan." The helmsman reported.

"We're also getting a message." Another soldier said.

"Patch the Captain in from the Transporter Room." Dhoryn ordered.

Dhoryn made his way to the consoles behind the Captain's chair. Some things remained the same at least. He watched as the crew was busy at work. After the ship's shuttle departed, Dhoryn whistled to get the crew's attention.

"So I'm going to need your help while the Captain's away." Dhoryn started. "It's going to be hard to explain but for now, everyone on the bridge should know that the crew from the original Pioneer isn't from this era."

And so the explanation began.