5 years, 4 months ago
5 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 4
Published 5 years, 2 months ago

A series of AUs featuring North, ft. vignettes which give an insight into their relationships with characters not expounded on in canon.

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[encrypted username] began trolling hastingsPanache [HP]

DA: Dexter. I need a favor.
HP: pretty ballSy of you to aSumei'd do anything for you when you bailed on me today
HP: where the fuck are you
HP: also what kinda favor

DA: Come over to my hive. 
DA: Whatever you find there, take it back with you.
HP: what
HP: S not like i'm not thrilled that you're inviting me over for the first time in the SSweep we've known each other but what brought thiS on
HP: are you juSt that desperate to SSee a pretty face 

DA: No, I'm indisposed at the moment. 
HP: really S a bit optimistic of you to think you'd even have anything worth taking
HP: hey
HP: you're juSt begging to get your hive burned to the ground today aren't you

DA: Better you than the ghosts.
HP: the fuck?

hastingsPanache [HP]'s computer has exploded!

Northe Charta is a corporeal ghost who gained the ability to broadcast their thoughts and emotions straight into other trolls’ brains after death. In life, they were a goldblood with mid-tier psychic powers who worked with the remnants of the Signless Sufferers until they were killed by sheer coincidence (... or were they?) by a rogue purple passing through the neighborhood. After asking their grieving blueblooded moirail to take their drives and store them in a place no one could reach, they went off on their own. Nowadays Northe presumably spends their time doing whatever the mood strikes them to do: no one's been able to track them down to ask them for sure and they can only be seen when they want to be, but they're definitely still around. Being dead limits their range of emotion even more than usual, but they tend to pick up on others’ distress and unconsciously transmit them across a wide area. 

Northe is tall for a pre-Ordeal adolescent and skinny, running hot like most lowbloods. Their eyes were solid blue as a grub, with the right going dark when they were blinded by an accident at six sweeps (coinciding with their discovery of their psionic powers), but in death their eyes are blank and white like all ghosts. They wear their moirail’s 12th Perigee's gift to them, a dark blue jacket, and when they take it off you know they mean business. The rest of Northe's outfit consists of a pale gray scarf and pants and long black boots. (Publically bearing too much of a color that isn’t your own is a culling offense for lowbloods, but they’re dead, so what does it matter?) They bear a brace of faded scars across their arms and torso, mostly pebbled psionic burns and a few knife wounds from when their neighbors got a little stabhappy; they can also recreate the injuries they died with for a little extra menace, though they usually don't see the need to. 

Northe is extensively knowledgable about space for their age and can reproduce several conquered solar systems from scratch. If they’d been hatched teal or higher they would have made an excellent navigator of a ship, but as it is the closest a goldblood can get to a spaceship interface is as a helmsman of a battleship, and their psionic powers aren’t at that level anyway. Before their death, they were working on a project for Helmsmen to keep their minds intact and unaffected from the pain and conditioning of the integration process; with the disappearance of the files, however, the operation has been put on indefinite pause. 

While Northe had a fair few Sufferist contacts and third-party dalliances when they were alive (the most notorious being Scandere Hiight, oliveblooded weapons dealer and undisputed leader of the underground criminal network on the island continent of South Alternia) their only official relationship was a moirallegiance with the blueblood Teheyo Vehryl, a blueblood in training to be a docterrorist for highblood ships (usually purples and up). She doesn’t share the violent tendencies and the contempt of lowbloods common to her caste and is notable for taking a lowblood as her moirail when it wasn’t in-vogue to do so, though she kept it low-key at the time due to Northe’s insistence. Teheyo blames herself for their death, and carries out what she sees as their last request without question.

Northe met Teheyo while saving a troll from the landslide that they started while practicing psionics — she witnessed this and approached them soon after, offering to treat their injuries. Though she managed to get their Trollian handle, they were skittish of highbloods and clearly regarded her as a threat to be treated with wary politeness. Teheyo was stumped as to how to gain their trust, but a few weeks later she had no choice but to contact them after she received a lowblood with severe psionic burns, brought to her by their auspistice as a clear last resort. Her patient died after a few struggling hours, but Teheyo breaking into frustrated tears after the surgery clearly assured Northe that she wasn't deliberately homicidal. After the auspistice came by to collect the body, they didn't shooshpap her then, but carefully draped a blanket over her shoulders and stayed with her until she could collect herself. Morning had already come and gone, but they talked through the day after finding a common interest in medical science, and Northe agreed to come by to talk about lowblood anatomy (most of Teheyo's texts being focused on treating seadwellers) the following week. 

Teheyo admires how unfailing Northe is, while they appreciate having a partner who brought new possibilities into their hive, though they consciously tried not to rely on her for support (or anything at all in the beginning). They share numerous philanthropic pursuits, and treat each other with mutual respect. Of the two, Teheyo is far more sentimental, believing in the fated nature of their quadrant: while Northe doesn’t believe in pale serendipity ("Fate is real, but most meetings are coincidence"), Teheyo says she doesn’t but secretly thinks the concept is rather romantic. Northe sees Teheyo more like a sister-in-arms than a moirail and is quietly sure that they're incapable of more than that, but that doesn't make them any less determined to make her happy. They had a complex in the beginning about being a burden to Teheyo, and tried their utmost to live up to the relationship by mimicking her and (in the beginning) consulting romance movies, frustrating themselves when they weren’t able to get it Exactly Right until she teased out their fears and assured them that she was happy just being trusted by them. Northe's faint smile when she’d said that had been wavering, but real. 

Teheyo is almost a sweep older than Northe and stood about a head taller than them at the beginning of their moirallegiance; she's pretty protective of them as a result. Northe’s growth spurts were unusually late for a goldblood, so she bought them a thick jacket that was two sizes larger for them to grow into (without a symbol as they preferred and almost entirely in her color, a bold venture for Teheyo; but she needn’t have worried, as Northe barely gave it a second glance before thanking them and shrugging it on) for their first 12th Perigee’s Eve together. After she knew they’d happily accept clothing as gifts she had to resist the urge to replace their entire wardrobe like some kind of possessive freak. She can't help but want to spoil Northe, because they don’t often allow her to unless it’s something they objectively need (at which point a lot of the romance is taken out of it, at least for Teheyo). For gifts she gets practical things; a brush for their lusus, a backup power source that can’t be tampered with, or even just some quality snuggling time. After their death, she can't stand to see their belongings any longer but can't bring herself to throw them away, so she puts them with the files they asked her to store for them and seals them away.