The Creation of The Universe

1 year, 11 months ago

Creation of the universe in which the Hellenic Mystics exist. By The Scrivener

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God-like entities existed long before the breath of the universe was given, before even the concept of “power” was given a meaning. So primal, yet so sagacious, these beings never really had titles, or powerful occupations to strike fear against those who opposed them, they simply had their own names associated with them, taking a liking to different things, some chose War, some chose Knowledge, and some had the blessing of Creation, standing atop their very throne, untouchable, unescapable, all-knowing, while still being benevolent towards the beings this outstanding God could simply crush beneath their own feet, without having to bat an eye. If this celestial entity so wished, all of it’s creations would simply wither away, without the possibility of ever thinking about retaliation, one second they would have existence, sentience, and on the next second, it’d be all gone, without a prospect of processing what even happened to their pathetic lives, as their very own disappeared without a trace, by a single wish from an almighty Goddess. Thesis, the Goddess of creation, was this all-powerful God, being capable of granting life and creating environments through sheer will, a single thought and her wish would be granted, the same going for their decay. A singular swish of a finger, and entire constellations would be gone without a trace, for multiple millennia she was feared, worshipped, and adored by the lesser Gods, being considered an entire new being, a God among Gods. Of course, these times were quite enjoyable for the Goddess, for long she had created multiple worlds and lifeforms, however, they never had the capability of acknowledging her might, as fully materializing and showing herself amongst her possible subjects was bound to destroy the entire creation she put work into, as a planet could not hold her form properly, since it was never used to celestial powers in its vicinity, and so, she often ordered the lesser Gods to “terraform” her planeterial creations, allowing mild manifestations to be filtered through the worlds, such as spoken words, her own face, or even allowing the possession of a being for a short period of time. It was a time of peace for the multiple worlds in the cosmos, all of them had a special place in the Goddess’ eyes, as she often thought of herself as something akin to a mother-figure, overlooking her own children play and dream of one day becoming just as powerful as her; for a while, she giggled at the thought of this being a possibility, however, it did not take long for mild-scorn to turn into admiration. Thesis in numerous occasions thought of her creations as extensions of herself, her very own life force spread around sentient lesser entities, and so, she’d almost never have the thought of getting rid of them. It was too much of an amusement to oversee their lives, observing their growth and development like nourished children that ate from the tree of life, they often made her proud simply by existing and thriving, although acknowledging her existence and watchful eyes made her the proudest. The simple idea of a lesser being scraping the top of an iceberg by witnessing a primal God in it’s true form, showing they had the capability of rivaling Gods themselves when in a proper evolution cycle made her celestial heart beat with pure glee, it was the proof her creations were always developing, always growing, always making themselves better without the need of direct help from a God. Of course, everything would be all well if the lesser Gods held the same idea, but on the contrary, most despised every single race of the lesser beings, as not only they had most of the Goddess attention, since they theoretically could grow indefinitely, being an infinitely more interesting species to overlook in comparison to the Gods- who had their Godhood already achieved from birth, having nowhere to evolve towards to, as their greatness was proof of their own being, their own lives signified all they could amount to, whereas the lesser beings could through their own effort possibly achieve Godhood by themselves, or better, achieve a level similar or greater to Thesis. Even though losing her throne in between the Gods as the greatest and most powerful one could be considered an horrible future for some, the Goddess did not mind, she could indefinitely create her own entertainment by simply infinitely manifesting more lesser beings, watching the variations of destinies every species held, for giga-annums if necessary, or for eternity, as she never bore of overseeing, they surprisingly held lots of potential for entertainment, some became interesting men and women of science, interpreting and explaining the very universe she created on their own terms, creating new words, definitions, and even new tools to achieve their objectives, some chose the militaristic side, fighting for their own reasons and sometimes their own country, engaging in battle against people who did not vary from themselves, but doing so because they had no other choice but to, even the dull and bland workers, that worked down to their bones to just have something to eat that day were interesting to examine, as they always had their own diverse thoughts, their very own varied sentience.

The chances were infinite, and so was the joy brought from simply gazing into their world, some of the Gods took after Thesis, partaking in these glimpses of the lesser beings, the so-called “humanity”. Although some did not understand their greatness, most only adored the Goddess with even more admiration and awe, as they understood the very reason she couldn’t bring herself to end the Gods’ lives, nor bring an end to the worlds and cosmos she created. They understood that a being that could grow without limit, only improving through time, adapting against every adversity, was a very entertaining subject of study, and a hopeful new addition to the pantheon of Gods, should they succeed in obtaining Godhood. The Gods that held disdain against humanity could not bring themselves to the idea of being surpassed, accepting a lesser being as a comrade? It was plain madness, nonsensical for them, and a rebellion soon followed, they could not agree with Thesis ideas, and considered her a weak Goddess, one that could not show her own almighty power for her life, and that simply could create a few toys that she constantly watched, as if hypnotized by the humans she created. They took arms, declaring the war that has been labeled the πόλεμος του νουμενέμ (War of Numenem), shocked, the Goddess became stunned at the outrageous act held against her, could they not recognize her mercy? Had they become manic through time? Perhaps simply waiting it out is a valid idea, she thought, perhaps this will all blow over once they realise I cannot be hurt by their mediocre weapons and powers. And as said, so it was, they could not put a single scratch on her almighty form, no matter how much they slashed, their swords only dulled, no matter how much they cast their powers against her, their powers only decreased from constantly using magic. However, they had a mischievous, devious idea, “If we cannot hurt her physically, we’ll hurt her mentally! Let’s see how many of her toys we can break, before she begs for us to stop.” And so, their crooked plan unfolded, at first, they wanted to stay out of her sight, as they knew her watchful eyes were everywhere, gazing upon her creations, simply corrupting life in the worlds through human devouts. Their corruption spread around the world, withering life itself, being akin to Thesis’ powers when used aggressively. Many worlds were destroyed in mere centuries, decaying helplessly, destroyed by it’s very own inhabitants, however, the Gods noticed Thesis wasn’t interfering, which made them bolder, they thought simply destroying the worlds by themselves would bring no consequences, that she finally understood that these toyish creations were useless, that they were right all along, and that she was not as powerful as she seemed.

Many of Thesis’ followers attempted to protect the worlds from their celestial might, however, they were not focused on combat, and sheepishly ran away when dangerously hurt, or succumbed while fighting against what they believed. Multiple worlds were destroyed before Thesis finally struck her hand down on the matter, she pleaded for them to stop; that they could understand how great these beings one day could be, that they did not have to understand or follow, simply witness, but the rebellious Gods weren’t having it, having grown cocky from crushing beings multiple times weaker than themselves, and from Thesis not standing up for her own creations and followers, firmly still believing she grew weak, unable to stay seated on the almighty throne, as she was too soft. They could not understand however, that the very reason she did not help her followers, was that she could simply manifest more Gods to fill in their spots. She did not help her decaying worlds, because she could just as easily make double the amount they had destroyed. It wasn’t that she did not want to confront them because she was scared, not as powerful as they thought at first, or that she was upholding some kind of vow to not interfere in her creation’s destiny, she simply held no sympathy for the already established worlds, after all, they could just grow up to that point again, she had infinite evolutions paths to oversee, infinite possibilities to research and gaze upon. ‘Tis was but another of them, where the Gods decided to rebel against her, she became amused at this unexpected development, and decided to further observe their actions, however, she quickly bore of the Gods’ choices. A snap of fingers, and multiple Gods fell into dust, mere speckles in the vast universe aimlessly wandering, from the action, no God remained, and thus, her creation had to be resumed, as she re-made the missing Gods, the destroyed worlds and lesser entities, standing atop the throne, being worshipped once more by the new batch of Gods that were just born.

This time, however, these Gods had different thoughts. They could not withstand the idea of having each other’s company, becoming annoyed upon having another God’s presence. This was but just an interesting development for Thesis, who overlooked the whole quarrel, which divided plenty of Gods into different pantheons. Some hated a specific group, while some enjoyed the company of another group, and even though essentially they were one and the same, they could not bring themselves to that idea. Not only did this unexpected development happen, some of them also started to be bratty against humanity, playing pranks, such as manifesting transparent figures in the middle of their sleep time, or simply making loud sounds, scaring the beings. Thesis disliked this development, as it brought no entertainment to her, and only to the bothersome Gods, and so, she thought up an idea.

She created a world so they could stop bothering her observance towards humans, a simple world it was, its creatures were barely even able to recognize their own species, being constantly scared for their own lives, when there was never even any real danger. No predators even existed in their lifetime, and only this small species was introduced to the world, where they constantly hid in small caves and scurried away at even sunlight, in fear of its shiny brightness. The Gods enthusiastically started to play around with their newfound toys, constantly harassing them by making physical appearances inside of their hiding holes, scaring them to death, making them sob and weep and cry with all their might, as they could not understand what was happening around them, nor figure out what was truly going on. Mischievous pranks would eventually turn into cruel plays, as they wanted to see what types of screams the creatures had, what they felt when they were in pain, how they wept when the ones they were hiding together with; the few that actually didn’t fear each other, saw their fellows succumb right in front of them. They enjoyed seeing them in despair, and smiled in pure glee whenever their screams varied, as they thoroughly were amused by researching different ways to entertain themselves through the creatures' pain and suffering. It was a dark period for the Gods, as Thesis would indefinitely make more and more of them whenever they ran short, and of course, she, too, took a part in the literal torture sessions, as she knew these beings could never grow, unlike the humans, they had no potential of ever evolving from their current self. She wanted to see why the Gods partook in the actions, being curious if it was truly an exhilarating experience, it wasn’t, and so, she went back to her gazing. However, they began to realize their screams were unintelligible, and eventually became bored of it. What purpose was there to force them to wail in a language they could not understand? And so, Thesis created the concept of language in that world for them, and the creatures could now understand the Gods, and vice-versa. They pleaded for the mighty beings to just leave them alone, that they could never even give a thought to fighting back, as they knew they were just too powerful to attempt such an act, however, their torture merely escalated, from just researching how they acted in grief and pain, to fully mentally breaking their toys by telling them the most horrible things. All the horrible thoughts the Gods were able to project were forcefully put into the creatures’ minds, up until the point of breakage, they merely became husks of themselves, unable to properly think or move anymore, mindlessly spasming on the ground, suffering from the truths and lies the cosmic entities constantly babbled.

Nowhere was safe for them as the Gods started becoming more violent, more demanding of playful demeanors, feeling entitled to have the creatures act as their mere playthings. They tore their caves down, and started killing them merely for crying when hurt, like they weren’t supposed to react against their beatings. Thesis caught wind of that, and of course, wasn’t pleased to know at all, how could they undermine her graceful gift that she gave out of goodwill for her pathetic new underlings? They dare disgrace her toys she benevolently created for them, in front of her very face? The Gods swiftly fell before her might, incapable of putting up a proper fight, as she was too powerful to make even a dent. Planning some sort of punishment for the Gods, she thought up an idea. To serve as guardians as the very creatures they deemed insufficient of their respect. She expanded the very world the creatures resided in, and gave them a higher level of sentience, now able to influence their own environment with thoughts of their own, no more scared of the mere sunlight, no more scared of each other. The Gods’ presence was swiftly acknowledged by the creatures, who now called themselves part of “the human race”, and in sheer admiration of their powers, began worshipping them like higher beings, of course, considering Thesis the highest being among them. Thesis became delighted that they demonstrated a higher level of intelligence in comparison to the other worlds and other humans, being able to not only establish themselves as a race so soon, but to also acknowledge the power difference between the Gods, and more importantly, to notice her presence as well, before even having nearly enough fancy tools, or science people to determine so. Attracting her attention, the Goddess swiftly took care of most remaining worlds besides the recently created one, alongside some other favoured worlds, making them immediately shrivel and die by a mere will, a primal Goddess’ will. From their punishment, the Gods were now forced to aid the humans, the very same line of creatures they once spit upon, like some sort of guardian, lending powers and blessings, unable to change their fate for the time being, chained to hold a benevolent facade in order to avoid getting even more severe punishment. Of course, the humans were enthused, giving back various gifts, which were merely sticks and stones to the Gods, as they desired no poor quality materials, however, from being bound by Thesis, they had no choice but to give them a warm smile and a fraction of their power in exchange for said offerings. Time has passed, taking place in our current present, and Gods became common knowledge among mankind, along with their kindness and sheer goodwill, which were of course just hogwash, a front, a forceful punishment, that they were unable to escape from.