Eddie and Xena couple origin story.....

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
1 363 4 1

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 11 months ago
363 1

literally shit but u get the idea lol the wording isn’t exactly god’s grace AND ILL EXPLAIN IT BETTER in like an actual comic or animation. for now this will do.

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Chapter 1

Eddie is an explosive sailor who travels across many oceans. His desires lie in discovering what’s below the surface of the seas, hoping one day to find his true home. However his mind is restless and will not allow him to settle in one place for long. The sea’s always bluer on the other shore. His main motive for leaving his last crew was they were bigoted against a lot of the sea creatures and were very cliquey, and although embraced eddie as part of their family, he felt out of place as eddie is secretly half sea creature (he is in denial about this and represses it). He saves up enough money to buy his own boat when his former crew are raiding inland areas and eventually does. He tells nobody apart from one crew member before leaving. Everyone thinks he is dead.

While making a pub stop, eddie finds xena washed up on the shore, nearly dead. He panics and makes sure nobody is looking and hauls her aboard the mammal. He keeps her submerged in the leakpool in the depths of the boat so she doesn’t die. For weeks he’s anxious and doesn’t go inland for months. Every day is  consumed by checking on and taking care of barely conscious xena. After months she opens her eyes and leaves the leakpool when eddie’s busy steering the boat. She disappears for a few days. Although eddie only wishes the best for xena he can’t help but feel somewhat heartbroken as hed wished he’d at  leasst gotten to know her. She comes back after said few days with stuff (furniture, shells, tools and native crafts etc) from the sea and places it all around the boat signifying she is here to stay. Eddie catches xena placing some ripped up sea sponges and they lock eyes  for the first time. Eddie  is in such shock he doesn’t say anything (he usully talkss to himself constantly so this is massive) xena stares at him and smiles and waves and continues to place her things.

#oh yeah the mammal is the name of the boat lol