Cubic Facts

5 years, 5 months ago
5 years, 5 months ago
1 1215

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

I did a meme on Twitter where I had to list 1 fact about my OC for each like. I got too many likes so I'm posting them here instead. ouo;

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The Facts

  1. Cubic has a Bachelors in Computer Science and Cyber Security.
  2. She finished home schooling and was enrolled in college at the age of 16. She graduated with her dual bachelor's by the time she was 20. 
  3. She met her best friends Iggy and Dane in college. Iggy was her roommate and Cubic wouldn't have survived her Freshman year without her.
  4. She never learned how to drive a car so she still doesn't have a driver's license.
  5. She used to have severe social anxiety until she met Checker. He eased her into a more social life after a few months of friendship and then she offered him a room in her apartment.
  6. Cubic and Checker started dating after a few months of living together. It was a slow burn to romance, but Cubic was the first to confess her feelings about him.
  7. She lives in a really nice high-rise apartment and all her friends hangout at her place. 
  8. Her lifestyle was inspired by Friends, which is funny because I've only seen a few episodes.
  9. Checker was the dam that broke her social anxiety and she made a ton of friends through him. Zoe was the next friend she made and she was a childhood friend of Checker.
  10. Cubic learned ASL so she could communicate with Zoe who is mute. Side note, but Zoe normally uses text to speech on her tablet to talk to people who don't know ASL.
  11. Cubic has offered residence to Zoe and Sasha because of incidents in their life. Zoe's apartment was flooded by a burst water pipe. Sasha was kicked out from her parents' home because of "reasons" and she couldn't afford a place on her own because she was in debt to the IRS. 
  12. She loves Chinese takeout and the local restaurant knows her by name because of how often she orders delivery.
  13. She eats a lot of junk, but she's only healthy because she makes sure to occasionally "works out" and eat proper portions. She learned a lot in her health class in college.
  14. She streams games on Twitch under a guise so she can keep her real identity hidden. Somehow she has a large following, which is kinda neat.
  15. She once ate an orange, skin and whole. She also did the same with a banana and various other fruits. They were all done purely as a joke, but her friends were more horrified than anything.
  16. Don't tell her parents, but she accidentally ate a bunch of brownies that Zoe cooked up. She didn't know at the time, but Zoe consumes "medicinal" brownies to alleviate her insomnia. She's a fictional character, so of course she was okay. 
  17. Cubic is too wholesome to smoke weed. It's legal in her world, but the only encounter she's had with the substance was through Joan and Zoe.
  18. I don't know if it's obvious or not, but she really likes the color green. She literally won't wear anything unless green is the primary color.
  19. She's an avid collector of mega bloks and blu rays. This fact is a straight up self insert, but she's basically a pseudo sona. c:'
  20. She's lazy when it comes to food, so she lets Checker do all the cooking.
  21. I consider Cubic and her friends to be in a sitcom setting where they never age and stay in that young adult period of life.
  22. Shhhh don't tell anyone, but Cubic and Checker get hitched in Vegas after a spur of the moment thought. Their friends were happy for them, but also lowkey upset they missed out on such an important event... Oops.
  23. This isn't canon, but Cubic was originally to be in a polymorphous relationship with Iggy and Dane. That thought lasted for only a while because I made Checker not too long after.
  24. Cubic is a huge fan of Metal Gear and she totally has a Big Boss daki on her bed. Her friends are unsure whether it's ironic or not.
  25. She loves Pacific Rim, but absolutely hates the sequel because it tarnishes everything the first film built up. Bringing up the mere mention of the sequel will throw her into an hour-long tirade about all the inconsistencies of characters and lore.
  26. Cubic had a small crush on Dane in college. She didn't pay any attention to it because he was dating Iggy. I like to imagine that in an alternate timeline, Cubic, Iggy, and Dane would have ended up in a poly relationship if she had spoken out about her feelings.
  27. Cubic is straight, but she's confused on whether she's bisexual or not. It's something she'll probably never figure out, but she's fine with that since her heart already belongs to Checker.
  28. Also Zoe was totally gonna ask her out before Checker mentioned that he had feelings for Cubic. There's another "what if" relationship setting for Cubic.
  29. Once a year, all her friends pack up in Iggy's RV and drive cross country to a convention. It's tradition and it serves as a good bonding experience for them all. Cubic was the one to start it up since she's a sucker for conventions.
  30. Iggy used to unwillingly set Cubic up on blind dates back in college. It made her wary to go out in public anytime Iggy invited her out to things. She just wanted Cubic to find a partner, but she was far too timid for that kind of dating.
  31. Cubic used to have a tic where she couldn't maintain eye contact with anyone. She grew out of it once she became friends with Iggy and Dane, but she still suffered from social anxiety until Checker warmed her out of it.
  32. She can type perfectly without looking at her phone. 
  33. Cubic started up a group chat with all her friends and she has a channel specifically for sharing funny memes.
  34. She thinks super salad is a thing at Olive Garden.
  35. She once got banned from a Chinese restaurant because she was stuffing food from the buffet line into tubware she hid in her purse. She doesn't normally carry a purse, so that's already suspicious. She's also the type to sneak snacks into a movie theater.
  36. She's not cheap, but she knows a scam when she sees one. She will never buy carnival food because of how overpriced it is. 
  37. Cubic and Joan have gone dumpster diving behind the local mall. This is probably the most devious thing she's ever done, but she believes that businesses forfeit their right to ownership once they throw away goods.
  38. Cubic has an iron stomach and I'm pretty sure she could eat rotten food if the smell didn't gross her out. I say this, and yet she still won't eat vegetables.
  39. For someone who loves the color green, she sure doesn't care for eating her greens.
  40. One of her spare bedrooms was filled with nothing but Amazon boxes. She eventually got around to recycling them once Checker moved in.
  41. Cubic grew up with no irl friends, so college was a real shock for her.
  42. She went on a year long binge of listening to nothing but Depeche Mode while she was in college. Iggy got annoyed after the first month, but Dane loved it since he's also a huge fan.
  43. Cubic occasionally drinks wine and she gets super bubbly and affectionate when she's drunk.