A Chat Between Friends

2 years, 2 months ago

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"For the last time there is no way you're getting me on that thing." Ketzie glared at the callrune. The watery image of Checkers closed his eyes and shook his head. This was a very familiar conversation after all. It was a wonder that neither of them had really managed to convince the other to give in at this point. 

"I keep saying that nothing is going to happen to you. Look at me! I practically live here and I'm fine." Checker backed up to allow some of the background of the station to be seen. Looks like he was in his quarters at the moment. "The pictures just can't do this view justice Ketz." 

Ketzie huffed and went to grab a part they needed for the arm they were currently working on. "I'm quite content to keep myself inside the planet's atmosphere." They grabbed the piece and walked back over to their work station. "Plus the pictures you send are more then enough." Now where was... Ketzie felt a bump against their leg. Flake held out the tool they needed excitedly. "Ah thank you Flake." They pat the tion's head. 

"Look all I'm saying is, it would be nice to see you in person more often. But I respect your decision. This sort of thing isn't for everyone I suppose." Checker conceded. Both knew that this topic would likely be brought up again but at this point it was just expected. "Hmm how's Faust been anyway?" 

Ketzie couldn't help the small smile that found it's way onto their muzzle. "She's doing well. Currently she's on one of her trips south." 

Checker perked up, confused. "Oh? Don't you usually go with her?" 

A nod. "I try to, but sadly I had some things that I needed to get done so I couldn't join her this time." They shrugged. "I'm used to it though. It's not the first trip I missed and it likely won't be the last." 

"I'm sorry you couldn't go. I know how much you enjoy those trips." Checker paused, adjusting his callrune. "Don't you usually try to visit your parents while you're down there too?" 

"I do, but I already let them know I wouldn't be down there this time. They tend to like to visit Sailing Sunsets. Especially when Faust is there. They like to check on her I think." They popped something into place and looked over their work with a critical eye. Mmmm something was off. Ketzie went to try and adjust it. 

"From what you've told me I feel like your parents have practically adopted her." A short huff of a laugh. "I think it's sweet." 

Ketzie hummed in agreement, distracted. "Yes, I'm glad they like her. It probably helps that at least my dad has know her for as long as I have." There it was, things were working properly now. Ketzie turned to look at the callrune. "They've asked about meeting you by the way. They keep teasing me and saying you don't exist because they've never seen you in person." 

Checker's feathers fluffed up in surprise. "Do they really?" He leaned in with interest. 

"I'm fairly certain that they're only doing it as a joke, but regardless you should come meet them some time. It would be nice." Ketzie grabbed a cloth to start polishing the part they were working on. 

Checker seemed to think for a moment. "Well then I think it's only a fair trade that you come see my parents again. They keep saying how they miss you. I feel like sometimes they say they miss you more than me." 

Ketzie drummed their claws on the table. "You visit mine first. Then I'm sure a reunion between me and your parents can be arranged. Perhaps I can convince Faust to come meet them. It's not too far off our normal course anyway." 

"That's fair. I'm sure they'd love to meet Faust as well. Your parents might have to fight mine off for adoption rights though. There's a reason there's so many fen at home." Checker shook his head fondly. 

"Ah yes, I remember them. I also remember them not being particularly fond of Flake." Said tion affectionately bumped her head against Ketzie's leg. "I don't feel like Mystique would be particularly fond of them either though." 

"Yeah, we can think of something should she decided to join you." Checker looked somewhere off screen. "Ah duty calls. I have to go. We can work out details later. I'll make sure to let you know when my next trip back planet side is. Take care!" With that the callrune when silent. 

Ketzie stashed it away. It would be nice to see him again.