Writing comm for nnecrofancy

1 year, 11 months ago
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Ship writing piece- for: http://aminoapps.com/p/ntdfap


Malls have always had a special place in many people’s hearts for a long while now. But for Vanvey, Gavril and Laremy it was a place to be themselves. The mall in the city was large, but had the feeling of a hometown at the same time. It was weird but familiar for the three so they go back, again and again. No matter how many times each of them has been there, they always seem to get lost, but they dont mind. It has become a tradition of sorts for them. Gavril and Vanvey met in high school, during a history project. Later Gavril met Laremy at an AS IT IS concert in 2014, in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Lars became overwhelmed and upset with the noise and people, so he went and hid in another room. Gavril took notice and went to comfort Lars. Gavril later introduced Lars to Van and the rest was history. They have been going to malls since they were kids, but it has always seemed different when they were with each other. 

They try to keep up their seeming tradition by going to the mall every saturday. They sleep in a bit, then get ready and are off to the city mall by around noon. First they enjoy walking around, taking photos, making funny faces, and trying on sunglasses at the sunglass hut. After the various happenings they go enjoy a spot of lunch, be it sandwiches, hot dogs, or even pizza at times. The mall has so many shops, they like to find a new place to eat every week. It's quite easy based on the sheer size of the city mall. This day in particular they found a photobooth, at first they thought they would have trouble fitting three people in the photo booth. But this one seemed to fit them all nicely. Lars was to the left, Van sat in the middle and Gavril sat to the right, with his leg hanging out the side. Vanvey inserted the coins, then the photo countdown started. In the first photo, Gavril and Lars kissed Vanvey’s cheeks. In the second photo, Gavril, Lars and Vanvey stuck their tongues out, making funny faces. In the third photo they were more serious, portraying smiles. They then pressed print and the machine gave a sudden jolting noise, Lars jumped. Gavril and Vanvey gave a quiet but heard laugh. The machine finally printed the three photos. “Those are keepers!,” Vanvey said enthusiastically. They went on their merry way to the next stop, the local T-shirt place. They shop to get all the new graphic T’s on sale. After posing and joking around in the graphic t store, the three picked their respective shirts, went to the cash register and left onto the next adventure. By the end of the day, the three had bags and bags of stuff, clothes, toys, and some new gadgets to try at home later. They decided to use the elevator. They have never used the elevator in the mall before so they were all a bit worried, but sure that all would be fine. Lars presses the button to the elevator, it takes a moment for the doors to open. Gavril expressed worry when walking in. “Are we sure this is safe?” Gavril exclaimed. Both Lars and Van nodded saying that Gav is just being a worry wart, and to not worry about it. When they were all finally in the elevator, Van pressed the 1st floor button. The doors made a large grinding noise, then closed. The elevator went down a little then grinded to a halt. The lights inside the elevator started to flash a bit. Gavril said to Van and Lars, “Ha, i told you this elevator isn't safe!”. Van and Lars just shook their heads, “sorry, you're always too serious”. Said Vanvey.“Yea,that's true,” Lars continued. After a few moments of silence, they all sat on the floor of the elevator, Gavril continued to tap the “help” button in the elevator. The three of them talked about what exactly got them to the moment they were in now. They talked about how they met once more, and how each moment in their life led to them all finding each other, and taking the final steps and becoming in a relationship with each other. Gavril and Vanvey talked about their time in high school and what was happening to each of them during that day. Lars added in the conversation of what he was doing the day of the AS IT IS concert. Perhaps this was the very moment they needed to truly see the relationship they have, full of love, and friendship, and even perhaps, a little hope for the future. All of a sudden the elevator doors, that were long shut, it seemed, opened and revealed the three to the world outside, more enlightened than ever towards their relationship together and what their future looks like.          


Amino receipt: 

Word count: 800-1k words 

Price: 3.5k coins 

Final word count: 828 words