The TickWook [2021]

1 year, 11 months ago

Mild Violence
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Dove hadn't been this far in the forest before if she was honest yes her cabin was in the forest but it was on the edge and wasn't a long walk from the nearest town however this was further than that. If only Nymble hadn't shown off his new wind magic to her daughter she wouldn't have needed to get this blasted staff. At least she was glad Nymble had agreed to watch her daughter as she tried to get him out of this mess of a situation.

She moved through the forest It seemingly growing dense and denser as she tried moving forward her eyes looking every were for the staff that should be close by now after all he wouldn't have thrown the staff too far? To her relief she was right the wooden staff, unfortunately, stuck in well... a tree a groan coming out of the small bipe as she grabbed on to the tree trunk slowly but surely getting up on to the tree. As she climbed the tree she finaly was able to sit on to a sturdy big branch and soon after stood on it reaching on to the staff and then clipped the staff on to her bag she wasn't risking letting that get lost again. She then looking down the tree squinting at an odd scene unfolding

Her heart froze as she saw a moss covered TickWook moss growing in the cracks the stone body had gotten and.... A wyngling a very familiar wyngling, in fact, getting ever so closer to the said Spite... She felt a feeling of dread coming over her self as she witnessed her daughter unknowingly get closer to a Spite.Dove rushed down the tree tumbling over her self and ran to where she saw the unfortunate encounter hoping to get there fast enough. The TickWook suddenly started moving its big jaws opening as the wyngling got closer all most as it was waiting for a curious gro to get too close for its own good and a terrified Jessy looking up at what she could only believe was a monster come to life. Dove rushed in her glands glowing a fierce red color and then suddenly flames came rushing out of the gray gros palm the smell of burnt plant being very a parent. She then scooped up her daughter from the horrible fate she would have been in if it wasn't for her

She knew a fire bolt wouldn't have stopped the spite, but luckily it was enough to distract the spite from her daughter, However how would she get out now? She wasn't a spite hunter she hadn't gotten training for this for fucks sake she was a librarian! She only knew as much as books told her which were the first reason why she hadn't gone so deep in the forest before. Dove covered her daughter's mouth with a hand and Netty's staff safely strapped onto her bag.

Her glands glowing a bright orange color muting the harsh breathing that she and her daughter had. The TickWook suddenly then hit its large tail at the plates behind its neck and all most deafening tick ringing out threw out the forest. She winced at the loud sound all most smothering the small wyngling in her arms the panic of anything happening to her growing more and more. This would have been easier if her wings had grown in yet but they were still only little not enough to even carry her self. The TickWook slowly but surely started to turn to the two crinkling sounds coming from its joints from not moving in so long not even using its tail to tick. She needed to run it knew where they were despite her using magic to muffle her sound and her daughters. The bipe gro then dashed away